chapter 57: Ashes

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Today, after 3 millenium, it seems, Angeal's heart pounded its last beat. The beat of hope. The beat of light. The last beat of Theon's family. Silence. Unbearable silence that broke Theon's heart into a thousand pieces as he heard not his uncle's beating heart as he sees his uncle's corpse on the white floor. The conclusion was inevitable, Angeal is dead..

It was only then did he fully contemplated that he was completely and utterly isolated from the world.

The beat of hope has vanquished from the Earth, returning to the heavens.

"No, no, no!" Shouted Theon, clinging to his uncle's dead body. "Angeal, No! You can't die! Please, please, don't leave me."

Mel, Arlene and Miku stared at the two quietly, holding back their own tears as they watched Theon embraced his last family member.

Theon's immortal body shook like the grumbling of the earth. His soul, crushed once more, lingered in the same darkness he suffered in his death sleep.

As if Angeal has reacted to Theon's crumbling heart, the deceased witch withered in white ashes, dispersing with the humid air of the solemn dome. Angeal's ashes were floating like lonely glittering snow dusts. Theon's hands, once clinging to his beloved kin, his last family member, is now holding on to Angeal's remnant of ash and dust.

"Angeal.." Theon wisphered. His lips trembling with denial.

"First Axel, and now Angeal." Muttered Arlene.

Mel inhaled deeply then composed herself. With a wave of her hand, the dome was rid of the stains of blood that the battle conjured. But, one blood stain remained within their hearts; Angeal. Of course, Mel and Arlene could not feel the same level of pain that Theon feels, they hardly know Angeal.

Miku, floated along with the falling ashes and glided towards Theon, Carressing him.

"He was the reason that i wanted to continue living." Theon said, void of all emotions. "What is left to live for? I have nothing. No family. All is left, is darkness."

"You have us." Miku cried.

Theon did not respond. He stared at the spot Angeal's body used to be, seemingly filled with oblivion.

"Miku," said Mel, wiping off her tears. "Set the alarm. Call the others."

And so, Miku headed for the switch at the ceiling, passing by Angeal's ashes.

Within minutes of incredible sadness, the silver doors opened, cracking along with the silence.

Adrian was the first to enter.

"Well, well." He smiled. "If it isn't the immortal kid and his friends."

The immortal did not react to the supreme witch's provoking greeting. He remained silent and emotionless. Despite his remarkable senses, it was as if, the world could not elicit a response from him.

Mel glared at Adrian. Seeing this, Adrian snapped his neck, feeling the aura in the room. All the other witches surrounded him, wondering what the early gathering's purpose.

As if on cue, white ashes floated besides Adrian. The witch frowned at it then glared back at Theon's lifeless position and then back at Mel's urgent countenance. "What happened?" He asked.

"Death has befallen Angeal." Explained Mel.

Adrian's eyes widened. Arlene spotted a hint of despair and anger in his soul, but as soon as it appeared, it was gone.

Adrian recomposed himself. "And what of it?"

Mel furrowed his brows, comtemplating Adrian's lack of reaction.

"Miku, i ordered you to set the alarm only when it's urgent. And, the urgency for today is Angeal's death, what a waste of time." Adrian barked.

Arlene's anger rushed in every fibre of her body. She stood up and shot her glar at Adrian.

Adrian halted to look at her. He could not bring himself to speak, the look on Arlene's face dominated an emotion in his heart.

"If there is nothing more, we shall take our leave." Adrian choked.

"oh, there is more." Mel pointed at the medallion resting at the floor. "Perhaps your love for Angeal is not as strong as your love for vengeance, i presume."

Adrian stared at the shining ancient ruby on the floor then at the dagger then finally at the coffin. "I know what that is." He said.

"Good. Tell us." Said Mel.

"I'll choose the time to tell you. Don't order me around, Flammel." Said Adrian, somehow his voice was shaking and crumbling. As if a hidden emotion was pushing its way out. "Everyone, go out!" He shouted.

On cue, the witches took their exit in their respective silver doors. When, Adrian was the last one to take his leave. He stared at the ashes one last time and turned his back. But, before his exit. Arlene shouted.

"That's it?!" She cried. "You're not gonna say anything?! Angeal died!! As if you don't care?!?!"

Adrian did not move as Arlene's word pierced through his heart, paralyzing him.

"He raised you! He treated you like his son! Angeal saved you! Now, you're walking out. Are you even capable of love!?" Arlene screamed. Theon remained unmoved. Miku stood still. Mel watched as her grandaughter was blooming with emotion.

"If you have any ounce of respect for Angeal, you would have at least---" Arlene was cut short as she choked in anger amd sadness. "Why? Why, Adrian? Why are you so emotionless?"

"Enough, kid." Adrian's voice was incoherent, cracking even.

"Enough? You didn't even shed a tear?! If this is what it means to be a witch, then i don't want to be one!" Arlene gritted her teath. "Unlike you, i care about the people that care about me! Angeal is dead and you're acting like it's not important! Fuck you!"

Enough was enough, Adrian turned his back to face them. Everyone was shock, especially Arlene. There on Adrian's face was the glitter of water flowing down his face. Adrian's tears came flowing out like rain. Arlene's jaw dropped at the unexpected transparancy of the durable, all powerful, ruthless supreme witch. He wasn't so heartless after all. Mel, shed another tear but wiped it out immediately.

"I said," croaked Adrian in pain. "Shut up, kid."

Snow-like ashes danced within the silence, mocking everyone. When a snowflake ash foated in front of Adrian's face, he turned his back once more and took his leave.

Silence embraced the room once more as the ashes died down onto the ground.

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