chapter 34: needed trust

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After the commotion that Adrian started and Angeal ended, the dome was deserted upon the supreme witch's order. Only Mel, Arlene, Theon and Angeal remained. Mel was fixated on observing the witch who easily bested Adrian and all of the members of the coven as easily as a flick of a finger, all the while thinking if someone besides Vienna could really accomplish such a feat. Adrian is called "supreme witch" for a reason and Angeal mocked him without consequence. What's more unnerving was the fact that Angeal was merely a boy of 10. Who is this person, exactly? Mel Thought.

There was an agitating moment of silence and eventually, Angeal faced them completely.

"you have to forgive Adrian for his malignant actions. He only wanted to protect everyone from Vienna's wrath." said Angeal. "he makes bad decisions for good intentions."

"good intentions?" Arlene raised one of her brows as she chided. It was clear in her face that she had a complete disdain towards the supreme witch. "I'm surprised he got elected to be leader in the first place given the fact his attitude sucks."

Angeal's head lowered in humiliation but what was more depressing about his response wasn't humiliation; it was pain. Arlene's words pained him the same way any father would feel if anyone ever mocked his son.

"Adrian wasn't always the sadistic person he is now." answered Angeal. "he is broken and therefore misunderstood. And I assure you there is a reason why I made him the supreme witch."

"YOU?!" shouted Arlene. "you made him the supreme witch?!"
Arlene grimaced with disgust, furthering Angeal's shame.

"he had great potential and keen determination for his goals and more of, he was my student 21 years ago since he was just a lad." said Angeal. "he's like a son to me."

Arlene's mouth dropped, Mel continued to fixate her bright green eyes at the boy, Theon listened intently as he tried to compose himself after enduring such torments, again. Theon's face was dipped in his own blood which was caused by Adrian's cruel spell. Angeal seemed to noticed Theon's discomfort then with a simple gesture of his hand, Theon's blood stains and other impurities faded away immediately. Theon smiled gratefully at Angeal who smiled back.

"thank you." Theon said.

"you are very welcome, Theon." replied Angeal.

"If it is not rude to ask," said Mel. "but who exactly are you? and why are you in the form of a child when it is obvious you are way ahead of your years."

"ah," sighed Angeal. "I am in the form of a child because I am bounded as a child."

"but, how old exactly are you?" asked Arlene, furrowing her brows.

"oh," groaned Angeal, childishly. "that's a little private."

Arlene arched a brow in suspicion. "of course, you have secrets too."

"I know," continued Angeal, changing the subject while dismissing Arlene's remarks. "you came here for more strength, to prepare you for the horrors that is to come." Angeal eyed Mel and the golden book she was clutching on.

"yes," answered the old lady.

Arlene voiced out her disdain once again as she said: "but your bastard of a supreme witch gave us the most hospitable welcome that I have ever seen." Arlene smiled at her own sarcasm.

Mel gave a look at Arlene that made her shiver in silence. It was one of those 'that's-enough' look a grandma usually gives.

Angeal ignored Arlene's rants and continued. "I shall be delighted to assist you in any way I can."

"please do." answered Mel. "Vienna is coming, and we have no defenses to battle her. I'm afraid her power has become too vast for any of us to take her down alone."

"There is one thing you have to know about Vienna." said Angeal, grimly and slightly angered. "she's a poor excuse for a witch. Her magic is an artifice, she takes power from other great witches and uses it as her own, she's a cheat. She is not worthy to become the best among the witches. There is only one witch I know of who deserves that title with every respect and that's Elizabeth."

Theon brightened with the mention of his mother's name. he felt a feeling that he hasn't felt for a long while; pride.

"I've heard she did great things back in her prime." smiled Theon, agreeing.

"No, it wasn't just great... Her works were profoundly Godly and admiringly graceful." smiled Angeal.

"It seems like you know her." said Theon.

"I do." and just like that, Angeal escaped the topic. "speaking of Elizabeth, I presume you have retrieved her book." Angeal glanced at Mel.

"we did." said Mel calmly.

"how?" asked Angeal with great curiosity. "it had been missing for three thousand years."

"a miracle i presume." said Mel, trying not to divulge more informations to Angeal, whom they just met.

Arlene and Theon understood Mel's desire for secrecy and played along. Though, they know exactly how the book was found and the person who found it.

Angeal nodded, sensing the mistrust. "can i see it?"

Mel clutched the book even tighter. She didn't trust Angeal completely, but base on what she witnessed, Angeal could easily incapacitate them all to get the book, defiance was futile. Still, she refused to hand over the most precious artifact on the Earth.

"i can see, you still don't trust me." said Angeal in a feathery sighing voice. "and, i see it's fitting given the fact we have only met once."

"I'm glad you understand." Mel said. "but, i implore you to prepare my grandaughter for the threat that is to come, under my supervision."

"I'm sorry for your mistrust but I'm afraid we must have complete faith with each other if we hope to defeat Vienna once and for all." Angeal looked at Mel with sincerity.

"what do you want with the book." hissed Mel.

"im not sure exactly." said Angeal, inhaling. "and it is established you won't submit the book willingly, unless you know my true identity, and hessitant as i am, it seems i have no other choice but to divulge myself."

With a snap of his fingers, the four of them vanished in thin air, leaving the dome quiet and still.

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