chapter 11: Arlene's strategy gone wrong

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Arlene could feel the throbbing of her heart. This was it.. but she's too young to go to jail, she has dreams, a future, a scholarship, and of course a reputation. One small slip, and she could be blamed for murder. These ideas immersed themselves in her brain, and she feared it.

"Sure, officer you may come in." Arlene faked smiled. She opened the door wider to let the suspicious cop in. The police man looked around with vigilance. He walked around cassually. He touched some furnitures, the walls, the tables and everything else that can be touched, searching for a breach.

He searched the living room as thoroughly as possible. Leaving no space untouched.

"Officer," Arlene said. "I don't mean to be rude, but you forgot to present to me your search warrant."

"Yes, i supposed i did." The police officer burrowed through his pockets and presented Arlene his golden search warrant and smiled at her, cockily. "May i check the kitchen?"

Arlene's fear intensified! What if he finds some traces of blood? What if he finds the knife? What if we left something out in the open? Was all she could think off. The images of prison forming in her head, the thought of spending her life there filled her with trepidation. What has she gotten herself into?

"Follow me," said Arlene, ignoring the terror she's feeling. Get it over with, he won't find a thing. "This is the kitchen, we do our cookings and dining here." Said Arlene with false bravado.

"I know" said the police, amused. "I own a house with a kitchen too, you know?" The police man walked in, cautiously. Eyeing the place with equal vigilance to that of a crime scene.

Arlene glared at the carpet at the floor, where they hide Theon's acts of suicide. To Arlene's horror, there was a small trickle of red substance next to the carpet, still, she did not panicked, she held her breath and hoped for the best. The book she left at the table was no where to be found, Axel must've taken it, to her relief. Atleast, that would remain hidden.

The police officer worked on the utensils, the cupboards, the cabinets then the knife section.

"It appears you have one missing knife here." Said the officer calmly. "Where is it? I know it's not in the sink."

Arlene was excreting cold sweat. Her heart pumping three times faster, luckily, her logic remains intact. No matter how deeply she wanted to break down inside, she retained her controlled demeanor, atleast physically.

"We've lost that knife before." She said dismissively. "We haven't found it for a month now." She lied.

"For a month." Repeated the officer.

"Yes" replied Arlene.

"Hmph. I see" said the officer looking down. "That is a very interesting carpet you have there."

The war inside Arlene exploded with great force. Her fear at it's peak! Her panic almost breaking free of her graceful exterior but she wouldn't let it, not here, not now.

"We bought it from Australia." Said Arlene. "Do you wanna check the bathrooms next?" Faking another smile, this time, she cringed.

"Wait up" said the officer. "I will have to check that carpet."and what is that red spot over there. It looks like... blood" said the officer, eyeing the spot.

This was it! Arlene clenched her teeth and fist. A tear was forming in her eyes. She wanted to scream and pounce, but she can't. Her fear rose above its peak. Paranoia struck her.
She couldn't speak anymore, she could only watch.

As the officer approached the carpet, Arlene's mind was filling with irrational thoughts and images.

First step of the officer. I'm going to jail!

Second step. I'm gonna lose my scholarship, my education and my future.

Third step. Arlene was sweating. She couldn't blink, she couldn't speak, she couldn't move and she couldn't breathe. She was shaking with the terrible possibilities.

Fourth step. The officer was five feet away now. What if i ran away now? What if i fight back? I have to do something, thought Arlene.

Fifth step. I can't.. i can't beat him. I hope Axel was able to get away. Please go now Axel. You can't be arrested too!

Sixth step. The police officer was close enough. The suspicious cop knelt down carefully. This is it... this is it!!! I need a miracle, just a miracle.. one miracle...

The officer placed two fingers at the edge of the carpet ready to pull it up. He looked up at Arlene.

"Anything to say?"

"N-no" Arlene stuttered. Just one miracle!!! Just one!!! I can't go to jail.. what will i say? What will i say? It's tomato juice? NO, the knife is also there... this isn't happening.. please just one miracle.. i wish the blood and the knife aren't there... no, no.. that's impossible.. Axel and Theon will not be able to clean it all up this fast... this is it!! No hope.

The police officer lifted the carpet gently. Arlene was terrified beyond belief. Please don't be there.. please. Please. Please.

Arlene closed her eyes, she was scared. She waited for a scream, a yell, a knocked down, the handcuffs on her wrists... nothing came. Silence

She hessitantly opened her eyes and she saw the police officer holding the carpet up, it was empty. The blood, the knife... they were gone.
There were no stains on the carpet either, no traces of violence or suicide could be found. It was, indeed, a miracle.

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