chapter 41: deadly lullaby

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Dawn... 5:30 am

"Well, it's awfully quiet." Said Arlene, her voice echoing.

The orange light of the sun illuminates the sky, where dark blue clouds are scattered. It was early sunday morning.

Surprisingly, they were alone on the lonely streets of the city. They were on their way to Axel's.

"I wonder if Axel fell asleep after last night." Arlene wondered. "Meh, he's a professional sleeper."

As usual, Theon was more preoccupied on indulging with the modern objects all around him, and with his vampiric improved vision, he's seeing it all in a higher scale which continues to amaze him.

Something did distract him however, it was a flapping sound, he instinctively followed the source of the noise; it wasn't in front, it wasn't behind, neither was it from left or right, it was above, in the sky. At first, it would have looked like a fast moving black cloud but with his magnified sense of sight, he knew what they really were; a cluster of black birds. Crows.

The two children paused for a minute to watch the flock of canaries roaming the sky. They weren't going on a specific location, they weren't migrating. What was odd, they were flying in circles. Westward, there was another group of flying crows, also traveling in circles. They reminded Arlene of that which she have learned in biology, vultures. Vultures are scavengers that often fly in circles above a dying carcass, devouring the animal the moment it took its last breath. A sickly thought came over Arlene again as she realized, these crows symbolize the mass death that is to come when Vienna shall arrive. They are the vultures that will devour the flesh of the dead; Vienna's victims. It seems, they've come a week too early.

"We better hurry," Arlene grabbed Theon by the arm, dragging him to go along.
"I don't like these birds."

Theon came along willingly, this time, they were brisk walking. Trying to ignore the hawking of the crows above them until, one bird did something new. The crow came down in front of the two children, blocking their path, staring at them curiously. They would've just dismissed the peculiarity of this lone crow when it began to sing a lullaby with a human-like voice.

Frightened, Theon and Arlene quickly walked past the canary which continued its hymn, echoing throughout the city. But then, ten more crows lowered themselves below ground, they seem to be watching Theon and Arlene intently, with their pitch black eyes.

Arlene tried to shoo the birds away but failed. They called off her bluff. So, Arlene and Theon continued their way to Axel, trying to ignore the odd scene unfolding around them. Arlene reached for her phone to call her grandma, or at least Axel, to tell them what is happening outside.

Your call can not be reach. Answered the phone.

"Dammit!" Said Arlene.

"Pardon?" Asked Theon, not knowing what was the definition of the word Arlene used three seconds ago.

"Nevermind." Replied Arlene.

One by one, crows were landing at the city's ground, all glaring at the two. Arlene and Theon were getting horribly disturbed at the actions of the canaries. Crows don't usually do this, right? Arlene began to question her wisdom on biology. Suddenly, to their horror, all the crows joined in with the lullaby of the first crow that landed. They sang gracefully and harmoniously. Their voice were coordinated and the rhythm was profound and enchanting and not to mention, horrifying. Given the fact, there weren't any people on the streets besides them, they were scared beyond belief. Furthermore, these birds all have one thing in common; they have human voices. A high pitched voice, both beautiful and unnerving.

Arlene and Theon walked through the horrors of the crows. They figured, if they run, these crows would react violently. But what if Theon carried Arlene and run as fast as he can? No.. he does not know the way to Axel's house, nor any places in the city for that matter and every little thing in the modern world confuses him. If he rans with the speed of a falling star, what prevents him from colliding with a post? Or a street light. Sure, he could survive a million impacts with a diamond wall, but can Arlene? Nope, running wasn't an option. What if they fight the birds? With Theon's strength and speed, he could eliminate them.. but, these birds were countless, and if they attack one, surely its brethren will attack simultaneously. They had no choice but to walk, calmly.

"These birds, they're watching us." Theon stated the obvious. Arlene did not reply, she's trying to avoid eye contact with the crows, that seem to stare at her very soul. She tightly held Theon's arm, in a defensive manner.

Suddenly, as if contended of what they saw. The crows strided towards the sky again, flapping their wings noisily, continuing their normal bird-like hawking sounds. As usual, they roamed in circles; eyeing the city with their demonic sharp eyes. In that instance, sensing the tension gone, Theon carried Arlene on his arms as easily as one would carry a rag doll, and in an instant, they were gone, as fast as a bullet was Theon's speed.

Luckily, they did not collided with any objects and the birds did not follow them. They were a few blocks away from Axel's home. They walked as they talked.

"Those birds were horrifying." Panted Arlene. "And their voice, so human-like."

"Vienna." Said Theon simply. "It must be her, she's using the crows to keep a close eye on us."

"Are you sure?" Asked Arlene, already knowing the answer.

"Absolutely." Replied Theon in a prince like confidence. "Didn't you hear what they were singing? Base on the words they uttered, no doubt they're Vienna's creatures."

"Words?" Arlene furrowed her brows. "They were only humming in a very weird nerve wrecking way."

"No, they were uttering words along with their rhythm." Said Theon.

Arlene comprehended the differences between what they've heard. Theon has supernatural hearing now, while she has normal mundane ears. He could probably hear things that only he can hear. "It's probably one of the perks of having vampire ears." Arlene winked. "Anyway, what were the birds saying, exactly?"

Theon began the chant that which he heard from the crows awhile ago, unnerving and terrifying Arlene even further.

"One, two... she has come for you...

Three, four.... nothing's what they seem...

Five, six.. she will burn us all...

Seven, eight... need not see her face...

Nine, ten... she shall be your end."

Arlene went silent as Theon finished conveying what he has heard from the voices of the crows. The two of them, shaken to their core, approached Axel's porch.

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