chapter 83: Marcus' Army

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"And she will not rest until she sees her vision through."

"And what, pray tell, are your reasons for coming here?" Theon stood up. "If you know full well of the threat we now face. Surely, you realized you are heading towards almost certain death."

"I have my reasons." Diana winked. "Some of which are too valuable to be heard by these witches."

"I almost forgot!" Marcus interrupted. "I didn't get to introduce my pals."

"This is Diana, born in texas at 1246 A.D. She was renowned for her immunity to witchcraft in the 19th century. Also, i would consider her as the strongest female vampire in existence. Very deadly and very cunning." Marcus smiled and spoke as if he was presenting jewels to a crowd of peasants who were already vastly aware or the reputation and name of the vampire that slaughtered thousand of formidable people with frightening proficiency.
Diana gave each of the onlookers her deadly and vicious countenance like a lion in the face of sheeps.

"And this guy over here," Marcus walked towards the large brute next to Diana. He was clearly of latin origins. His olive skin was pale yet the brown-ish coloring of his once human skin was still evident. Paired with his chiseled features and unkept raven black hair, he was an intimidating man with contradicting poise and elegance. "Born in Mexico at the year 1460's. He was a gambler, a drug pusher and not to mention, a very powerful vampire. Call him 'chuck'". Marcus smiled casually as the huge man nodded accordingly.

Marcus took another step to present another of his chosen. This time, it was a boy at a ripe, pure age of 15. "Now this one, little Renz. He was born in England in the 9th century. He is extremely fast and skilled in hand to hand combat. Don't let his minute size fool you, he once annihilated 5 werewolves when he was only three hundred and forty eight years old, something i hold in high regards." Both Marcus and Renz smiled welcomely to the audience.

When Marcus walked towards the brunnette beside Renz, he gave a curt giggle. An exciting feeling was consuming his heart. "Now, this rare beauty over here, Mrs. Fiona, was born in France in the late 1300's. As you can see, she has the beauty of a goddess but let it not deceive you for she also has the ferocity of a viper. She was once the torture consultant and executioner of france during her time and she was, indeed, gifted in making people suffer, something only Vienna can possibly surpass her with."

Unlike the other vampires present, she did not smile or wink nor even acknowledge her recognition. She kept a callous demeanor that disturbed several witches present.

"And, last but not the least, i want to introduce Finnick of the pacific regions. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, much unlike his other unfortunate brethren. 2678 years old. Disciplined. Literate. Graceful. Fierce. Confident and smart. And, my best buddy over the years. He is one of the oldest most powerful vampires, second only to me." Marcus gave his friend a lonely applause that was not reciprocated by the audience.

"And of course, i presume, i need no introduction."

"Of course, you are Marcus; Vienna's first vampiric creation, along with Diablo. The three of you hunted witches for a millenium! How could we not know?" Rayna questioned.

Marcus pointed a sharp finger at the female supreme witch. "I assure you, lady. We weren't exactly given free will to do as we please. We were controlled for a millenia. Until, we grew too strong to be controlled anymore. So, she put Diablo down herself: to experiment on the poor canine and create a greater compulsion spell that would work on us then she abandoned me to be subdued by the same coven i am now trying to defend!"

"Compulsion spell?" Mel wisphered.

"Yes, the same spell you used to evacuate the entire city, alas, she possesses a grander scale of that spell. Isn't it lovely?" Marcus said sarcastically.

Marcus' sentiments were interrupted by the entrance of the two witches that Adrian ordered to retrieve the enchanted items.

"Do you have it?" The supreme witch asked aloud.

"Yes sir." They both said in unison. Bringing with them was a sack of mystical items.

"What is that for?" Asked a witch from another coven.

"Something that could call forth a person that can put the tides on our favor." Said Adrian mysteriously as Theon's face brightened.

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