chapter 9: the day i tried to die

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Theon knelt down and cried. All he felt was pain. The loneliness he suffered for three thousand years in his mind eventually became reality. Arlene and Axel watched with sympathy, there was nothing they could do. They were clueless to Theon's pain but his grief stricken expression was enough to fill them with sympathy and understanding.

"What do you mean by that, Theon?" Arlene asked. "You said, we weren't even there to see it? Its as if..." Arlene halted her thoughts of the possibility but she doesn't know how right her intuition is.

Theon couldn't say a word, the pain was too great. After enduring 3000 years of nightmares and solitude, his grip on sanity was his family and friends, that when he wakes up, he expects them to give him a warm embrace and a cheerful welcome. He had no idea that he had slept for so many years, sleeping while his kingdom would fall, sleeping while the world he knew was changing. What was left for him in this cruel world, in his long existence?? Nothing...

There was a blankness to Theon's face. His lips were trembling, his eyes were blank and unblinking.
The hell he felt when he was asleep was nothing in comparison with this reality. He had nothing to live for, no one to call family and nothing to call home. True solitude, true pain, indeed.

"Theon, THEON!!' shouted Arlene in concern. "Tell us what's wrong! We can't help you if we don't know what the problem is!"

Theon mindlessly stood up, slowly and shakingly. His teary blue eyes was equally blank as his expression, there was no life in those eyes, no joy, no love and certainly no hope. The pain he's burdened to have manifest itself as the weight pulling him down like gravity. Every step he took fills him with deep longing, all he desired at the moment was to reunite with his father and everyone else he cared for, who no longer exist in this time and age, much to his dismay.

He eventually by pass a frozen Axel, who felt the aura of despair in the room.

"GOD DAMMIT!" Axel shouted. "I don't get what's happening here!"

"I deserve to be punished." Said Theon solemnly.

Axel faced Arlene with a confused expression.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Do you think I know?" Arlene was pissed. "But, Axel, do you think he's from... another time?"

"Arlene, are you hearing yourself?" Axel frowned. "Time travelling isn't even invented yet. You're the smartest girl i know. You of all people should know that."

"I know but...just take a look at his clothes, his chosen words and--" Arlene continued with uncertainty. "He claims to own a book that was left buried for at least more than a century." Arlene was always the observant one in the duo. She was extremely knowledgeable in the arts of history, geometry, philosophy and logic. She would often use this wisdom to aid them in their exciting exploits.

"And i think.." Arlene continued. "he doesn't know he's from the--- AXEL!!!! OH MY GOD!!!" Arlene was interrupted.

Axel turned back to see what cause Arlene's uproar and what he saw traumatized him as equally as it had traumatized Arlene.

There in the far corner of the kitchen, Theon, clenching a knife with both hands, pointed it directly at his chest.

In one quick jab, Theon impaled himself right at the heart, with deadly accuracy. Dark red blood
Squirted out from the protruding blade. Axel rushed in as fast his legs could take him. It was one of those scenes in the movies wherein everything is in a slower rate and that is what Axel and Arlene is feeling at the moment.

Suicide has existed long before the pyramids, it had been a part of human nature to opt themselves out to escape the torments of reality and to find peace that comes from destruction.

Theon comically fell to the cold floor with no sounds at all. Axel knelt besides him, unsure to withdraw the knife or not. But it didn't really matter thought Axel, he's a goner.

"Just let me die." Whispered Theon. He gave a ghastly and unnerving smile right at Axel. "I've been in hell longer than what i have anticipated. She has prevailed, the earth be damned."

Axel backed down, his fear was evident. He has never seen a man commit suicide before nor did he ever seen a man who stabbed himself in the heart and continued to speak much less breath and neither did Arlene, who by now is trembling with terror.

Theon, who longed for and expected death, was more confused than ever. He could feel himself breath, he coud still move, he could still blink and worst of all, he could still feel pain in his heart, both physically and emotionally. Where was the peace that comes from destruction? Where was the comforts only death could bring?
Ultimately, He withdrew the knife from his chest and attempted to stab himself again in the same spot. Arlene and Axel were wide eyed and trembling with horror. No words escaped their lips. They were in shock.

Although their hearts refuse to see the morbidity of the scene unfolding before them, their eyes were locked at the horrors that Theon inflicted upon himself. They were frozen in their spots.

"I can't die." Theon concluded. "I'm such a fool, there's no escape from my curse, even by death." Theon shook his head in colossal dissapointment.
Theon looked at Arlene and Axel's stunned and horrified expressions and said with a saddened tone.

"It appears I have lost the ability to die."

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