chapter 82: Vampires and Witches

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Insideous dark vines steadily grew in nearly every corner of the city. No single edifice was spared of the plant life. They clung to every posts, benches, stores, malls, houses and buildings it could find. In addition to the mass evacuation of people from the city, every single facet became a symbol of insideous abandonement and isolation. Cob webs were already forming. But, alas, these dark omens weren't natural at all. In the mark of a dangerous  vile aura that is to come, the city itself withers with her great and evil power.

"Just a few more ounce of magical potential, and they will all fall." She wisphered through the lonely air of the abyss.

She was in the furthest outline of the city. Scattered before her were dessicated corpses of dark and bloody creatures. These vermins were laying on the concrete floor as she chants her hexes.

She ammased at least 30 vampire battalion, 10 powerful witches of her own choosing and perhaps, her foremost weapons: the werewolves.

Each of her soldiers bore a uniformed "V" shaped symbol in their chins, even the werewolves were not spared of the predicament.

"Moitro vorenu mitrue von vesch ascvasad." She repeatedly chant and as she did, the symbol in the chins of her servants glowed dark purple.

With one heavy sigh, she stared at the bodies laying before her. "It is done. You're all mine to control. Now, stand before your god!"

As if on cue, everyone obeyed obediently, they all sat up in stunning unison.

"Flammel," Adrian said with gritted teeth. "What is taking so long?"

"I would appreciate it if silence would be gifted to me." Mel responded sparringly. "Locating a witch of Vienna's calibre would take formidable amount of strength."

Mel was sitting on the white floor of the dome alongside Theon who was holding her hand in hopes of accentuating her power. In front of the old witch lies a map of the world. Arlene's grandmother had her eyes shut tightly, her wrinkles were reforming due to the amount of concentration she was applying with her locator spell which was in an advance level than the ones performed by other witches: a testament to their foe's might.
"She must've cloaked her aura." Mel wisphered.

"Then un-cloak it." Adrian ordered.

"It is not that simple, my friend." Mel admitted. "I need more power than the prince's immortality."

"Fine." On instinct, Adrian lend his hand, and consequently, the power of a hundred witches, to Mel.

And the woman continued her chant with growing success.

Elsewhere, James was shuddering in the far corner of the room and only Arlene and Miku were there to comfort him.

He was muttering half-senseless words to the air, as if he was talking to an inconceivable person.

Arlene, after a full 15-minutes of attempting to comfort the Filipino man, succumbed to her drowsiness and fell asleep, leaning at the cold white wall of the dome. It wasn't exactly a five star hotel bed but her tedious body and soul needed all the rest they need, and she acquiesced to what her body requested.

The dome was filled with familiar faces and also, unfamiliar ones. Witches of different ages, races and genders were gathering in the dome. The distinction between the people present can not be overlooked but despite their differences, they all have but one singular motivation; to end Vienna's reign, once and for all.

Harry and another male witch named Gail welcomed the new comers while shaking their hands and wishing them good luck. Most of the visitors gave them a curt nod and smiled.

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