chapter 62: back to the dome

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The roads were engulfed with the air of twilight. Everything was in a shade of blue. The clouds shone minimal light, and the streets were silent.

Only a few people could be seen outdoors, and these remaining mundanes are preparing for the vacation/evacuation that the coven persuaded them with.

Arlene felt the war coming, sooner than later. This aura of silence and seemingly innocuous scene gave a rising chill within her. This place will be a blood bath.

She could imagine the blood scattered across the buildings, the crows swarming in the sky, the bodies left to rot, and the mass destruction.

Her city would be ravaged into destruction. In time, she knew, even her family must be evacuated immediately.

A few walks away, she stared at a familiar building on which she usually goes to for years everyday. This building is now shrouded with darkness, no bulbs of light burns in its ceilings. The school was like an abandoned mess. No security to guard the entrance, no students, no teachers. Usually, she would have been ecstatic at the sight of a class-less day, but this was completely different.

Theon, on the other hand, looked... bored. There is no other word for it. His mind was focused on one thing; destroying the vile witch. All those unfamiliar and peculiar objects around him are cloaked, not by a spell, but by his tremendous rage and grief. Every step he made, every dire breathe was accompanied by an angered clenching of his fist as he imagines the different possibilitoes and ways of killing Vienna. Perhaps i should boil her in lead? he thought, nonsense, she does not deserve anything as mediocre as that.

Another crow landed on one of the street lights, making hawking sounds. It was staring at Theon with its black eyes. Eventually, it's bird-like gawking turned into bird-like hymn of a familiar song.

When Mel saw their little spy, she extended her feeble fingers towards the canary and made a quick twitch along with the word. "Neveur".

The bird was manipulated into twisting its own neck, and twist it did, killing the animal instantly. It fell to the ground without a sound. Everyone, like Arlene's mother, did not react to the display of magic. What a powerful incognito spell, thought Arlene.

She watched her grandmother's back as they walked towards the brick wall. Arlene's eyes was full of awe as she imagined herself as her grandmother; a powerful witch and a powerful woman.

Mel sensed her grandaughter's aspirations and tried to hide her smile. "Neveur" she said.


"That's the spell." Explained the old witch. "Neveur."

Arlene nodded silently.

"It's a very rare spell, Arlene." Added Mel. "I knew of it when i was under Vienna's tutelage."

Arlene grinned dimly. "I wouldn't be surprised if every killing spell you know belongs to her."

Mel did not respond. Arlene felt she offended her grandmother to a small extent but, in this very moment, she does not care.

When they arrived at the brick wall, only Arlene could see through the illusion. Her gift. But she knew better now than to break it herself, she waited for Mel to say the password by tongue.

"Ashi ni kyou miteriyu no myendu revendu ashiteru kono." Mel wisphered.

Suddenly, on the non-arlene vision of non-breaking cloaking spells, the brick wall gave way to create an entrance like it did before.

Theon went first, then Arlene and finally, Mel. As they entered, the brick wall's powerful spell has reset and formed another new layer of bricks in replacement of the old.

They walked quietly within the dull tunnels, heading for the main dome.

Theon was filled with trepidation, he does not know what he will feel or do once he revisits the place of his uncle's merciless grave. His uncle, his mother and the source of his strength all in one place would surely allure some unfavorable response. He was certain of this.

When they finally reached the silver doors, the immortal prince could hear laughters and booming sounds.

"A feast?" Said Theon outloud, insulted. Only three days have passed when they lost their pillar, three days when they lost their most powerful member, only three irrevocable days when they lost Angeal. Now they're celebrating? Idiotic, ungrateful hypocrites.

When the silver door finally opened.

A quick intense jet of light cracked the dome's wall, just inches from the silver door's linings.

Everyone was weaving their wands tightly in their hands, targeting grotesque dummies.

Miku was high in the air, powerful purple colored spells emanating from her wand, aiming and hitting moving targets floating around her.

One person was so graceful in her attacks she seemed to be dancing.

A brute figure at the center of the dome was unleashing violent red hexes at his traget, incinerating everything on its touch.

Eventually, the cracks and damages caused by the coven witches healed/recontructed itself immediately, all thanks to a certain enchanment.

A traget practice? Thought Mel.

"Getting ready for the big fight it seems." Arlene smiled at the ash blonde guy who passed by next to her. For a second she forgot about Axel, but no one could replace him in her heart. It was just him, no one else.

Theon eyed the huge golden throne at the end of dome. The person sitting on the opulent shiny royal chair was a dull, silent buff young man. His hands dangling on the arm rest, his eyes were sad and lulled, his lips carved into a frown and his brows permanently shaped into a furrowed state. Adrian is as morose as Theon.

At that moment and only at that moment, Theon felt kindled souls between Adrian and him. They both lost someone precious to them.

The prince knew exactly what Adrian was thinking due to the fact that he was thinking of it himself; how do we torture the witch who killed Angeal?

Adrian eventually looked up and stared at Theon's direction. The immortal saw the intense grief in the brute's once powerful glare. Several seconds of awkward pause have passed when Adrian gave a curt nod at the prince.
Theon, in his dubious surprise, didn't manage to bring himself to nod back.

"There he is!" Said Mel politely at a young man, who's suit was out of place with the barbaric attire of the soldiers around him. He had light tan skin, slightly pointed nose, round black eyes, straight black brows and coarse black hair. "Everyone, please be acquainted with this young gentleman from the Philippines. He is the grandson of a dear friend of mine."

Mel placed her hand on Arlene's shoulder. "This young girl here, is my grandaughter, Arlene."

"Pleasure to meet you." Smiled Arlene.

And the young man smiled back politely, revealing his deep dimples.

Mel extended her hands towards Theon's direction, preparing to introduce him next but, the gentleman interrupted.

"No introductions necessary. I know who he is, the infamous immortal prince." Nodded the man. "Your reputation precedes you, your majesty."

"Thank you, sir." Said Theon simply, with the tone of the royal training he had with his subjects many, many, many years ago.

"May i shake your hand?" Asked the man. He raised his light tan hands and smiled at the prince.

And the immortal hessitantly complied. "If i may ask your name, it would be much less vague for a conversation." Said Theon, shaking his hand.

"James." He smiled, releasing his grip.

James turned towards Mel, "let us not waste anymore time, my grandfather is waiting. Please follow me."

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