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Hailee - 25
Ella - 23
You - 24 (just so everyone knows)

"No Ella...I'm already in comfy clothes, I'm not getting changed again" you groan as your sister tries to persuade you to join her at the Dickinson cast party, "C'mon please Y/n...i don't want to go alone" she replies sitting down next to you on the couch "Now that's just not true, all your cast mates will be there...I've had a long day of shooting today Ella." It's true you had a long day, a meeting with your manager in the morning, magazine shoot almost right after and then filming for a new movie for the rest of the day. It was no offence to your sister, if it was any other day you'd be down to go.

"Fine, maybe I don't need you there but I want you there...you'll finally get to meet everyone, you'll finally get to meet Hailee" Ella says trying to manipulate you by mentioning Hailee, "Stop I know what you're doing" you sit up a bit to face her with a stern look on your face "Stop what?, I'm just telling you you'll finally get to meet the Hailee Steinfeld...your celebrity crush for the past 3 years" she replies making direct eye contact with you "I know you wanna go Y/n"

You sigh and stand up from the couch, "where are you going?" Ella asks turning her head to watch you walk away "to put a damn dress on!" You shout back already half way up the stairs (doesn't have to be a dress, imagine whatever you want)

~~Lil time skip~~

"Having fun yet?" Ella asks when you arrive at the party "We're not even inside yet" you roll your eyes at her and she laughs, Ella opens the door for the both of you and you follow her inside. "ELLA" a familiar American voice shouts after you close the door "Hey Hailee" Ella greets her with a tight hug "and oh my stars...Y/N HEY" Hailee says after pulling away from the hug "HI" you reply matching her energy, Hailee pulls you into a hug which you don't mind and you almost immediately hug her back. geez she gives the best hugs

"Ella can I speak to you alone for a minute?" Hailee asks after your hug "of course" Ella replies looking towards you, "I'll be over here" you point in some random direction then walk away

"How could you?" Hailee says gently hitting Ella on the arm, "what are you talking about?" Ella replies rubbing her arm pretending like she actually hurt her "You invited Y/n even though you know about my...you know..." Hailee tries to finish her sentence but the word won't come out her mouth "crush?" Ella finishes her sentence for her "shhhh..." Hailee brings her finger to Ella's mouth "Yes crush" she continues. "If it makes you feel any better...I forgot so I didn't invite her to annoy you" Ella tries to defend herself "that's supposed to make me feel better?...I can't physically be in the same room as her or I'll start acting like a flustered idiot" Hailee gently hits Ella's arm again causing Ella to laugh "you'll be fine...your holding it together well right now, just talk to her" Ella looks around then spots you by the bar talking to the bartender, "Just talk to her?" Hailee questions "Ye-" Ella begins but Adrian cuts her off "HEY...YOU DONT LOOK LIKE YOUVE HAD ENOUGH TO DRINK" Ella laughs and he takes her hand guiding her away "Talk to her" Ella says while walking away with Adrian

Hailee takes a deep breath before walking over to you, "is anyone sitting here?" She asks once she reaches the bar "nope" you reply spinning round in your chair, "having fun?" Hailee asks sitting next to you "Well lets see, I had a long day and my sister dragged me to a party for a show I'm not in...so yes" you reply sounding a little more rude than planned "I'm sorry that was rude, I'm tired and this chair is not comfortable" you say laughing "wanna sit over there?" Hailee asks gesturing towards a couch in the corner of the room, you nod your head and follow Hailee as she walks over to the couch

"Are you having fun?" You ask her after you sit down "I am now...cast parties are fun but I've had a long day too" Hailee replies smiling at you "This couch is a lot more comfortable than the stool" you say softly laughing, "you have a cute laugh" Hailee says which makes you blush but you quickly turn away hoping she didn't see, "are you blushing?" Shit she saw "nope" you reply not making eye contact, "Y/n" Hailee says putting two fingers under your chin lifting your head up to face her "don't lie" you look directly at her, not that you had a choice as her fingers were still under your chin

You stay like that for a few minutes just staring into each other's eyes before you subconsciously lean in and Hailee does the same, your lips connect in a soft kiss before she starts to move faster. Your lips move in perfect sync as your pace quickens, you climb onto her lap straddling her hips, as you pull inches away for a second to breathe she pulls you closer and slips her tongue into your mouth, you wrap your arms around her neck deepening the kiss further. As the kiss continues Hailee traces her hands down your body resting them on your hips as you begin to rock them

The quite heated make out season is brought to an abrupt end (much to soon in your's and Hailee's opinion) when Anna walks over to you both a little drunk, OH MY GO-

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