chapter 27: the passage way

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Arlene's watch glowed 2:00 am, the darkness was supressing, but they knew this trip was crucial if they hope to stand a chance against Vienna. Arlene needs to know how to defend herself, Mel needs to unlock the secrets bound within Elizabeth's golden book and Theon has to be protected at all cost, if Vienna shall ever be able to completely access his immortality, her powers would be extremely heightened to the point of invincibility.

Mel was two feet ahead from Theon and Arlene, who were obediently following her regardless of the knowledge on their exact destination. As they walk, Theon was dazzled by the evolution of the environment and the different sceneries that were new to him. A white Mazda car drove passed them, startling Theon who thought it was a moving four circle legged monster. Arlene explained that it was just a "car" and that there's nothing to worry about. She explained on how an automobile works, Theon was surprised by the fact that humans were inside such "monstrosities".

"How do humans get inside, such things? Were they devoured by those creatures?" Asked Theon, curiously.

"Cars aren't living things, Theon." Arlene smiled. "And they don't eat people, we go in. They have these  car doors so we can go inside."

"Ah, i see" responded Theon. 'What about those bright illuminating devices up there?" Theon pointed at the tall street light in his right side.

"Oh, that's called a street light. They brighten the road so that cars can see where they're going." Said Arlene.

"..because... they're... dri-ving?" Stuttered Theon.

"Someone's finally learning." Arlene patted Theon's shoulders. "Three thousand years was quite life-less, huh?"

"I've spent the rest of those times in suspended animation," Theon shrugged. "In pain and in torment. For three thousand years, I've been in hell and my only grip for sanity was that I would one day see my family again, after all i had no idea on how much time i have spent in slumber. In my sleep, i was filled with guilt, nightmares and torments, honestly, i thought it could not get any worse than this but when i have awakened to discovered the truth, i knew there was something worse than hell; reality."

Arlene shivered at the thought of endless torments and once again her disdain towards Vienna increased.

"And this was her true punishment, for being Elizabeth's son." Theon continued.

"Why does she hate her so much?" Asked Arlene.

Mel stopped at a dark red brick wall and faced the both of them. "Here we are."

"In the brick wall?" Theon frowned, confused.

"Can't you see the entrance?" Responded Arlene, looking at the human sized hole at the middle of the wall while trying not to roll her eyes. "shall we go in?" Arlene look at Mel for answers.

Mel smiled at Arlene and winked. "Actually, Theon is correct, there is a deep red wall standing here with no passages"

"What?!" Arlene half screamed half wisphered. She was beginning to doubt the accuracy of her vision, but she was positive that there was a passage way at the red wall.

"But!" Mel continued. "It is an illusion of sight and touch, do you remember what i have explained earlier?"

Arlene couldn't believe what she was saying, she could see a passage way while Theon was seeing a solid brick wall with no way in. Arlene extended her hands to touch what she sees as an entrance, and surely, her hands did not sense such a solid  matter. "See? My hand is inside the passage way." Arlene furrowed her brows.

Theon and Mel were in awe. Mel smiled proudly at Arlene and said:

"Well, that wasn't there before, at least in our eyes." Arlene frowned as Mel continued. "But it seems you have broken the cloaking spell, which i could have done with a password."

"Does that mean.." Arlene halted her sentence as Theon continued it.

"I can see the passage now, the blockage disappeared!!" Said Theon, eyes widening. "You didn't even need to say a single encantation."

"That passage was always there, invisible to the naked eyes." explained Mel. "The coven witches placed a powerful illusionary spell to avoid detection from humans. They claimed only two things could break the spell; members of the coven and a witch with considerable powers." Mel gave a proud look at her grandaughter.

"Then, i wonder how the heck i accomplished that." Arlene laughed.

"Your gift." Replied Mel. "It's your gift."

"So, i have the powers to break cloaking spells?" Asked Arlene.

"It also seems that you have the knack of making powerful ones too, on objects at least." Mel smiled. "We have to hurry, mundanes might notice the passage and--"

A tall skinny man stood in front of them, staring at the passage way with curious little eyes. Doubt was filling his expression as he said:

"I lived here for more than 20 years and i have never noticed that passage way before." the skinny man jerked his head and furrowed his brows. "Mind if i come with you?"

"I'm afraid i do mind." Answered Mel.

"Well then, i doubt you can stop me." The man digged through his pocket. "cause look what i have here." The skinny man presented a sharp short knife in front of them, swinging it menacingly.

Mel digged through her own pocket, the other pocket. "And why don't YOU see what i have here." The skinny man sensed the defiance of the old lady and tried to charge right at her, knife tightly wrapped around his fingers. When he got close enough, Mel immediately blowed black powder on the brute's face. In a blink of a second, the man was incapacitated, he stood there like a puppet with no strings. His expression was stripped away and as a result he had a disturbing blank countenance.

Arlene and Theon stayed behind Mel. At first, Arlene was quite worried when she saw the sharp blade that the man wielded but now, even as a newbie, she knew this guy was "all wrapped up".

"Le garadum, es te te" chanted Mel while making random gestures with her free hand, while the other was holding the book.

"Who are you?" Asked Mel.

The stranger answered apathetically, as if on a deep trance which is exactly what was happening to him. "I'm Ricardo levenanne"

"So, what are you doing here?" Mel asked sternly.

"I needed to hook up with women to pleasure myself." Answered the man. "I was heading to a pay house for prostitutes."

Arlene winced and gasped, disgusted at the man before her.

"Why do you want to go to the passage way?" Asked Mel.

"For the possibility of treasures." Answered the man.

Theon explained to Arlene that Mel had hypnotized the stranger when the black powder touched his face.

"I figured as much," said Mel. "He is not a major threat. He's just a juvenile delinquent." Mel shook her head, disappointed at the teenagers of the world. "What should i do to you now?"

Mel paused to think.

"I know... i will make you forget everything you saw tonight and you will never desire premature intercourse again." Mel smiled, sympathetically. "Now, sleep." Mel flickered her fingers and the stranger fell down, fast asleep.

Mel faced Arlene and Theon again, smiling proudly at them. They were profounded by the display of power that Mel provided them with. "Come, we have much to do." Mel enterred the dark passage way while Theon and Arlene followed.

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