chapter 25: vengeance and potential

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A short while after Vienna's unexpected visit, Theon, Mel and Arlene finally woke up after they were released from the witch's powerful illusion. They were all confused, scared, paranoid and all of them knew that next week would be their death dates. Axel, on the other hand, was scratching his head, wondering what the hell happened. Never had Axel felt more useless, but what else can he do? He's mortal, not a witch, not an immortal, just a mundane. But at this point, he knew he was lucky for the fact that he has nothing to give Vienna or else he would also be targetted.

Minutes later, Arlene and Theon were sitting at the sofa, still completely exhausted while Mel was restlessly walking back and forth, trying to come up with a strategy to defeat Vienna. Axel was preoccupied in getting them glasses of water while asking tons of questions.

"So, did it work? Are we cloaked from that chrone?" Asked Axel.

"Yes, it worked, Axel. Given the fact I can not sense any aura from Theon or Arlene any further. I say that the spell has succeeded." Answered Mel, still moving back and forth. "But, she isn't finished with us and from what I've witnessed, her power is stronger than ever and I know for a fact, this cloaking spell would not prevent her from finding us, it will only delay her." Mel continued. "Atleast, this way, she will not be able to sense us."

Arlene and Theon were speechless, not because they don't have anything to ask but they were just simply drained out. Axel did all the asking for them.

"So, what happened back there?"

"She plunged us into an illusion of sorts." Answered Mel. "And she gave us a proposal to give her the immortal in exchange for our freedom."

Arlene was the one to speak this time, regardless of her exhaustion.
"But, we are NOT giving Theon to her, right?"

Her tone was more of a statement than a question.

"Good heavens, no." Answered Mel, pausing her back and forth movements. She looked at Arlene in the eyes and explained. "It is obvious, whatever she wants with Theon is bigger than anything that she has ever done before. She is willing to give up one of her servants and to top it off, she is also willing to release every curse she has inflicted upon me and she is not the type of person who would let go of a grudge."

"Grandmama," wisphered Arlene. "What curse are we talking about?"

Mel inhaled deeply. She closed her eyes in pain as she answered Arlene's painful question. "As a retribution for defying her, she cursed me and my bloodline."

"Grandmama, what are you talking about?" Asked Arlene, furrowing her brows in an attempt to comprehend Mel's words.

"She was responsible for your grandfather's death, Arlene." Said Mel sadly.

"I thought grandpapa died of---"

"Cancer." Mel finished Arlene's sentence for her. "Yes, he did. But it wasn't natural, it was Vienna's curse and as a price for escaping her for love and freedom, she cursed my husband to die with that horrid disease and, she claimed this curse would last for generations, as long as my bloodline would last." Mel continued. "Which is why i highly discouraged your father to marry your mother, i didn't want to have another innocent blood be spilled because of her." Mel's tears flowed from her eyes like waterfalls.

Arlene's eyes started to water as she realized what this meant. Axel sat next to Arlene and tried to comfort her as best as he could.

"But, but," Arlene stuttered. "That means, mother..." Arlene gushed out tears of immense pain. "Mother will die!?!"

"I'm so sorry, Arlene.." Mel wiped her tears but new ones started to flow down again. She approached Arlene and hugged her tightly. Theon watched the grandmother-grandaughter moment and realized that Arlene's mother would be taken away from her just as his mother was taken away from him by the exact same person.

"...witch." Theon growled. "She has taken so much from us."

Arlene regained her composure and sat down properly. Mel sat next to her, hands on her shoulders. Suddenly, grief wasn't the emotion Arlene was feeling right now but anger and she was full of it.

"How do we kill her?!" Arlene looked at Mel, anger flowing through her. "She has done too much, killed too much and now, i just want to bring her to hell!!" Tears of anger were released in Arlene's eyes.

"Arlene, if we are to have an inevitable battle against Vienna, you would have to learn magic, and fast." Answered Mel. "Although, one week can not guarantee your complete mastery of magic but at least you have some sort of defenses."

"Teach me." Said Arlene, strongly, courage glowed immensely from her brown eyes. Axel looked at Arlene intently.


"Drop it, Axel." Said Arlene, interrupting Axel. "I've made up my mind. I'm learning magic."

"I have to say, i am quite impress" said Mel. "Average witches develop their potential at ages 18-20 but you're young, i can predict, you could one day be a very powerful witch." Mel smiled warmly at Arlene, still teary eyed.

"When do we get started?" Said Arlene.

"Now," answered Mel. "And for that we also require the golden book."

"I'll go fetch it." said Axel, wanting to help.

"No need," answered Mel. With a wave of her hand, the golden book appeared in front of her. She grabbed the book that was floating in mid-air and carressed it. "We have been looking for this for half a century."

"We?" Asked Theon, eyeing Mel.

"Who's we?" Asked Arlene. Axel crossed his arms and jerked his head.

"The coven," answered Mel.

"Coven?" Axel furrowed his brows. "what the hell is that?"

"Group of witches who are dedicated to end Vienna once and for all." Replied Mel. "We are not alone in this war."

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