chapter 22: the sixth kind

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"What are her weaknesses?" Asked Arlene frantically.

The expression that resided in Mel's face showed an impression that she has none. Arlene's face went pale with fear and paranoia.

"There must be something we could do." Shouted Axel. "to hell, i won't let my bestfriend and... this blonde weirdo be taken by that chrone!"

Theon looked at Axel, unable to make a certain emotion.  What's a weirdo? He thought.

"For now, we have to do a cloaking spell. I would do it myself, but, it seems, this gift is particularly yours, Arlene." Mel gestured towards Arlene. "Vienna could break any cloaking spells except from a witch who has a strong affinity for it." Mel explained.

"Grandmama!" Arlene chided. "I have no idea how to cast it!"

"It matters not." Answered Theon. "Weren't you paying attention?" Theon continued. "A witch can connect to other witches, to increase their powers."

Mel nodded and said. "You don't have to cast a single spell, dear. All you have to do is open yourself up to me."

"Okay." Arlene inhaled.

"We have to do it as soon as possible." Said Mel. "Vienna is not the patient type."

Mel offerred her hand at Arlene. "Hold my hand."

Arlene looked at Mel for a moment and exhaled, she knew this was their best shot in keeping Vienna at bay. Axel and Theon watched as Arlene shakingly held her grandmother's palms.

"There are five kinds of cloaking spells, Arlene." Said Mel as she reached for Arlene's other hand. "Each of these cloaking spells represent the five senses; vision, hearing, taste, touch and smell. What we are to perform right here belongs to none of those categories."

Arlene furrowed her brows, confused. Axel crossed his arms across his broad chest. Theon, with his innocent countenance stared at the two witches, hands locked.

"at this moment!" Said Mel with vigor. "You shall witness the sixth type of cloaking spell, one that would conceal our auras. It is a similar version of the cloaking spell that the great light witch Elizabeth performed long ago."

Theon twitched at the name that was very familiar with him. He frowned slightly, wondering how Mel knew the name of his mother from long ago, was it the same person? He wondered.

Arlene nodded slightly, nervous of what will happen.

"Arlene," wisphered Mel. "Close your eyes."... and Arlene did what she is told. "Do not fear, i am here" said Mel as an assurance for her beloved grand daughter.

Mel tightened her grip on Arlene's hands, which almost hurt her. She took a deep breath and she closed her own eyes as well. Silence filled the room, Theon and Axel watched intently.

Moments later, Mel began to chant in foreign language, her eyes still close and her head kept low.

"Ut animorum nostrorum non videri" whisperred Mel.

Axel's brows furrowed in expectation while Theon did not move a muscle. Arlene's figure was shaking slightly, but she kept her eyes shut.

"Ut animorum nostrorum non videri". Repeated Mel, more louder this time.

Axel felt a cold chill had swept through his entire body. Theon felt the exact same thing. They both instinctively stared around searching for the source of the breeze. The windows were still shut and the door was recently closed magically by Mel just awhile ago, the chill they felt was supernatural, they thought.

"Ut animorum nostrorum non videri". Mel screamed the words this time and a flurry of winds scatterred throughout the room. Axel tried to cover his head with his hands while Theon stood there, letting his blonde hair be blown with the wind. The lights were flickering again.

"Ut animorum nostrorum non videri". Shouted Mel again and the winds became more violent, screaching its wisphers throughout their ears. The lights shut down completely, Axel knelt down, trying to avoid the merciless gusts while Theon did nothing, he watched the two ladies joining hands with a serious countenance.

"Ut animorum nostrorum non videri". Mel's head shot upwards, straining, eyes tightened shut.
Suddenly, the earth was shaking, Axel was almost losing his mind. Arlene retained her composure, not opening her eyes. She held her grandmother's hands tightly, it is what assures her that she's safe.

"Ut animorum nostrorum non videri". Mel screamed for the last time. After a few moments, everything stopped. The winds, the breeze, the shaking of the earth... they all ceased. Mel repositioned her head straight and opened her eyes gently. Arlene followed.

"Did it work?" Asked Arlene.

Axel stood up, and Theon was quiet, both of them anticipated an answer.

"No." Mel shook her head, disappointed. "It did not work. It seems, I'm not as powerful as I once was... or, Vienna is more powerful than ever, that she was able to block my magic."

Arlene went glum and closed her eyes in disappointment. Axel shook his head and said "Darn it!! F*ck that witch b*tch!"

Theon was deep in thought. He had an idea, he just wasn't sure it would do him good.

It seems Mel was thinking the same thing as she looked at Theon intently...

"Unless," said Mel, solemnly.

Theon continued Mel's sentence, knowing exactly what she'll say.

"Unless, you channel my immortality." Said Theon, raising his brows confidently.

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