chapter 13: growing bonds

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"I swear!!" Arlene panicked. "There was no blood! It disappeared!"

"Hmm, well, there's blood now." Said Axel, holding a rag and a bleach bottle. "And also a mess." Axel shakes his head in annoyance. "Damn that Theon guy, why does he have to mess things up just so he can die" Axel laughed at his own joke. Arlene didn't laugh though, she was more preoccupied on solving the vanishing blood mystery.

"What the bloody hell is happening?" Arlene placed her palm on her face. She wondered to herself, is she getting crazy? No, if she was, the cop should've arrested her by now. How did the blood disappear? Whoever did it, she was sure, they were trying to help. Whoever it is, it was powerful, she felt it; it was warm and overwhelming. It was more of a surge of energy engulfing the room.

"Go to Theon, Arlene! And lock every door in the house. Ill clean this up." Said Axel scrubbing the bloody remains.

Arlene nodded. She slowly walked away and locked every door she could see; the kitchen door, the back door and the front door. She covered every window in the house, all the while thinking of the vanishing blood and knife. Was it a ghost? A witch? A fairy? She doesn't know. All she knew was, it was powerful and benevolent.

Theon, alone in the room, was holding the golden book of his family, which Axel left on his bed. Theon stared at it blankly, it was the only thing since his awakening that he had fully recognized. To him, it was the only object that is completely sane to him. He gently rubbed the cover when someone opened the door. It was Arlene.

On impulse, Theon swifly placed the book besides him on the bed, aiming not to anger Arlene any further. She made it clear that she 'owns' the book and his royal status is clearly void in this time and date. In here, he is not the charming prince of his land but the peculiar outsider of the rest of the world.

"Theon, you said that that golden book belongs to your family." Arlene gave him one of her most tender smiles. "I would be a fool to think otherwise after witnessing the stunt you pulled with that knife."

Theon looked at Arlene's eyes with gratitude and.. he smiled back. For the first time, both of them felt the understanding and passion of the other.

"The book.. It is yours." Arlene continued. "And please forgive me for my tone awhile ago, i was such a- a- a prank!"

Theon's lips curved into a smile, something he has not done for three thousand years. Arlene was the first person to make him smile in the new world, and by now, they have a bond, a mutual understanding. Arlene couldn't hold back her own smirk after seeing Theon's brightened expression.

"Im glad you're finally out of your suicidal nature." Arlene said, sitting next to Theon. In that moment, Arlene knew she only reminded him of his lonely existence as Theon closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, his smile gone.

"So, are you like? Immortal?" Asked Arlene with curiosity.

Theon nodded. "It appears I am."

"Thats very cool, to tell you the truth." Smiled Arlene.

"Cool?" Theon faced Arlene. "My immortality is not a corporeal thing like ice or snow, how could it be cold?" Theon frowned. "Or does the word 'cool' refer to another definition in this time?"

Arlene sighed. "It could also mean amazing, nowadays." Arlene smiled.
Theon nodded, what else is there to say? Theon's eyes looked around the room, everything that was surrounding him was alien to him. In front of him, there was a cube like object, its frontal part is designed with glass, below the glass there are circular patterns. On top of the cube, there are two silver sticks attached. This object fascinated the prince. Arlene followed Theon's fascinated stare and smiled.

"Do you want me to turn that on?"
Arlene smirked, excited of the idea.

"What is 'that'?" Theon's eyes still glued to the cube-like object in front.

Arlene searched for the remote, all the while saying. "That, is called a television. It is a source of entertainment!" Alas, Arlene found the remote. "Are you ready?"

Theon nodded, unknowing of what will happen. His fascination growing.

Arlene pointed the remote control at the television.

Before Theon's eyes, he saw people inside the peculiar box. He was in awe. His blue eyes widened, his mouth opened in fascination. It was the most amazing thing he has ever seen.

"Are they trapped inside?" Theon said, still wide eyed. "How did they go in?" Theon stood up and approached the television slowly. "Will i get sucked in too, if i get too close?"

Arlene laughed, she expected this kind of reaction. It is very clear to her that Theon was from another time, her intuition was right all along.

"Theon, they're not trapped inside!" Arlene chuckled. "Wait, this is the news channel. I want to show you the cartoons!"

Arlene changed the channel. Once again Theon was amazed on what he saw.

"Ah, Oggy and the cockroaches." Arlene still smiling.

"Did the people turn to hedious beasts?" Theon said confused. "What is that tiny monster doing to the blue one? This cube has many captured monstrosities indeed."

"I told you, they're not stuck inside. It's just animation." Said Arlene.

"Ani-" Theon frowned, still not looking away at the screen. "Mation?"

"Yes, they were created by people then they put them on television to entertain kids."

"Indeed, this is entertaining." Theon smiled wildly, touching the screen. "Objects have evolved."

Arlene smiled at Theon's fascination and she wondered for herself if she had lived a thousand years ago, would her reaction be the same as his? Probably.

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