chapter 26: a debt to remember

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"Are you ready to go?" Asked Mel, giving Arlene one of her infamous inquiring look.

"Let's go." Said Arlene, wiping the tears out of her cheeks.

Mel and Arlene stood up.

"Theon must come with us," Mel looked at the blonde immortal being who also stood up by now. "He needs to be protected."

Theon nodded. "Then I shall gladly go with you."

"Umm," Axel was scratching the back of his head. "How about the most handsome boy in the room?" Gesturing at himself. "No offense Theon."

"It would be much convenient if he stays here," replied Mel. "The place we are going aren't for mortals."

"Well, I suppose somebody has to guard my house while my parents are gone." Said Axel, dismissively.

"Axel," sighed Arlene. "We'll be back, I promise."

Arlene gave a huge bear hug for Axel on which he quickly reciprocated. "Take care." He wisphered to Arlene's ear.

"Come along then." Mel started to stride towards the door. Theon followed after her, as he did,he gave a friendly good bye look at Axel. Axel gave a pay back wink at Theon as he went out with Mel. "Take care of my clothes, blondie." Axel called out.

"I guess this is farewell." Said Axel to Arlene, who was holding his hand.

"Not farewell," answered Arlene, shaking her head compassionately. "Just, until we meet again."

"Yeah" responded Axel. "Until we meet again. At school probably, right? On monday?" Axel grinned.

"Axel," Arlene's face went stern. "I don't know if i can continue studying at this rate. I mean, how can i study if i know there is a witch out there ought to get my grandmother, and cursed my bloodline. Of course, we also have an immortal for a companion and I'm a witch."

"Yeah, i guess you're right." Axel nodded. "Well, let me escort you until the front porch." Axel smiled.

Together, Axel and Arlene walked towards the front door, still holding hands. When Axel twisted the knob, and swing the door open, he saw Mel and Theon waiting for them outside.

"Good bye, Arlene." Said Axel, one last time.

"Good bye, Axel." Arlene responded. Arlene blushed at the thought of giving Axel a farewell kiss on the cheek, but she decided she'll save it some other time. She later untangled her fingers from Axel's grip and was about to say one last reminder for Axel when the latter kissed her straight in the cheeks.
Mel, who witnessed their passion, crossed her arms on her chest and shook her head as a form dissaproval. Theon was more preoccupied on staring at the street lights and parked cars on which he has no name for, and which he has never seen before. He wondered how they work and what are they used for.

Arlene blushed uncontrollably. She savored the passion of touch that Axel's lips have on her left cheek. Her thoughts were blank and her eyes were opened but it was as if she was looking at nothing. Her heart pumped faster and harder to the point that she felt its pulse from her chest. She felt as if time slowed down, there was this powerful feeling she felt inside of her that was even more intense than Vienna's aura. Was this love? She wondered.

Axel, in Arlene's disappointment, eventually withdraw from his kiss.
It was a magical moment for Arlene, a magic that Axel was able to conjure despite the fact that he was a mundane.

"Now off you go" said Axel, smiling his most heart throbbing smile. Arlene, on the other hand, tried to control her emotions of passion and decided to place her hands on her waist, in false bravado

"Don't you dare forget about me, jerk." Arlene poked Axel on the arm.

"Never," Axel raised his brows while shaking his head. "Dork."

Arlene giggled as she blushed.

"Oh and, you owe me something." Axel frowned.

"Axel! You know i never fail to a pay a debt nor to forget about it." Arlene crossed her arms, annoyed. 'I'm positive i don't owe you anything."

"You owe me three things." Said Axel.

"And what may that be?" Arlene raised her left brow and gave Axel her invective look.

"One, you owe me a house cleaning activity. Your magic ruined my house!" Axel grinned.

"And one," said Arlene, strongly. "It was to conceal ourselves from a rediculously powerful witch that might just kill us all."

Axel rolled his eyes. "Second, you owe me one day of adventure. Given the fact i let you off the hook for tomorrow's adventure in exchange for learning God knows what, you should at least save another day to meet up with me, okay?"

"And second," sighed Arlene. "Um, duh? Of course I will..."

"And the third and most important debt." Axel continued. "You owe me that you will one day return to your best bro so i can give you another upgraded kiss." Axel winked. "Okay?"

Arlene stared at Axel, fighting to fight of her blush. She tried to say another comeback, but no words came out from her lips, she merely nodded.

"I would also appreciate it if your grandma could fix up the house before my parents come." Axel wisphered.

"Yes." Arlene nodded.

"Well, off you go." Said Axel.

Arlene turned her back at Axel and when she knew he wasn't looking, she smiled passionately while blushing.

Axel watched Arlene joined Mel and Theon and they walked through the darkness of the night and when their figures faded from the shadows he went back to his house to clean up the destruction caused my Mel's spell.

He was soon astounded that the place was back to the way it was before, no cracks, the lights were in good condition, no dusts and no evidence that a spell ever occured here.

"Thanks, Mrs. Moretz." Axel wisphered.

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