chapter 8: After all These Time..

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Theon was horrified at the thought of sleeping for many years, enough years to change the world itself. The modern objects that surround him, however, give him less hope. Did he somehow, miss the changes of the world while he was asleep? This thought terrified him. If the world that he sees right now is the result of centuries of evolution then that only means one thing: everything and everyone he knows is dead.
Sadly, he doesn't even know the exact year he was born, three thousand years ago was 1000 BCE, calendars existed but aren't popular. How on Earth could he cope with this insanity? Unable to control his emotions, he finally interrupted the arguing teenagers.

"Do you know of the kingdom Northern Isle or not?!" Shouted Prince Theon.

Axel and Arlene reflexively look at him and at each other.

"Calm yourself, your umm, majesty" said Axel, hoping to put on his act even further. "Your guards shall arrive shortly. You must---"

"SILENCE!!!" interrupted Theon. "Do not treat me as a 'prank' or a fool. This bizarre place and your odd magic speech transferral objects are artifice to confuse my mind!"

Axel looked at Arlene in confusion.
"Magic speech what?"

"Its means the phone." Answered Arlene.

"Now, do you know of the royal kingdom of Northern Isles or not!?" Theon continued. "Answer me with precision, NOW!"

"No." Said Arlene calmly. "We haven't heard of this kingdom. Honestly, we have no idea who on earth you are or why you are even dressed like that or even why you claim to live on a kingdom. It's as if..."

"as if what?" Asked prince Theon

"It's as if you're from another era." Arlene shakes her head, she herself couldn't believe her own words.

Theon inhaled deeply. That thought came up in his head long before this conversation but... that's impossible. How could he survive that long? Comatosed for several years, little does he know, it wasn't just years but millenia!

Theon was unaware of his immortality nor the other gifts that came with it. He does not know that thirty centuries have passed since his last memory. All he knows at the moment is despair. If he did sleep that long, he knew that his kingdom and the king are long dead.

"It can't be.. It's impossible..." Theon voiced out, much to the confusion of the two teens. "I've been in slumber for too long.."

Arlene and Axel noticed the tears in Theon's eyes. For the first time, they saw him for what he really is; a vulnerable boy. He was much shorter than Arlene between the height of 5"4 or 5"6. His dirty blonde hair was a mess due to its endurance to the test of time. His rosy cheeks were plump and fluffy. His nose was pointed and smooth. His sapphire blue eyes are watering with dispair. His thin lips are a shade of pink. He looked more like an innocent child than an insane maniac.

"He's angelic", thought Arlene upon admiring his brilliance for the first time. She felt a surge of sympathy inside her that she couldn't control. The person she once called stupid is melting her heart, the tears flowing from his cheeks were so sincere that Arlene felt his pain as the first tear fell down.

Arlene, even if she does not fully understand the cause of his sadness, aproached him carefully and placed the book, which she never let go, on the nearby table. Her graceful demeanor was back on track. She placed her pale hand on the prince's shoulder in an attempt to cheer him up.

"What's wrong?" Arlene asked. "Are you lost, little boy?" Little boy?? Seriously!! Did i just say that?! Arlene asked herself in her thoughts.

"Why show me kindness?" Asked Theon. "After humiliating me?"

Arlene felt a piercing pain in her heart. He's right!! She did humiliate him, how could she be that cruel? She felt guilty and a stream of tears fell down her cheeks.

Axel watched solemly at the scene unfolding before him.

"I'm so so so sorry." Said Arlene sincerely. "I really really want to help you go home but i do not know where your house is nor do i know who your father is."

"How could you not?" Asked Theon. "My kingdom was known among all. It was the most fluorished land in the world. Unless..."

"Unless what?" Asked Axel.

"Unless what?" Repeated Arlene.

"Unless, you weren't there at that time at all!" Answered Theon with more tears flowing out from his blue eyes.

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