chapter 90: End

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Vienna's exaspirating smugged smirk flashed through the crowd, a penchant of her victory.

"This is what befalls anyone who dares defy my wishes. I am Vienna, the most powerful witch in the world! Compared to me, all of you are futile, insignificant nothings!"

Everyone's faces were looks of defeat, tire, pain, humiliation and hopelessness.

All but one had enough strength to retain a fierce, tantalizing demeanor. Arlene glared at Vienna like a Lion hovering over its prey. Her light brown eyes were glistening with pure fury. Her fists were clenched tighter as Vienna's words echoed through the dome.

Vienna, confident of her power, wasn't vexed by Arlene's bravado. In fact, she welcomed it with open arms and neared the broken witch.

"Arlene Moretz.. grandaughter of Flammel. How does it feel to witness the death of your loved one? Savour the pain that i have felt three thousand years ago by the royal family of the immortal prince you are harboring right now!"

"And you" the dark witch directed her glance at Theon who was a few feet away behind Arlene, suspended with the same curse as the rest.

"I shall be taking you right now, end your immortal life and transfer it to me." Vienna said almost tediously. "I've been waiting for three thousand years to watch you die! Finally, the culmination for my justice begins now."

The wicked witch walked passed the infuriated Arlene and a couple of other warriors and approached the helpless prince. With a wispher of a spell, Theon collapsed without a sound.

The witch then conjured thick, unbreakable chains from her wand which magically wrapped around Theon's neck, even tighter than Arlene's clenched fists.

The witch silently dragged the incapacitated immortal accross the dome, towards the silver doors. Theon's attire, was consequently soaked in blood and flesh, as the prince was forcefully moved by the magical chains that binded him.

Everyone was forced to watch the grotesque display of abuse, unable to move, unable to protest.

Theon's seemingly lifeless body was intentionally dragged across Mel's remains, much to Vienna's sadistic pleasure.

When the witch reached the exit, she snapped her fingers and the wolves were given the liberty of movement. Of course, the witches weren't given such privilege.

They knew it was the end, as the werewolves were gaping their massive jaws directly at their next meals. They were salivating, eager to feed from their easy prey.

Most of the warriors closed their eyes to the inevitable reality of their imminent excruciating death. Arlene, however, kept her eyes opened. White fury still flowing inside her. Her tears were dried up. Her heart was swelling with a power she never knew she possessed; the passion to kill.

Diana was struggling to resist the magic of Vienna to surprisingly no avail. Despite this, she was the one most capable of movement, with simple twitches and slow movements.  Her body's resistance to magic was no match to Vienna's superior offensive magic. She, too, would fall along wih her allies and vampire brethren.

The werewolves were nearing the kneeling witches, their doom was apparant.

One werewolf gaped its mouth wide enough to fit the head of a young woman nearest to the assembling pack of wolves. She closed her eyes and waiting for the pain to arrive.. and arrived it did.

Everyone watched in horror as one wolf tore the girl's ligaments apart then more wolves joined the fiasco, attacking the helpless witches, eating their flesh. It was a bloodbath.

Blood was raining from all corners, flesh was reaping from all sides and hope was draining from all hearts.

Creatos, the beast that devoured Mel, sensed its previous food's blood as its eyes were fixated on Arlene. The black monster, with a jagged bloody teeth, charges right at Arlene, who miraculously was not fazed. Arlene faced her death with pride and an eternal anger for Vienna.

Before the beast's teeth touched Arlene's face, it was trampled down by an unknown electrical force that engulfed its body. Every werewolf in the vicinity shared their brother's predicament. All werewolves were pinned to the ground before more damage could be done.

"Paralysus expillarium!" Screamed a young male voice from a distance.

A ripple of transparent wave freed everyone from their cursed suspension. Everyone could now move.

Multiple massive pillars were erected around the paralyzed werewolves, virtually trapping them and rendering them useless.

"This magic.." Adrian was in disbelief. "This is.."

"Adrian!" Angeal shouted. "What has transpired in my absence? Where is my nephew? Speak!"

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