chapter 44: Adrian's resolve

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Arlene and Theon stepped out of Axel's house, a dull expression resided in their faces.

"Well, I hope Axel's parents won't mind the grotesque crack on their kitchen floor or their missing door, oh and i sure hope they won't notice their missing son too." Said Arlene sarcatically. It was clear in her voice she was profoundly irritated and depressed.

"I'm sure they'll notice." Said Theon simply as they walked. "They have my sympathies."

"Well, it will be hard to conceal these all to onlookers." Sighed Arlene. "But what's the point? They'll all be dead anyway." Arlene continued hopelessly. Tears were flowing down her eyes. "No, NO. No more tears!! I've cried way too much within just 24 hours. NO!"

The blonde prince held Arlene's hand to show her that they are together in this, that they have each other.



"What's taking so long Angeal?" Asked Adrian.

"Complicated spells like this requires accurate profficiency, and therefore requires time, Adrian." Answered Angeal.

The three thousand years old witch was waving his hands on top of a typical glass of water, obviously in concentration. Ripples formed in the water's surface as Angeal began his encantation.

"Este norm vitos liquous vacinte, bareou vitus vincintei, vienna viscus protegus."

The other hundred witches watched patiently for Angeal's spell to be done. They were clueless of what the young boy is performing before their eyes, while the few that remained, including Miku, volunteered to give Grizelda "a proper" funeral and to clean up the blood stains she left behind everywhere.

"Sir Adrian." Said a dark haired witch named April. "What are you making him do, exactly?"

"A potion." Adrian was slightly irritated to be questioned, regardless, he continued to explain. "The wicked witch can manipulate anyone of us, unless we are stronger than her. This is an assurance she would not be able to enter our heads."

Suddenly, two silver doors opened and cameforth three other male witches. They were bringing plant roots, an imposing looking snake and a huge heavy bag of salt. The three witches were well built and all three possessed very masculine features, it was clear, they were Adrian's trusted soldiers.

"Sir!" Said the one holding the python. "We have retrieved the items that sir Angeal asked for."

"Lay them down in front." Ordered the supreme witch, not breaking his gaze at Angeal.

After placing the ingredients in front of him, Angeal immediately levitated the snake a few inches on top of the cup of water then with a twitch of his fingers, the snake's skin ruptured and burst, giving a bright red stream of blood unto the cup, causing the clear liquid to turn dark pink in color. Angeal closed his fist gently and the reptile disappeared in thin air.

Next, Angeal gestured towards the freshly uprooted roots and just like the python, it floated inches above the cup. Angeal stared at the levitating root intently causing it to ignite. The ashes of the roots came falling down accurately towards the concoction.

Lastly, Angeal took a handful of salt and sprinkled it around the cup and recited his chant.

Meanwhile, Miku approached Adrian and grimaced. "We're not gonna drink that are we?"

Adrian dismissed her remarks and continued to stare at Angeal's work with a stern expression. "Is it done?" He asked hardly.

"It is." Angeal finished. "You can be assured that this potion is quite efficient." He promised.

"So, we have to drink it???" Miku repeatedly asked, this time addressing it to Angeal, who smiled as he saw her expression of disgust.

"Well, typically, it has to be ingested." Said Angeal, much to Miku's horror but before she could voice out or--- exagerate her protest, Angeal revoked his words. "But, that is quite an old fashion tradition and i must say, it is quite tedious to repeat the same procedure a hundred times."

"Oh!! Goodie goodie!!" Said Miku, relieved. "But how are we gonna do it, then?"

"Well, one of us has to drink it while the others would be connected to him, therefore magically spreading the potion to individuals who share that bond." Angeal explained, looking at the supreme witch.

"Then i shall." Adrian volunteered. "As the supreme witch, it is my duty to all of you."

Angeal smiled at his "son's" valor. "This. This is what I like in you, Adrian."

"Is it ready?" Asked the supreme witch impatiently.

"Yes, i have connected you with everyone else present in this dome, including Theon and his comrades. I did it before i even started to create the potion."

Adrian gave a sour look at the mention of the immortal's name. It was obvious that he possessed an undescribable pestering attitude towards Theon because of how he won Angeal's favor against himself.

He looked at Angeal with a cold glare as he took the cup and drank it straight without faltering or hesitating.

Angeal smiled as he watched Adrian finish the cup with little to no discomfort. Drinking a potion mixed with ash and blood was no walk-in-the-park experience and the taste was sublimely horrible but Adrian endured it with a soldier like countenance.

After finishing the cup, the supreme witch raised his fist in the air as a sign of victory and everyone cheered in support.

"Now, let's get down to business...!" announced Adrian, silencing the crowd.
"Forbidden spells are forbidden because of the strains it put on the body and soul but here on out, what is forbidden is what needs to be practiced upon. The witch will bear all her powers against us and we must do everything to win the war!! Casualties is unavoidable but winning is much more important than individuality! Have i made myself clear?!"

"YES!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Btw, guys... i published another book called death by sleep... its officially the book 2 of three thousand years good night... prologue and chapter one are officially published.. u may read it before ending book 1, it wont spoil anything from book one's finale... i promise. Hahaha XD

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