chapter 92: River Flows in Her

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"how are you alive!?" Adrian asked hysterically.

"According to your aggitated reaction, you weren't the one who revived me." Angeal surmised. "More importantly, what in the bloody hell happened here!? Where is Theon!? Where is my nephew!?"

Adrian was too flabbergasted to speak, the corspes of his comrades were scattered across the floor. Their bodies were mangled, broken, bloody and grotesque.

His own life was in jeopardy the moment Vienna exited the building.

Angeal clenched his jaw in aggravation, "i asked you a question!"
His voice echoed throughout the dome, conjuring minor shockwaves.
Everyone in the room felt his massive power. His magic seemingly became greater than it was before.

Arlene stood up from her kneeling position while everyone else was still stunned with shock.

"She took him." She said calmly. "Vienna took Theon."

Angeal turned pale. "You let her took him!?" The 3000 year old witch glared at Adrian. "Where is Flammel Moretz? i need to speak to her immediately." Angeal scrutinized the the horrific blood-soaked dome for the old lady in question.

Arlene was solemn, a golden flame radiating from her crystal brown eyes. "She's dead." Everyone felt Arlene's eerie and callous expression at the lost of her grandmother, it was a frightening calmness.

Angeal gasped. His hands involuntarily reached his lips as his mind processed everything he missed.

Arlene procured a wand that was laying on the floor, undoubtedly belonging to a currently deceased witch.

"My grandmother died violently, and i was unable to save her. All i could do is watch as THAT BEAST over there tore her apart bit by bit." Arlene shouted, breaking her bravado,  pointing her wand at the black werewolf that is trap inside one of Angeal's pillars.

In a surge of anger, Arlene's wand emanated a euphoric, unbridled and unrivalled surge of thick pure white lightning. Her spell destroyed Angeal's pillar on contact and zapped the creature with its tremendous magical energy. The werewolf was unfazed with the attack at first, deliberately absorbing the offensive attack. However, much to everyone's surprise, the wolf began to moan painfully. Soon, the beast was screeching for help. Arlene's blast was too powerful to be absorbed, let alone, endure.

The white lightning ripped Creatos' hide and pierced through his back, destroying another pillar behind him.

"She will pay for this." Said Arlene heartlessly.  "That bitch took everything from me and i will take everything from her."

"Arlene!" A soft voice called out. It was Miku, the only one gullible- innocent enough to approach the currently dangerous-angered young witch. Miku gave her friend a teary hug of comfort, hoping to quell her ferocity.

Angeal was the first to react when a wave of insideous dark magic erupted from Arlene in the form of shockwaves that rivalled Angeal's power earlier. A transparent, dark pulse radiated from Arlene's feet, rippling the dome's floor.

Angeal quickly and magically separated Miku from Arlene with a flick of his wrist. Miku upon the forced separation retreated to the air as far away as possible from the impending danger.

Arlene directed her rage to the beasts trapped in the pillars, her wand shot numerous potent white lightning that slowly, but surely, became darker as if the pure white of milk was mixed with the foul stench color of mud and ash.

Each target that she wished to destroy was annihilated successfully despite the werewolves' and the pillars' defenses against magic such was Arlene's growing prowess in the killing curse that was passed on to her from her grandmother.

The wand that she randomly took from the ground could not bear her power. It cracked at the tip, and continued to disintegrate as Arlene bombarded the dome with her potency.

"Solvas!" Rayna screamed with her wand.

Arlene's wand disintegrated from her hand and stopped her from her tracks.

"Don't get too cocky, girl." Rayna smugged despite a gaping slash across her face that would undoubtedly scar her for life.

The smug smile faded as soon as it was formed when Arlene glared at her menacingly. It was as if the "cocky" girl before her was Vienna's reincarnate.

Rayna took a step back when Arlene's instense stare held for as long as a minute.

Another magical pressure could be felt. Arlene's hidden potential came rushing through the surface like a surge of water breaking through the dam. Even without aura identification, Rayna knew exactly how powerful Arlene has become. She was a force to be reckoned with and only Angeal dared to subdue her.

"Arlene!" Angeal shouted. "We sympathize with your lost. Believe me, i know that feeling all too well. But we must remain ca-"


The floor beneath Arlene cracked horribly as the force of her power rendered the cement unstable.

Angeal withdrew his wand from his cloak and tightened his fist in its wooden texture, preparing for battle.



"Please reorganize the army, we are coming after Vienna and my nephew. Mend the broken, heal the injured."

"And what about her?" Adrian cockdd his head at Arlene. "She's... Unstable."

"Allow me to.. deal with her."

"Fine. But, you do owe us an explanation on how you are here right now."

"Whatever evil we have faced, we must never forget that there are greater good still." Angeal explained arcanely. "As such, i, myself, do not know who revived me. I can only theorize.."

Angeal returned his focus at Arlene who was still silently erupting with power, her pores were emitting magic that Angeal himself found it mesmerizing. It was as if her aura became visibly detectable.

With a sigh of reluctance, Angeal twitched his wand twice and encased Arlene within the confinement of the same pillars that trapped the werewolves.

Arlene stared blankly at Angeal. Angeal stared meaningfully at her.

"I'm sorry, but, that particular barrier is indestructible to all forms of magic. Until you regain your conscience and self-awareness, you shall remain detained for the time being."

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