chapter 6: Axel's strategy

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The winds were cold and the day was silent. Only the trees were waving its branches.

Axel and Arlene were never so stunned in their life. Theon had this certain omen that makes their hearts pound and their minds boggling. This stranger, wearing the most peculiar outfit, had accussed them of theft.

"Arlene, give him the book." Axel said with a hint of alertness.

"No, Axel." Arlene answered without fear. "I found this book. I own it. I have the right to give it or not!"

Theon's anger subsided. A prince must not succumb to any emotions that could influence decisions. Instead of acquiring the book by force, he attempts to persuade them with the manners he was trained to have.

"Forgive me for my hostility. My name is Prince Theon of the Nether Isles." Theon gave a royal bow to the two teenagers. "Son of the royal King Solomon of the Nether isles Isle and Queen Elizabeth. I have been in slumber for a long while and i wish to return to my father's noble kingdom."

Arlene and Axel gave each other a confused look.
"Lets try it his way. Shall we?" Said Axel, seeing the child-like face of the stranger before him. He looks much younger than both Arlene and himself. How could a kid like this pose much harm?

"Go for it" Arlene mockingly whispered.
"I am Axel Christian Morisson!! I am the son of Mary and Andy Morisson. MY hobbies are travelling and discovering god knows what!" Axel gave a similar bow. " and umm, I like the color red and blue and i live in Angeles City! Thank you very much!"

"Greetings, sir Axel.." Theon said with a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to know you."

Arlene ,seeing the threat gone, began to introduce herself in a much more bulgar way.
"I'm Arlene Moretz and don't bother calling me ma'am or whatever. AND BTW, that means by the way, your accent and your so called manners suck!" Said Arlene.

Theon cringed. This girl before him was very different from the people he was used with. Her language was bizarre to him. For the first time as a prince he was lost for words. The only thing he could say was.

"Pardon me, but... what does my manners suck?" Theon continued. "If I'm not mistaken, 'manners' is a non-concrete word that could not nor will ever suck anything? That thought is proposterous, I might add." Theon had this ludicrous and at the same time confused expression on his face.

Arlene shook her head in annoyance.
"This guy's crazy!"

Arlene gave her 'mean' look right at Theon and said.

"Have you been to a mental institution.. 'prince' Theon?" Arlene said with complete mockery.

"I have not set a foot to this so called land. I never even heard of it."

"GOD!! I think he is crazy.." Axel told Arlene.

"I am quite amazed that you could speak to God." Said Theon with sincere awe. "Many of my subjects have attempted before, with no luck."

"Do you want to come with us, Theon?" Said Axel.

Arlene was infuriated. Her controlled demeanor broken.

"Are you as insane as him, Axel?!" Arlene shouted. "Use your brain for a sec. Why would you want this weirdo with us???"

Theon heard another word that he did not comprehend but he chose to ignore it this time upon seeing Arlene's angered expression.

"This guy is sick. We have to help him." Axel said sympathetically. "We'll call an asylum to pick him up in my house. We can't let him roam the streets, he can hurt himself and someone else." Axel had always been noble and kind but this was out of hand at least in Arlene's opinion.

"So, genius.. how on earth are we gonna make him come with us?"

"Prince Theon, er, your highness. We shall umm, escort you to your palace." Axel said. "Please follow us."

Theon gave Axel a smile of gratitude. "I am eternally grateful for your assistance, you will be most awarded... but, I still request that the book shall be returned to me."

Arlene clutched the book tighter than before. Axel pat Arlene on the shoulders then turned back to the prince.

"Arlene shall umm, hold on to it while we travel, your majesty." Axel gave a pretend bow to Theon.

Theon, believing in truth and justice, did not suspect the act and agreed with Axel.

Arlene looked at Axel with wide eyes. She was impress at him. She, the most controlled and logical person she knows off, panicked and impulsively threatened a stranger whereas Axel, unexpectedly, handled the situation proficiently and with kindness.

The three of them walked towards the clearing, Axel and Arlene were maintaining a good distance between themselves and their unexpected companion, just in case.

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