chapter 86: Intense

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I felt all the magic that i have accrued for this very day, was circulating in my veins. As I have aged into the woman that i am now, I have stored a great potential of power in my system in order to combat this dark witch.

With each flick of my wand, a potent beam of white light emerged from the tip, along with my fury and determination.

I saw her retreat, blocking my every spell with desperation. At this moment, i want nothing more than to end her life for ending mine, for cursing my entire bloodline so I may never find love just because she can't find any love of her own.

I witnessed my wand cracking at the intense pressure that i was educing. I felt my tears flow from my cheeks in sudden surge of powerful ire and vengeance. I look at her face as she looked at mine. Clearly, she still holds memory of what we once were, but, this was her facade.

Another jet of beam emerged from my side, hitting Vienna solely in her palm, in which she effortlessly blocked.

Joaquin was almost as determined and furious as I am but, MY RAGE is greater than anyone present here.

Why isn't she fighting back? I hated her for that. Does she think we aren't worth a tinge of spells in her disposal? Are we really that insignificant to her? fight back! fight back!

I heard roars from behind me, it seems the war has started. I could not afford to look back, i have my target right in front of me.

A blood curdling scream erupted from my vocal cords, at first, I could not detect whose shout was more intense than the collective roars of the warriors behind me but then, I realized, i was the owner of that scream. It was my cry of deep hatred for Vienna.

When my 16th spell was blocked by her palm, I saw her demeanor and felt her aura changed. She was going for a retaliation.

I unleashed another beam of white lightning but this time, it was rivalled by a grotesque dark red light. The spells collided in the deadly center.

Another red light collaborated with my white fury. Alas, the other red beam was brighter and less grotesque than what Vienna conjured in the other side. Vienna's red spell was coated with black lightning. Black and Red... perfect colors for a devil.

Joaquin and I were sweating with our best efforts while Vienna was standing on the other side with a blank expression. She gave no signs of fatigue or exhaustion despite the multitude of spells she had to endure earlier.

Within seconds, we knew that we were losing. Her Blood-red lightning was overcoming our spells. If her spell hits its targets, we would be done for.
Before a millisecond could pass, i performed a barrier spell almost as immediately as Vienna scraped the invisible wall with her magic.
The barrier cracked with the force she had applied.

I looked over to my side to have Joaquin's reassurance that he was fine. What i saw would traumatize me for as long as i will live. I didn't even notice that a dark furred werewolf had approached our area. Joaquin's bloody head was still on the beast's mouth. His body laid on the ground, decapitated. The werewolf stared at me with his red eyes and glowing V shaped scar on its chin. Immediately, the beast disregarded the head of the male witch, throwing it casually to the ground like a useless bone that he wouldn't devour.

I was frozen in my spot as i watched the beast approach me with its baring, jagged, bloody fangs. Its mouth was dripping with blood. It was horrifying.

I saw the beast about to pounce for my head when someone, with the speed of light, plunged her fist at the werewolf's ribs. Her hand penetrated the skin of the creature. In one quick motion, she retrieved its heart, and the monster fell to the floor silently.

Diana smirked right at me, a smug smile that says 'i saved you, now be grateful.'

Her face was drenched in blood. Both of her hands and her coat was bloody. She had killed more than just this one wolf.

Despite her condescending attitude, i felt relieved that she was on our side.

Due to the excitement, i nearly forgot about Vienna. When i turned back to her direction. She was gone.

She must've entered the real battlefield. I ran towards the crowd of warring people, ready to do my share for the fight, and to give my life in the name of ending Vienna's reign.

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