chapter 71: Conflict

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"Theon," said Arlene, grabbing the prince's attention. "Why are we here for? We should find a way to destroy Vienna's medallion."

Theon straightened his posture and smiled to both of his company. "We are going to resurrect my uncle."

Both of the witches in the room frowned and stared at each other incredulously.

Mel, walking with grace and sympathy, approached Theon, rubbing his shoulder as she spoke. "Angeal is--- your uncle has passed on to another life."

Theon quickly brushed off Mel's reassuring hand. "You are mistaken, Flammel. My uncle is bound to the earth, his body is the catalyst to his revival. As long as his corpse is rooted on this world, he can never be truly dead!"

"Angeal has turned to ashes, Theon." Said Arlene, trying to awaken her friend from his delusion.

"Yes," sighed the blonde prince. "But, that was not Angeal. Just a simple manifestation of him. His true self lies on one of these white coffins."

"You wish to revive the original body? That's not possible." Lectured Mel, her countenance is that of a serious teacher repromanding her student. "To revive someone who is dead is to defy the laws of nature."

"I do not wish to revive his original body, we will bring him back in the way we remember him, Mel." Theon reached out to hold both of the old witch's hands, trying to gain more of her sympathy.
"I will not have the audacity to defy nature, your majesty." Said the witch, trying to be polite.

Arlene's frown grew more obvious as one crucial memory came into play. Her eyes were fixated on Angeal's coffin. "The prophecy that the old man showed me stated that... 'what you lost is beyond repair, the further you search, the further you despair.'"

"And what of it?" Scoffed the prince. "For all we know, that tale is to garner the inevitable fate of Axel, not Angeal."

Arlene stared at Theon for a while, unable to grasp the horrible thing he just said.

"I'm sorry, but my vision specifically told me to revive Angeal." Declared the prince of Nether Isles, almost in tears. "This person laying on this box, saved us numerous times. It is our turn to reciprocate that honour." He shot another glance at Mel, trying to find hints of her allegiance.

"I will not take part in this." Said Mel, looking at the white coffin that lies Angeal. "Forgive me."

With those words, the old witch walked away and disappeared to the white door, leaving the young witch and the immortal prince behind.

"Coward." Theon remarked.

Arlene furrowed her brows angrily. "Excuse me? What did you just say to my grandmother?"

Theon didn't answer.

"What happened to you?" Arlene's tone was a rising cresendo, anger and confusion was evident in her. "You are not the Theon we once knew, ever since you were linked to this daft vampire jerk over there, you are acting eccentric."

"Do you honestly believe anyone could be sane after spending thirty centuries asleep in a box. Arlene, i lived longer in slumber than i would as a man. Could anyone be sane if an ancient witch who killed your entire family is hunting you down? Could anyone be sane after watching your remaining family member be turned into ashes? So no, i was never less eccentric to begin with!"

"Who are you?!" Said Arlene painfully. She shook her head, turned her back at the prince and headed towards the exit.

"Halt on where you are." Commanded the immortal. "You want to destroy the medallion, correct?"

"Yes, but it seems you are more preoccupied in a delusional idea to revive someone who is dead."

Theon sighed. "In my vision, i have seen the person who knows so much about Vienna, possibly even the way to destoy the medallion."

"Who?" Arlene's back was still coldly facing Theon.

"Unfortunately, he is also dead and needs to be revived, since you are all dismissing such imbalance in nature, i suspect we can never destroy the cursed artifact."

Arlene finally faced Theon. "Who?" She repeated.

"The source of my strength, the ancient vampire known as Marcus." Theon pointed to the left most coffin.

"So, has your mind changed about the entire 'reviving idea'?" The prince gave a wicked grin as Arlene's bravado started to falter.

The young witch pursed her lips, defeated. "Let us speak to my grandmother. Perhaps, she will reconsider."

So, the two headed towards the exit together.


A loomy dark figure was standing in the equally savage alleyway. His hood was concealing every ounce of identity he has.

A female police was inspecting the streets when she saw the peculiar man. She flashed her light directly at the hooded figure's face silently infuriating him.

"Who are you? A bit too early for halloween eh, kiddo?" Smiled the woman.

The black cloaked man gave no response.

The police woman reached for her gun, prepared for the worst. "Excuse me, can you please take off the hood, that would be nice."

Slowly, the hooded figure walked to the woman in blue.

"Stay where you are, or else.." the woman pointed her gun at the nearing figure. "I will shoot."

When the man did not cease his advance, the one woman gave one last warning and counted down.

"3, 2, 1" the woman pursed her lips. "You leave me no choice, sir."

Gun shot noise echoed throughout the alleyway, then another one after that then another one.

The woman was flabbergasted. The hooded figure took all three bullets as if it was nothing. His pace did not cease nor falter. When the woman finally directed his gun at his face, the man disappeared in a blur.

Within a second, the woman thought her imagination was playing tricks on her, in another second, a cold pale hand pulled her neck from behind, extending it in a way that reveals her delicious arteries.

With one fell swoop, the vampire placed his mouth at the gaping woman's neck, Sucking her life out.

After a long moment, a voice erupted from a near corner. "Enough!"

When the vampire did not stop, the other entity launched a visible lightning attack that creeped at the ground in a very fast rate, electrocuting the man in black cloak, causing him to drop to the floor instantly.

"Now what do you have to say for yourself, young man?" The other entity chimed.

"I'm sorry!" Screamed the vampire, making a fetal position due to the intense pain that his superior is inflicting upon him. Each yellow spark that erupted on his flesh felt like burning hot needles, memories of his forgotten past was vaguely forming in his head. Emotions of deep sorrow filled his heart. He once overheard from the organization that this was the ultimate torture one could ever comprehend, and he knew, they were right. Each seconds that passed in this agonizing state puts him in another place in his mind that reminds him of hell.

"I'm sorry!!" he screamed again. He could no longer hear his own wails as the pain in his ears deafens him.

"One must learn discipline, young one." Smiled the cloaked entity. "Luckily, you have me to teach you that, poor confused little, Axel."

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