chapter 67: the mirror of truth

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James immediately acted, taking the medallion from the table.

"You have got to see this." Said James to the prince, who's voice was masked with placidity.

The old man was breathing heavily, cold sweat were drawing from his wrinkled forehead.

"Ako na" said the old man, regaining his composure.

"Opo" answered his grandson.

James handed the medallion to his grandfather. Jaime's wrinkled hand shook in fear as his touch met the cursed object once more. Slowly, the old man placed the ancient evil artifact, stained with Theon's blood, on the forehead of the immortal prince.

Everyone and everything were silenced. Not even a minute crackling sound of the furnace could be heard. It was as if, all sounds were deviated by magic. Silence. Theon's eyes closed as the visions unfold itself in his psych.

James extended his hands to Theon, acting as a mediator.

The prince waited for the visions to present itself, after a long while, he saw something or rather, someone.

A raven haired woman in her 20's was seen trudging along a medieval castle, unlike the prince's bright golden castle, this palace was dark and dull. Only when Theon saw the vestige of his golden castle did he realized, this was indeed his own home, perhaps two hundred years after his cursed magical slumber. The once shimmering palace of gold was now enveloped with dust and marble. Its brightness was long forgotten.

"What pray tell are you here for?" Said a deep, dark voice.

Theon was confused, the raven haired woman was the only one present in the room, where did that voice come from?

Suddenly, a fast moving blur collided with the woman's form. She was pushed to the wall, with a pale hand wrapped around her neck.

"Vienna." Smiled the dark haired man. "My sire. What is it you wish?"

"It seems, you have not learned to control your eccentric dispositions." Said the raven haired woman.

This must be Vienna's earlier bodies, after possessing my father, Theon thought.

"Do not act as if we're familiars." Grunted the vampire. "And enough, with your puerile mind tricks."

"Granted." Smiled Vienna. Finally, her clone vanished in thin air. This did not surprise the man for he had expected this kind of treachery.

"Behind you." Said the raven haired woman. The pale man turned back, and alas, there she is, completely unmarred.
"You should know better than to threaten me."

The vampire chuckled. "Worth the try."

"Marcus." Said the witch urgently. "I vowed to leave you untouched in exchange for guarding my immortal."

Theon flashed at the word. The relevance of the scene was vague but surely necessary.

Marcus? I know that name. Theon thought.

"You wish to see him?" Said Marcus with a formal tone. "What for? The planetary allignment would occur millenia later. You will not need him 'till then."

Vienna, anticipating the question, dug unto her pouch and presented a reddish artifact. It was all too familiar to Theon. That, in Vienna's hand, was certainly the medallion.

Marcus eyed the object and smiled bitterly. "Hmm, so you completed the deal you made two centuries ago?"

"I have not." Answered Vienna. "The end of the bargain was for my corpse. I have remained evasive of the organization until i can secure my powers."

"So, you wish to protect this medallion from harm?" Marcus gestured to the cursed object. "What do you want me to do?"

On that note, the wicked witch, in a different raven-haired melancholic body, smiled widely and the scene dissolved into darkness.

A small illuminating source emerged from the void and eventually exploded into a blinding light that filled the entire room.

He was standing in front of a body sized mirror, the place was familiar to him, but obscure at the same time. Had he been here before? No. It was impossible.

The small bed, the wooden walls, the tall cupboard and the mirror. It was a point in time wherein he had seen these before, perhaps in the distant future?

The most alarming fact was his reflection. The man in the mirror was devoid of blonde hair, his usual petite build and fair complexion. Instead, the young man had black flowing hair, his same blue eyes, athletic physique, and pale complexion. The young man was undeniably 14 years old. His leather jacket, accompanied by his black pants, suits his tone.

As Theon frowned, his reflection frowned with him and together they asked, "who are you?"

And together they responded, "I am Theon of the Nether Isles."

Theon approached the mirror closer, so did the other man. He placed one fair hand in place of the other's glowing white hand.

"I believe, that this contraption imitates the viewer's physical aspects which begs the question..."

"Why do i not share similarities with you?" Said the two in unison.

The mirror's glass started to crack, etching the words that a voice from no where was uttering. James' voice, Theon presumed.

"in the deepest void, a light is born...It's only destiny is to be forlorn...To know thyself is to know someone else..." said the voice solemnly.

As the final sentence engraved itself at the mirror's glass, the other Theon disappeared without a trace, leaving the immortal prince without a shadow of a reflection.

One last word etched itself, just below the poem, it boasts the name "-ORION"

"Orion?" Theon wisphered. "The constellation?"

Then, the usual void consumed the place, transporting the prince to the next horrific scene in the future.

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