chapter 60: Chat

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After Arlene finished signing her name on the loving letter she intends to send to her friend, she crumpled the parchment into a small paper ball and closed her eyes in concentration.

"Ostra revinei mandadox."

After saying her incantation, she wrapped her hands around her letter and gently blowed cool air from her mouth. When she opened her hands again, the paper and its message was gone. Arlene gave a slightly mischievous smile; she was impressed with her fast learning capabilities. The paper, and the words inscribed therein, would be teleported to the place Arlene and Axel first met, hoping that her friend would revisit their secret little hiding spot. Though, she hoped not too high.

She turned another page from Mel's spellbook and saw yet another interesting and simple spell to use.

She glared at the coincidental black feather resting in one of her many bookshelves. She raised her hands before it and continued her incantation.

"Levistei vallomarie."


Arlene furrowed her brows.

"Levistei vallomarie." Arlene repeated. This time, the feather moved an inch then ceased.

Arlene gritted her teath. "Levistei vallomarie"

Third time's the charm. The feather levitated towards Arlene's hands and gently rested itself on her palm.

Her smile widened from ear to ear, for a moment she felt the rush of euphoria. Not all girls her age could do what she could.

Hawk hawk hawk. Said the crow from the window.

Startled, Arlene moved back reflexively even if she was 10 feet away from her bedroom window.

The crow and the young witch stared at each other for quite a while.

When the bird finally made its move, an invisible barrier-like wall collided with its beak, causing ripples to form on the invisible surface of the wall. Seeing it could not enter, the crow flapped its wings once more and flew to the skies.

"Arlene!" Shouted her mother. "Gramma Mel is calling for you!"

Instinctively, Arlene stood up and hurriedly went to the livingroom where Mel was waiting with a cup of tea in her hand. Arlene's mother was right besides her, reading one of the infamous Harry Potter books.

Mel smiled at Arlene, her wrinkles forming along with her grin. "So, how many spells have you learned today, my dear?"

Arlene furrowed her brows and gave a curt glare at her mother's direction. Apparantly, the 26 year old woman exhibited no movements, and no emotions. Didn't she hear anything?

Flammel noticed her urgent look and reassured her that her mother was under a special enchantment. "Fear not, Arlene, i have placed a variant of the incognito spell that deviates her mind from her senses should she ever happens to be in contact with anything magical."

Arlene gave a dubious nod and continued to stare at her mother who looked so ignorant at the moment.

"And, as an extension of this spell, i had Adrian and the coven to place the same enchantment on the entire populace." Mel feebly sipped from her tea.

"What would happen to them if Vienna decides to strike?" Asked Arlene.

"Already accounted for, my dear." Smiled the old woman. "With the use of powerful persuasion and a tinge of a powerful spell," Mel wisphered, smiling. "We were able to urge the enire population to evacuate-- or should i say, take a vacation for an entire month."

"Wow, and Adrian felt obliged to help with the kindness of his heart?" Scoffed Arlene, holding back laughter at the rediculous thought.

"Hmm, i must say, recruiting him and his coven had been very tedious in my part." Answered Mel, taking another sip from her cup. "After Angeal's funeral, Adrian became a bit more... understanding."

Arlene inhaled deeply, Angeal was her friend. As powerful as he was, he died within days of meeting with them. Diablo had been their most formidable opponent thus far. Werwolves have the ability to absorb magic but diablo, being the oldest and strongest of his kind, accentuated simple absorptions to actually utilizing the spell he had absorbed.

"Vienna?" Said Arlene taking her seat between her mom and Mel.

"Celebrating, most likely." Mel stared at her cup blankly.

Arlene gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. Now that Angeal is gone, and the coven distracted, what is stopping Vienna in making her move earlier?

"More importantly, where is he?" Mel stared at her grandaughter in the eyes.

"We gave him the room where Axel would usually sleep whenever he visit overnight." Answered Arlene calmly, not wanting to reveal that the prince tried to take his own life repeatedly and with consistent failures to do so.

"...and the medallion? The dagger?" Mel placed her cup at the intriquette coffee table in front of them.

"They're still with Theon." Answered Arlene.

"It seems, he wouldn't entrust us with the last memento of his uncle." Said Mel, who was trying to retrieve the medallion from the prince for 3 days.

"Grandma, it seems, you aren't here to teach me, are you?" Concluded Arlene, not needing further explanations.

Mel exhaled deeply and gave a momentary pause. Arlene's mother flipped another page from her book, hearing nothing from her two family members.

"I need to see Theon. I happen to know someone who might have the information we need to destroy that medallion." Said Mel, her age leashing her excitement.

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