chapter 72: the return

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"IN WHAT INSANITY HAS BEFALLEN YOU!" Screamed Mel, almost tearing away her olden larynx. "Marcus? The oldest, most ruthless vampire in existence?"

"Rather a ruthless vampire than a sadistic ancient witch, i must say." Theon shrugged. "I believe he has crucial information that is required to bring Vienna to her demise." The prince slowly walked towards the white coffin at the far left.

"The risks are too great, Theon."

Theon shot a cold glare at Mel. "I beg your pardon, madam but, I'm in an extremely foul mood at late. Best not defy me every so often."

"Theon!!" Arlene repromanded. "Respect your elders." She said instinctively and soon regrets.

"I am much older than her." Theon smiled, still staring at Mel. "Now you heard what your grandaughter said, respect your elders."

"You are aggitated, i know. We have been through a lot. I implore for your patience, your majesty."

Theon raised his brows, assured of his own superiority. "You shall earn my patience by awakening this daft bastard." The immortal prince opened the casket harshly, almost hurriedly.

There in the coffin lays the pale gray man, shirtless and parched. No flaws were bestowed upon his body.

"Greetings, Marcus." Said Theon politely. "You have something i want."

"Shall we, Mel?" coerced the prince. "Reviving a vampire is much easier than any other creature, especially if he is not completely dead to begin with. So, i suspect, you will not have the audacity to stall this moment with your 'loyalties to nature'."

Mel gave Theon a stare of disdain as she approached the impatient immortal and the dessicated vampire.

"Grandmama." Arlene said softly, trying to recieve a hint of reassurance.

"Do not fear, i am here." Said the old witch, standing before the left casket, addressing it to her grandaughter.

"Please proceed." Theon gestured honorably.

After scrutinizing the vampiric entity, Mel realized that the power required to revive someone like Marcus is enormous.

The prince sensed the old witch's incredulous countentance and asked if she has any misgivings.

"This man before us has been immobile for so long, my frail body will not be able to handle the magic i will pour out." Answered Mel.

"Fine, then I shall grant you permission to use mine." Theon smiled. "My body, just like old times."

Mel sighed and offered her hand automatically.

Hands locked, chins up, eyes closed, the two supernatural beings concentrated silently until the old witch began her chant.

"Onten swar lagere nuh, onten swar mortele nuh, onten swar lagere nuh."

The ground beneath Flammel was cracking with the enormous power circulating through her blood. Gales of cold breeze were felt in ever corners of the room as Mel's chants echoed through the place.

"Onten swar lagere nuh, onten swar mortele nuh, onten swar lagere nuh."

If the witch had not been connected to the immortal prince, she would have died at the pressure that the spell bestows upon its users, but by drawing from Theon's eternal body, Mel has successfully completed the hardest part of the ritual and now, one final step remain.

Letting go of Theon's hand, she reached for a 3 inch blade from her pocket which seems to house a lot of secret objects despite its seemingly small size.

Minute amount of blood was dripping from Mel's index ringer as she cuts herself with the blade.

Taking a deep breath, she slowly walked towards the head of the being before her. Everyone was silent, including Theon.

She positioned her blood-dripping finger directly at the pale lips of the vampire. A part of her was worried. What if her actions on this day would unleash hell on earth by letting another malicious creature walk the land but, another part of Mel was praying for the opposite, perhaps, reviving this creature was the lesser evil?

As the blood droplets reached the skin of the vampire, ripples formed on the gray surface. Marcus' lips were now dark red, and his gray-ish rough texture was slowly fading, marking his revival.

Mel withdrew her hand as the entity had sufficient blood to regain his consciousness. All they had to do now is wait.

Signs of his awakening was apparant. Fingers were twitching, his eyes, though closed, were visibly moving from his sockets. A bright red tongue managed to come out to lick the remaining blood on his lips. Arlene thought she imagined it, but the pseudo-immortal creature in the coffin gave an intimidating grin.

Mel stepped back as she waited for the inevitable return of Marcus, the vampire who walks in the light.

Theon's countenance was a serious one, the onus of keeping Marcus in check belongs to him. He was prepared to end the vampire in front of him should he commit any transgressions.

Mel was also prepared to unleash her furious white lightning at the awakening demon.

Everyone in the room frozed  at least for a second the moment the vampiric entity finally opened his deep red eyes, Seeing everything but looking at nothing.

The half naked being rose up from his coffin, stared at everyone briefly then dismissed them all. When he was standing with his two feet, he gave a good look at Theon, then dismissed him again. Scrutinizing the room, he saw nothing that would interest him save for one.

With the speed of light, Marcus rushed towards the white door, the only exit in Angeal's room, only to be intercepted by the immortal prince who was on par with his speed.

Theon shook his head disdainfully at the vampire.

Marcus raised his brows as if he had expected the intrusion in his escape. "Okay, i want to warn you, i do not want to ruin that pretty face of yours. Please go away."

"No." Answered the prince.

"Fine." Marcus turned towards the two witches behind him. "What do ya'll want?"

Arlene and her grandmama looked at each other, unsure how to proceed.

"We want to know about Vienna." Said Arlene modestly.

"Ah, of course you do, darling." The vampire smiled.

Arlene cringed at the word but gave Marcus a pass just this once.

"Everyone is so interested to know of that bitch." Chimed Marcus, licking his lips. "I have more than 2000 years of information about that crone. Rock and roll, eh?"

"Elucidate." Scoffed the prince. "Regale us with your contributions that allowed her to further her power."

"Quite the impatient little boy you are eh?" Marcus faced Theon again, a smug in his face. "Before i reveal Vienna's greatest secret, what year are we on?"

The prince was silent, unable to respond.

"Yow yow yowww. Of course i'm talking to the both of you over there at the back." Marcus snapped. "This handsome fool was born before time was even invented."

"December 21st.... 2015." Mel answered weakly.

"Oh. Hmm.. isn't that dandy? Ive been asleep for 17 years." Laughed the vampire. "Though nothing compared to you of course."

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