𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 {C.W}

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Currently not taking requests cuz of how busy I am with stupid school

~~~Charlie's Pov~~~

A few weeks ago, a new family moved into the house across the street from me and since the day the moved in I've been too nervous to go over. I was working in the garage when a car pulled up outside the house and a family of four got out carrying boxes, a few minutes later a moving truck parked behind the car and two more people got out, although there were six people over there I couldn't take my eyes off this one girl, she looked about my age and she was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen

Yeah so ever since then I've been trying to work up the courage to go over and talk to her, I been working in the garage all summer and this morning like most mornings I woke up quite early to work on my car

~~~Y/n's Pov~~~

I'm not normally I morning person but for the last few days I've been waking up earlier so I can sit and contemplate walking across the street and talking to the cutest girl I've ever seen, a few weeks ago when my family were moving in I noticed this girl Charlie across the street watching from her garage and ever since then I've been deciding whether or not to talk to her. This morning when I woke up it was still a little dark out and through my widow I could faintly see Charlie's garage light on so I decided to shoot my shot and go over

I knocked on the half open garage door and waited for Charlie to turn around, "Hey" she said a bit confused "Hi...sorry if I scared you there" I walked into the garage and leaned back on the door, "Oh n-no you didn't...it's okay" she stuttered a little which was adorable "Watcha working on?" I asked walking over to the car, "Just trying to get the car to work" she replied walking over to stand in front of me "Want some help?" I offered nervously. "You know how to fix a car?" She asked me shocked "Yeah my brother is really into fixing cars so I learned from him" I said and Charlie stuck her hand out handing me a standard ratchet and smiled

She went back to work and I started to un-bolt the carburator from the intake manifold with the ratchet, hours went buy and we hadn't really talked much or taken any breaks so I suggested we stop for a bit, "Hey Charlie...want to take a break?" she rolled out from under the car "Sure!" She replied happily, we both put down our tools and sat down. "So why did you want to help me?" She asked me and I could sense the nervousness in her voice "I don't know...I guess I just wanted to spend time with you" her eyes widened as I spoke "Spend time with me? Why?" She broke eye contact and looked down at her fingers, "You really are oblivious aren't you Watson...I like you like a lot, I wanted to get to know you" she looked up quickly and made eye contact with me again "You like me? Like like me? She asked excitedly and I nodded, "I like you too but I was to nervous to talk to you" I laughed at how adorable she was being and got up from my chair, as I leaned in to kiss her I heard my mom call from across the street "Y/N LUNCH IS READY" I pulled away a bit "Great timing, what a way to ruin the moment" Charlie gently turned my face back to face her and quickly connected our lips, I kissed her back almost instantly and wrapped my arms around her neck. Once air became a problem we pulled away, "Y/N COME ON LUNCH" my mom called out again "I better go" I looked at Charlie and her eyes were begging me not to leave yet but I had no choice, "Do you wanna maybe I don't know...go uh out on a drive tomorrow?" She nervously asked me, "Like a date Watson?...of course sounds good" I reply before softly kissing her lips again then I walk back across the street to my house

~~~Charlie's Pov~~~

Oh my- I just asked Y/n out and she said yes, I made sure Y/n went inside her house before doing a little victory dance


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