chapter 33: transferred evil

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Earlier at 3:07 am

A lonely black wolf roams the forrest that was once forbidden 3 millenia ago due to the darkness that lies within its soil.

The hunter uses its olfactorum to sense the preys which were scattered throughout the dense trees.

This wolf had lived in this woods his whole life, but tonight, something awfully odd has embraced the vicinity, something insidious, but the lone wolf cares not for the danger lurking. He was too ravaged with hunger and either way, if he eats no food today, danger or not, he would die anyway.

He continued his search for game, perhaps a squirrel or two? Or a deer perhaps? He made no noise as he continued his search. With the great use of his sense of hearing, he heard the clicking noises of a raccoon, not too far away. Although, he was exhilerated by the thought of food frolicking near footsteps away, he remained calm and logical for the kill.

He stayed within the background as he saw what he was looking for. He licked his lips and bared his teeth, all the while being invisible to the little nibbling critter. He was puzzling up the pieces on which strategy was the perfect action to deliver to get his prize.
Eventually, he was ready to kill and consume. He walked carefully towards the raccoon but something got to it first. The wolf straightened its menacing pose as he looked at the culprit who stole his dinner; thin air. In his wolfy vision, the food he was eager to have was devoured by an unseeable force that gulped the entire animal whole, leaving traces of blood in the dried up leaves on where the raccoon used to stand.

Suddenly, in his wolfy peripheral vision, he saw a blonde young girl, who was walking gracefully and calmly, an odd sight for a child lost in the woods. He turned his head to look directly at the girl approaching him. His belly was rumbling in hunger, he does not attack humans often, but in this particularly rare occassion, when need be, he will. He was beginning to brace himself to charge at the golden haired girl who was still walking with grace and cool.

He noticed that the child was pale as snow, with hair as golden as the sunset. She was wearing all white, and along her stark white skin, her resemblance to a phantom was quite on track. The wolf does not care, phantom or not, he needs to eat.

The wolf, with its gift of speed, rushed at the young girl, ready for the kill. The blonde child paused for a moment, her gray eyes were piercing the charging wolf, literally. With one flicker of a brow, the girl was able to bring the wolf down on its paws, writhing with pain. Its spine, bent in an unfathomable position, was cracking with the intense pressure. Its eyes were crying tears of blood as the poor wolf wailed in sheer agony, making a whimpering sound that only a newborn puppy could say aloud without losing its pride to the other dogs.

The blonde young girl smirked at the torment that her power has brought.

"Bad doggie." She said. "And you know what i do to bad dogs?"

The frontal legs of the poor animal began to shake uncontrallably and eventually, they contorted horribly, causing them to break and its bones to protrude from the once proud limbs of a wolf. The once formidable hunter fell down and continued its whimpering. He was panting heavily at the intense pain and agitation.

"I punish them," the young girl continued. With a strong gesture of her hand, she sent the broken animal flying through the air with great force, crashing at one of the thick trunks of the towering trees. It landed... dead, with every bone broken.

The young girl smiled with enthusiasm as she continued her walk towards the deeper parts of the forest. All the while, her presence caused the once towering trees to bend and wither out along with the bushes, flowers, leaves, and fruits.

When she reached a small clearing, she looked down at the perfect geometrical circle, which she had cloaked so that no one could find it. She had created this secret passage many years ago. With a simple encantation, the blonde young girl vanished into thin air. In truth, she teleported underground, where she had lived and hid three thousand years ago.

The place she is now in was extremely dark and foul. She fixed that all up with a snap of her finger; the candles lit up, illuminating the place and the odor vanished immediately. She made these unhospitable conditions to discourage those who would accidently find this hideout of hers, only she could dispell the darkness and the odor on which she, herself conjured.

The place was a lonely room with no windows nor doors. Animal skins were abundant everywhere as much as the candles were bright. Large, rusting metal chains were hanging from ceiling to ceiling, this was meant to contrict unwanted intruders, magically ofcourse. In the center of the room lies a huge wooden table, full of pouches, containers, jars (which contain all kinds of wicked things), a couldron and even more horrifying, blood stains with countless of devices meant for torture or surgery. Below the table lies a properly ornamented red coffin with unknown contents. This wasn't the only casket in the room however. In the corners of the place, there were at least 6 more coffins scatterred in the area.

The blonde young girl seems to be thinking about a certain decision.

Eventually, she has decided that she would use the coffin at the far left corner. With a simple flicker of her pale fingers, the said casket was pulled towards her with no visible forces to enact it. With another chant, the coffin's lid flew open by itself, revealing its contents. There that lies at the coffin was a mahogany colored haired woman at her 30's. Her wrinkles were faint, her nose were thin and straight, her lips were dry and full, her olive skin was a little powdery due to the dust that was accumulated for years. Her attire was all in gray and seems to be from the victorian era from the 15th century. What's more peculiar about the corpse lying at the coffin was the fresh bright red scar on her forehead with an intriquete design. An "X" that over laps a horizontal line across.

"Hm, i was saving this body for a special occassion." Said the young child. "And i guess, it is time. Afterall, i want only that which is best for my immortal. I want him to see me as i tear this town apart until they would forcibly and entertainingly surrender what is rightfully mine and this is the perfect body to use; new, discrete and unknown."

The young girl smiled. "Let us begin."
With a gesture of her hand, a silvery scalpel floated towards her. She opened her palm willingly, she slid the sharp part of the scalpel across her opened hand and a steady flow of blood came out from the incision. She placed her blood dripping hand directly at the bright scarred forehead of the woman, she steadied the blood towards the "X". The more blood that came down, the more faded the scar become. Finally, after the last blood was drawn, she said an incantation and the bleeding stopped.

The girl smiled, "now for the last part." Swiftly, she plunged the scalpel right at her own throat, at the jugular. A stream of warm blood burst out and her body fainted to the floor, dead.

There was a brief moment of silence, a silence which was later broken by the once-seemingly-immobile-corpse lying at the casket. The woman with the mahogany hair sat up from her death bed and looked around. Her dark brown eyes later turned gray and a familiar smirk of a blonde young girl was emulated by the woman.

"This is it." She grinned. "Now, for the first step." The woman stood up and gracefully walked towards her work table. 

"It's time to make myself known." The woman grabbed a worn down, rusty  and abandoned phone that was lying readily at her table.  Vauna acs vassat, vauna eca vissat, vauna acs vassat, vauna eca vissat, she moaned. Then, the cellphone turned to stone. "This shall take down all forms of digital communication from the outside." Said the witch. "When i strike them down, no one can call for help. No one."

An evil laugh echoed throughout the room as Vienna prepared to unleash another curse which would allow her to influence the media and other mortal communications.

The wicked witch too, was preparing for battle.

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