chapter 77: Final Destruction

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"First way of bringing down a vampire: aim for their necks." Marcus announced, pointing at his own neck. "Once you snapped their necks in a 360 degrees angle, it would render them unconscious, unable to function for at least an hour."

"Why are you telling us this? Divulging a way to put an end to yourself wouldn't be your most selectable of choices." Said Theon, brows furrowed dubiously.

"Dearest Theon, you do realize that when Vienna comes to procure her immortal she would bear all of her resources against you." Marcus started walking towards Adrian in a dramatic fashion, staring at him eye to eye against the glass wall. "She would be bringing powerful witches, vicious wolves, skilled vampires and other vile creatures. As the creator of these abominations, she also has a degree of control over them." Marcus returned his focus at the prince, pointing a sharp finger at him. "Which is why, you have to learn how to kill these creatures."

The audience exchange glances with each other, a tinge of fear was evident in their eyes though they try to conceal it.

An army of supernatural creatures led by the most ruthless witch of all time against a single coven of witches.

Adrian noticed his brethren's discomfort and knew something has to be done to ease their fear. But, how could he find a salve for their fearful hearts if his own is pounding just as hard as theirs out of fear?

"For the second way to bring down a blood-sucker: aim for their hearts! The vampire's heart is his greatest foil, his most obvious weakness. If you take out his heart, he can no longer function for all eternity unless it is reattached."

"That is too inconvenient for us witches, we do not share the same pow-wow physical strength to remove hearts from bodies." Said one of the witches in the dome; Harry.

"Ever heard of telekenesis?" Answered Marcus.

"Yes, i have." Replied Harry, confused.

After the lad's skeptical response, Marcus gave him his infamous half grin and winked at him without giving him any further explanations.

"Another way to end a vampire's life is to separate his head from his neck. This would prove to be a valuable knowledge if you hold a blade or a sword." Marcus paused and stared at the crowd. "Any questions?" When there was none, he started giggling for the hard expressions the younger witches were evoking. Clearly, this is a macabre topic that they could not stomach.

"Now, if you are thinking, would stabbing a vampire in the heart, neck, head or any vital organs would destroy them. The answer is a big fat no. Vampires are nearly impervious to all weapons save for silver blades drenched in holy water."

"Hm, i believe that is a more convenient way to kill them no?" Asked a teenage female witch by the name of Diana.

"Oh, my dear, that would not kill us, it would render us incapacitated at best, provided you aim it directly at our hearts." Marcus gestured towards his chest, smiling annoyingly. "Once the blade pierces the vampire's chest, the vampire will be paralyze and will remain so as along as the blade isn't withdrawn."

"Now everyone," Marcus started declaming. "The surrest way of destroying a vampire forever is to burn him." Marcus nodded at his own conclusion. "Burns have the least quickest regeneration time for our kind and also, the most fatal."

"What about wooden stakes? Or silver bullets?" Asked Arlene who watched too many vampire related movies.

"The former is a ruse, it would not affect a vampire or whatsover, the latter would only be effective if drenched with holy water and shot to the heart." Marcus continued. "What i have mentioned are the only known means of bringing forth a vampire's final destruction. Heed my instructions as we battle numerous immortal foes!"

"Now, back to our little spar, i presume you know where to hit?" Marcus smiled at Theon.

The prince smiled back. "Indeed."


And the two immortal beings clashed once more. Exchange of blows erupted between the two immortal creatures. Theon was now aiming at Marus' chest and neck. In the second round, the immortal prince was fighting in equal terms.

The battle was comparable to two titans clashing for superiority. The vampire, with the power vested in him, was able to punch the immortal prince's head enough to contort his neck in an unnatural angle, one that would kill any average humans. But, Theon was resilient, he was able to recover the moment the contortion happened. As Marcus presumed victory for a millisecond, he let his guard down which led to his defeat as Theon used the extremely small amount of time to deliver a powerful blow right at the 2,800 year old being's chest. The incredible blunt trauma was enough to rip open the vampire's skin. Theon found himself grabbing his opponent's heart inside of his body.

The look in Marcus face was an amalgamation of different types of fear as he watched Theon's hand inside him, as he feels the agonizing beat of his seized heart.

"Theon." He uttered brokenly.

The prince stared at him, a smile of victory looming over his face. With a quick motion, Theon withdrew his hand from the pale body of the vampire, leaving his heart intact. Marcus gasped for air as the wound heals itself in a slower rate than most of his damages.

Theon approached him with a condescending stance. He placed his bloody hand at the shoulder of his foe. "I believe i have won."

"Yes, bravo." Marcus panted, holding his injured chest.

With blinding speed, Theon snapped the vampire's neck in a profound angle. The loud shattering of bones caused silence amongst the audience. Only when Marcus fell still on the ground did the crowd processed what happened.


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