chapter 85: Immense

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Her cavalier entered with such grace and silence that it baffled everyone more than what a bomb's explosion could provoke.

The cracks of the silver door emitted a dark and ominuous shroud of black smoke. The fog was a sentient being, seemingly having a mind of its own. It disseminated in a huge part of the dome, opposite of Adrian's army.

In a slow but calculated formation, the smoke was morphing into human and beast-like features. Fingers, hands, wolf-like heads, limbs and cloaks, in that order, emerged from the cloud of malice.

"they've arrived." Marcus wisphered.

All wands were shakingly, directed to the amass of dark figures. They were collections of different kinds of demons but the worse being yet was positioned in the middle. She wore a blood red hood over her face, a confident smug of authority was flashing in her dark colored lips.

With one thrilling move, she allowed her face to be revealed, putting aside her hood.

Marcus smiled at his superior. "Well, it's been a long time since i saw you possessing that promising body."

"Ah, well if it isn't my little pet, Marcus." Vienna smiled wider. "made your bed with these imbeciles, i see. Enjoy walking in the dark."

"I found a way around it." remarked the ancient vampire. "and i see, you made other play things?" Marcus glanced at the menacing large wolves assembled on Vienna's sides and the pale, apathetic vampires behind her.

All other witches present were eyeing the beasts that would tear them apart later on. The black wolves had baring large teeth, enormous paws, a gigantic head, course dark fur, and demeaning red eyes. They were like fully grown horses armoured with deadly weapons of destruction. The witches knew that werewolves have the most strongest resistance to magic, perfect for hunting magic-users like witches.

Their only obvious advantage was their quantitative power. But, undoubtedly, Vienna possessed the qualitative prowess which is enough to eliminate them all.

"Marcus, where is my immortal?, i have now come to retrieve what is mine." Vienna was scrutinizing each faces for the person she was searching for. The faces she glanced at quivered in fear. Harry was the most shaken of the bunch. "hand him to me now, and you all can leave with your lives intact. Any one who has the audacity to commit any act of defiance, however, would be destroyed beyond recognition."

"the choice is yours." said the dark witch, gesturing towards everyone. The wolves were growling in support. The vampires merely glared at the army that they were tasked to kill.

No one moved a muscle. Sweat was pouring down over their faces. They knew that only formidable magic could affect the neutralizing abilities of the werewolves before them. Magic is their foremost weapon, if that becomes null, they would stand no chance.

They could only depend on the limited amount of vampire power that they have in order to finish the werewolves.

To everyone's surprise, a jet of crimson lightning erupted from the sidelines, directed at Vienna's face. The ancient witch managed to block the spell with a wave of her hand and successfully and almost boredly manipulated its direction to an open space. huge crack on the floor formed as the curse touched the concrete.

Vienna stared at the person with whom the spell originated from. It was from Joaquin, one of Adrian's bravest soldier.

Joaquin's face was stern and untouched with fear, much unlike everyone present. His countenance did not waver even when Vienna approached him slowly, never regressing her evil glare.

"you dare try to harm me, little man?" Said the witch, eyes bulging from her socket. Never in her three thousand years was she challenged this way.

"i am not afraid of you." said Joaquin, eyes full of ire.

"then you are more foolish than what your appearance suggest."

Within an instant, Joaquin fell on his knees, his blood flowing from every possible exit. The witches who were too scared to move felt the immense pressure of Vienna's curse.

Joaquin was breathing heavily, his vision turned hazy and the pain was unbelievable. He felt his heart was slowly failing and his blood boiling from his veins. He was slowly being crushed from the inside out.

Vienna enjoyed every moment as each witch was demoralized by her power.

Despite the general vibe that she conjured, a single figure from the crowd was making her way to the site of the commotion. When she saw her target she immediately fired her signature white lightning which brightly illuminated the dome for a brief moment.

Being taken by surprise, the curse managed to scrape her shoulder. Vienna tensed for a brief moment of pain, causing her death spell to cease, saving Joaquin's life.

There was a fog of pale smoke emanating from her wounded shoulder. Judging by the color and ambiance of the spell that hit her, she knew it could have only been performed by Mel.

She was right.

The crowd nearest to Mel paved way for the old witch to shine in her spotlight.

"you will come no further, Vienna!" said Mel, a tone of triumph and pride radiated in her. Though the spell was meant to be an instant kill, it still managed to harm the most powerful dark witch in the world, an amazing feat in its own right.

Vienna looked at her, almost with deep longing im her eyes. "well, if it isn't Flammel. Are you still harboring my possession? The immortal, where is he?"

With a serious countenance, Mel fired another white lightning directed at Vienna's face. The older witch managed to block and digress the curse easily.

Mel fired another curse, Vienna had to back up with this one. Mel repeated the cycle until it was evident that Vienna was retreating due to her bombardment.

Each curse that Mel erupted from her wand seemingly grew more intense and brighter than the last, deep emotions were assimilated in each of her assault.

"You will go no further, you wrench!" she said again, firing her spells. "you are the devil, you destroyed my life, my love and my will to live. And for that, you will PAY!"

Mel's spell was closing in on the witch. Joaquin stood up from his position, wiped some smears of blood from his face, and aimed his wand at Vienna. Together, they screamed their respective spells and aimed it at the witch they all abhor.

White and red beams of light illuminated the place. Vienna was on the defense. This was the catalyst, all evidence of cowardice faded and instead, was replaced by valiance and unquenchable desire to achieve victory and stop Vienna.

All wands were raised on Vienna's position. But, before any shots were fired, The werewolves moved on cue, so did the vampires.

The black creatures charged with intense celerity that was only rivalled by Marcus and his horde of immortals.

Screams of war erupted in the Dome. The battle commences.

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