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If you haven't heard the Rick Springfield song ^ listen to it to better understand this story even tho it's not that complicated (ITS A GREAT SONG BTW)

~~~Hailee's Pov~~~

Another night, another party that I didn't want to go to but my friends insisted I went with them. I have quite a few friends but my main group consists of 4 people that's not including myself, I wouldn't say she's my best friend because I love them all equally and they're all amazing but I've known Y/n since we were kids and I'm closest with her so yeah basically she's my best friend and also for the last 4 years or so I've had a massive crush on her that everyone except her knows about

We arrived at the party just us 5 and then the smell of alcohol and potentially weed? hit us and everyone went their separate ways although I decided to stick by Y/n for a bit...until her boyfriend showed up

Theo wasn't a bad guy in fact he's one of the sweetest guys I've ever met which is why I hate him, I'm happy for Y/n really but seeing them together makes my heart hurt and I'm totally not saying that should be me but THAT SHOULD BE ME. I really like her and apparently it's sooo obvious, all our friends know and my family knows hell I think Y/n's family knows too...everyone except her cuz you know love is blind and whatever

I watched Y/n dance with Theo from the bar, they started getting a little more handsy as they danced and I started drinking a lot more shots

It was coming up 2.00am and the party was still going strong for everyone else but I was so close to passing out "Hey!...you okay?" Y/n asked approaching the bar with Theo and I lifted my head up to face her "I feel like I'm going throw up or pass out...or maybe both" I give her a weak smile "okay, that's enough partying for you" Y/n laughs before turning to face Theo "I'm going take her home now" she tells him "I think that's the best idea" he says glancing over at me, Y/n hugs him then turns back around and helps me stand up before walking to the door with Theo following close behind, "You're so nice" I say to Theo and he laughs "No seriously...you're so nice, why do you have to be so nice? I hate you" I tell him "let's get you home shall we, I'll text you when we get there" Y/n assures Theo before walking me over to her car

"Where are your keys?" Y/n asks when we pull into my driveway "Here" I reply throwing the keys up and down "thank you" she says grabbing the keys before I had a chance to catch them again, she gets out the car and walks around to open the door for me

Once we're inside the house I head towards my bedroom and crash onto the bed while Y/n gets some water and painkillers, "Sit up" she says as she walks into my room and over to my bed, I do as she says and sit up before being handed a glass of water and a tablet

I lie back down on the bed and Y/n lies down beside me "Hey" I say turning my head slightly to look at her "Hi" she replies sweetly "Thank you for taking me home" I give her another weak smile as I still feel like passing out "no problem" she shoots a smile back at me "no really...that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me" I sit up a little and lean on my elbow "You're so nice, like super nice...I really like you Y/n and I don't just mean as my best friend I mean I really like you" I started rambling, most things I said were inaudible but of course she heard my confession "I think someone needs some sleep huh?" after a pretty uncomfortable silence she spoke up trying to change the subject, I just nodded my head not wanted to risk confessing anything else

Lil time skip

I woke up with a pounding headache, I didn't remember much of what happened last night or in the early hours of today but i knew exactly why Y/n was sleeping in my bed, she started to stir awake as I lay there not wanting to move as my whole body hurt, "morning" she said groggily lifting her head up to face me "good morning" I replied still tired or better yet hungover "is it...?" She asked smiling "...is it a good morning, you're very hungover" she laughed causing me to laugh, Y/n sat up on my bed and looked down at me for a few seconds "are we gonna talk about it?" She asked quite bluntly, I sat up to be level with her and sighed "you remember too? Great it wasn't a dream" I accidentally say the last part out loud and she softly laughs "I'm sorry Y/n... I obviously wasn't thinking, you know that" I start apologising "Was it true?" She asks, I pause trying to find the right words to say "yes?" I reply sheepishly "yes? you don't seem so sure" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and look down at my hands for a second "Yes...I meant every word, I do Y/n I really do and I know you're with Theo and he's lovely really lovely which is why I'm so jealous of him because he gets to spend everyday close to you, doing all the things that I wanna do..." I start to ramble on but Y/n's lips surprisingly cut me off, when she pulls away she has a look of joy in her eyes "I've been wanting to do that since we were 16..." she expresses once we pull apart "Hailee I really like you too, the only reason I'm even with Theo is because I gave up on you...you'd always find someone new and then that asshole would break your heart and I'd always be there for you to help you get over the jerk" she continues and my eyes widen hearing her confess this "really? Seriously? No joke?" I quickly ask her and she leans in and kisses me again "Does that answer your question?" She asks after she pulls away "what about Theo?" I ask unsure of what she's gonna tell him "don't worry about him...I'll figure that out later" she says and this time I lean in connecting our lips once again


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