chapter 50: She of the black cloak

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"This is it" said Arlene. Theon stopped in his tracks. The duo stared at the red brick wall that they have enterred earlier.

Something wasn't right, thought Theon.

The black crows in the sky are suspiciously absent. What might have happened? They should have been watching them 24/7.

Within a millisecond, Theon's brows twitched in the presence of danger. He immediately grabbed Arlene's arms before she could take another step.

"What is it?" Shrieked Arlene by surprise. Theon pointed at the center of the brick wall. Although Arlene had perfect 20/20 vision, it was only now did she notice the black figure in front. It was as if, she appeared in thin air.

The ghastly form was cloaked in black and a hood covered most of her face. She had an extremely slender build and the posture of a statue. For one whole minute, she continued to stare at the two intently. Neither Arlene nor Theon could see her eyes but, they know all too well they were being glared at.

"Vienna?" Wisphered Arlene to Theon.

Theon shook his head. "No, this one, it isn't her."

Theon eyed her light blonde hair that was extended to her abdomen. She was wearing black gloves and black boots, appropriate for battle. With careful observation, Theon sensed a foul odor emanating from her. The odor of blood. This one was a vampire. His tension eventually subsided, he was linked to the oldest most powerful bloodsucker there is, in courtesy to Angeal, this cloaked psuedo-immortal was no match against him. He was about to follow his sense to annihilate the being before him when she finally spoke.

"I do not mean any harm." Her voice was feathery, almost angelic. She has thick english accent much like Angeal and Theon.

"Then what do you want?" Asked Theon, frowning, not letting his guard down.

The cloaked lady tilted her head slowly, clearly analyzing the immortal prince. "Theon? Am I mistaken? You are the immortal that she's after?"

"And what of it?" Asked Theon, baring an offensive countenance. He was tired of this.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Said the girl simply.

"You're here to help us kill Vienna?!" Asked Arlene. "And how on earth can we know she's not you?"

The mysterious stranger fell into silence, refusing to answer Arlene's question. More silence came by then suddenly Theon shouted. "Answer her question right this instance or i shall separate your head from your neck on where you stand!"

Theon's wary expression intensified when the black cloaked being waved her hand to her side in the same fashion as a witch.

What appeared before them astounded Arlene and Theon intensely. Arlene covered her mouth reflexively with both hands, Theon's eyes widened to its fullest extent.

Standing beside the cloaked woman was a tall guy. Light brown haired, snarky expression, well built, and very handsome; the vampire-looking witch summoned the once lost Axel.

"Arlene?" Wisphered Axel. He fixated his eyes on the woman standing besides him. With a nod, Axel was given permission to go to his friends. Arlene and Axel hugged tightly, tears were forming in Arlene's eyes.

"Axel, you rascal."

Axel nodded at Theon, who smiled and nodded back. Eventually, he turned his attention back at the cloaked being. "Bringing Axel back doesn't make you any less untrustworthy. But, my gratitude is sincere for giving us back our friend."

"Yeah." Said Axel, smiling. "Thanks for saving me back there. I thought i was a goner, that vineinei witch was so intense."

"Thank me not." Replied the witch. "You were just conveniently there where my true objectives lie."

"And which is?" Asked Arlene.

The lady bowed her head towards the ground. "Something else is coming, something much worse than anything before." Her voice was echoing in the still empty street.

"Is this about Vienna?" Asked Arlene.

"No. It's not her. Compared to that, she is nothing." Claimed the cloaked lady.

"What the holy heck are yah talking about, lady yow?" Asked Axel.

"None of your business." She replied.

"What is your name madaam?" Asked Theon intently.

Another moment of bloodlusting silence. Eventually, she replied. "My name is Mia."

The trio that was recently united just stood there. They have tons of questions to ask but no words could come out from their lips.

Mia proceeded to present them their second gift. With another wave of her hand, a red coffin appeared in front of her. "Take this to Angeal, he'll know exactly what to do with this."

"Mia." Theon furrowed his blonde brows. "Why are you doing this?"

"...because Vienna is a threat to the organization." Said Mia.
"She has to be eliminated."

"I can sense your sincerity in those words but i can also sense your bloodlust. Yet, you have displayed feats of magic. I wish to know what exactly are you? What is this organization you speak of?"

"The first question, that i can answer." Mia's voice was monotonous and expressionless. "A witch, you can call me that. A vampire, you can also call me that. I guess, the proper word of my existence is called a "warlock", half vampire, half witch."

"Impossible. That's an--"

"Abomination of nature." Mia continued Theon's statement before he could finish. "Which is why my kind isn't even complete, we are not whole. We are nobodies. We do not feel." Mia paused for a while, "I supposed i have taken too much of my precious time conversing with you. It's time for me to take my leave."

"Mia, wait!" Shouted Theon.

"Do not worry, we are destined to meet again but, i worry that we might not recognize each other by then." Mia turned her back at them and disappeared in a blur, leaving the trio with the mysterious coffin and a fuel of questions.

"She reminded me of someone." Wisphered Theon mysteriously. "A warlock, to think that someone like her really exists."


Guuuys, im so SORRY for delaying this chapter for so long!! It's been weeks since I've last updated..

College is quite a challenge.. like seriously. Btw, i took up the course of accountancy! Haha! We have tons of works to accomplish... plus i just had my hell night (prelims). Hahaha! Well, i hope ya'll will remain to be my fans after all this time. ;) sorry again for the long awaited update.

My sincere apologies,

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