chapter 76: Immortal against Immortal

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The entire coven of witches gave way at the center to allow the two bulldozer-beings to pave their way to the middle. The space they created was a perfect circle; spacious and wide.

The immortal creatures gracefully presented themselves in the middle. Marcus stared at the prince with such a boastful smile.

"I see no point in this, Adrian." Blurted the prince, glaring at his vicious foe.

Adrian was in the sidelines, studying the vampiric beings before him. "Theon, i know for certain that you are aware that Vienna had lived for roughly three thousand years, she has enough contingency plans to eradicate a hundred witches who get in her way. It would be imperative we bring contingency plans of our own. We need more manpower, and you need more training."

"Ohhhh, burn! You heard the little supreme witchy hulk over there. . This has to be done!" Laughed Marcus.

"Do not test our limits, vampire. We offer you protection in exchange for your assistance." Blurted one of Adrian's trusted soldier, Francis.

"Correct. And who knows Vienna more than i do? Hm?" The vampire raised his arm in the air, challenging everyone. After many seconds of silence, Marcus lowered his hand and his hubris magnified. "See? You came to me, searching for answers. You all need me, no?"

The silence of the crowd accentuated his claim.

Marcus raised his left brow, obviously, giving effort in his spotlight. "I believe you all owe me an apology, assisting Angeal in putting me down for years, it pains me sincerely, friends. Now, how'd you think that felt, laying without cause in a lonely, white box?"

Staring at Adrian in the face with a hard and assured countenance infuriated around 50 witches whose allegiance to the supreme witch ignited like a furnace.

"You are surrounded by my brethren, Marcus. Whatever our faults and quarrels may be, they must remain distant in the war that is to come. Would you really risk incuring the wrath of a hundred witches to retain your false bravado?" Said the supreme witch, squaring his shoulders.

"Let me think." Marcus rubbed his pale skinned chin with his long thin fingers. "I think not." And as if nothing happened, he reverted his focus back on the immortal being before him whose eyes were completely, undeniably furious at the mention of his late uncle's name. Theon's fist was clenched so hard it turned pinkish red. If it weren't for his durability, he would have damaged his own hand at the pressure he is applying.

"When do i break him, Adrian? Just say the word." The prince blurted out.

The surpeme witch gave a curt nod to the witches in every corner of the deadly circle, providing them the signal they have waited for.

Together with their leader, they reached for their pouches and released a fist full of pepper and sprinkled it at their respective corners. An impregnable glass-like barrier erected from the pepper and disseminated in a circular formation, encircling the immortal beings. The glass cage stood as high as the ceiling of the dome could manage.

"Hmm, a little intense, no?" Marcus commented, feeling the texture of the glass. Coming face to face with the supreme witch, he gave his symbolic cocky grin along with a vampiric-empowered jab right at the protective sheet separating himself and the witch. Indeed, the glass did not falter. "Durable." Marcus was impressed.

"This barrier is specifically made to endure the strength of your kind." Said Adrian. "All to ensure our safety in your brawl with Theon."

"And its made of glass so you may witness the entertaining fight, huh?" Marcus tapped the barrier repeatedly, trying to tease the witches. "Or.. perhaps, this is an execution. We all know that the prince is completely immortal, imprisoning me with that abomination is my death sentence isn't it? How negatively biblical."

"We have no such intentions, Marcus." Said Adrian. "But by all means, fight as if your life depended on it. It would be sufficient training for him."

"Fine." Marcus rolled his eyes. The very moment Marcus turned his back at the supreme witch, Theon made his move.

With the amazing celerity and profound strength that his vampirism provided him with, he was able to catch the ancient vampire by his neck and this time, it was a formidable amount of pressure, greater than what he has asserted earlier.

Marcus grunted, desperate for air. With one quick motion, Theon slammed the vampire on the impenetrable glass barrier in front of him with a force of a moving train.

Marcus, even with his dire position, scrutinized Theon for an opening which he desperately found one.

With all his might, his foot, with the intensity of a nuclear bomb, made contact with the immortal's groin, releasing his mighty grip.

Marcus unleashed another deadly blow as he slammed Theon's face with his lightning-fast kick. Theon was very much vulnerable to his speedy attacks as his damages heal later than the consecutive assaults that Marcus could land.

Every advances of the vampire were equal to that of full-blown sledge hammers hitting its target.

Again and again, the prince is helplessly bludgeoned to a pulp, if it werent for his advance regeneration he would have been a dead man. One blow to the chin broke his bones in that area, a kick to his side dislocated 4-6 of his ribs, a punch in the eye obliterated his entire sense of sight in that moment, an intense push from the vampire cracked his spine in two places. Every damage healed within seconds but deadlier injuries emerged within milliseconds.

Miku, Arlene and Mel were amongst the crowd, watching in grotesque countenance, opting for a cease fire but they know it would do no good. All they had to do is to have faith in Theon.

"You can do it, Theon" wisphered Arlene under her breath. Miku was close to tears while Mel's expression was hard.

The prince searched for an opening which he found none. Only when the vampire kicked him forcefully to the barrier did he utilize his vampiric speed to its fullest, desperately, he charged right at marcus slamming him to the floor, cracking a part of the edifice. He landed three quick blows at Marcus' face causing dark vampiric blood running down his pale face. Notably, he noticed that vampires heal seconds longer than he does.

When he attempted his fourth powerful punch, Marcus skillfully captured his fist and twisted his entire body to contort the prince's wrist. Their role's reversed. Marcus was on top of Theon, twisting his wrist and strangling his neck simultaneously.

The vampire pulled him up in a tight head lock, presenting him to the crowd like a trophy.

"Make him stop, Adrian!" Screamed Arlene, unable to resist.

"He can do this." Declared Adrian. "Let him be."

Theon used his elbow to make a powerful hook hit at Marcus' abdomen, releasing him instantly.

The two beings stood face to face with each other, allowing both of them to pause for a while.

"You're quite good for a newbie." Smiled the vampire, drenched in his own blood.

"So are you." Said the prince, with a small amount of red liquid in his body despite the fact he had endured more hits than that of his opponent.

"I have to say, no one has ever been left standing after my.. bombardment, let alone, be in one piece. . . An exception is you." Marcus gestured politely at his elder. "but it is clear you are not familiar with final destruction nor how to bring down a vampire of my par." Marcus smiled.

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