20: Explanations

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When you called Josh back he caught you off guard by answering on only the second ring:
"What's up, buttercup?"

When you called Josh back he caught you off guard by answering on only the second ring:"What's up, buttercup?"

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You: "Just calling you back. How are you doing?"

Josh: "Better now."

Something about this boy has brought a smile to your face since the first message.

You: "I'm really glad I ran into you."

Josh: "Me too. I really want a chance to explain myself if you'll let me."

You curled up on your bed with a blanket and prepared yourself for his excuse and hoped it was enough to lower the guard that had been there since he disappeared last week:
"I know you don't owe me another chance but like ghosting you was the last thing I ever wanted to do."

You: "I don't understand… then why did you?"

Josh: "My dad left, suddenly last weekend."

You: "Oh... I'm really sorry."

Josh: "My parents have been married for 22 years and it was just out of nowhere. I'm a grownup and live on my own now so like I'll be fine but my little brother…"

You: "That's hard at any age I'm sure."

Josh: "Will just wasn't taking it well and started getting in trouble at school. My mom asked me to come talk to him and poor kid just broke down to me."

You: "Poor kid. That's a confusing age anyway."

Josh: "I decided to come stay at home for a few days to spend as much time with him as possible. Middle school is hard enough without family drama."

You: "I get it. It's a really beautiful thing he can count on you."

Josh: "I think you're really beautiful."

You covered your face, hoping he didn't see you blush. Something about Josh just felt so different than any other boy you'd dated or any you were currently talking to.  You weren't ready to settle on him yet because you still had a fear of being hurt but you couldn't deny the way he made you feel.

Seeing him in the cafe earlier had just felt like a shot of adrenaline unlike anything you'd ever felt. You spent all night barely able to enjoy your time with Blake because you couldn't get Josh off your mind.

Josh: "I want to see you."

You: "I mean, maybe we can go out sometime. If you ask nice."

You winked at him, playfully and he laughed. The sweetest sound.

Josh: "No, I meant like right now."

His boldness was shocking but felt right. You were scared to seem too eager. What if he'd blowm you off, seen you in the cafe, and then made up this excuse as a chance to try and get a second chance at hooking up with you? Before you could shake off the shock and insecurity in order to respond, your call waiting interrupted. It was a call from Jaden of all people! You were instantly snapped back to reality.

Do we make a date for later and talk to Jaden first or sneak out to see Josh now?

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