chapter 87: The Devil Approaches

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Vienna was walking triumphantly through the crowd that pledged their lives for her defeat.

With each flicker of her fingers, three to four prominent witches would fall by her great and terrible power.

She had erected an extremely complex and invisible barrier around herself which follows her as she advances. Not a single jinx could touch her.

In front of her, she spotted a familiar face. A brute thrice her size was wrestling two werewolves and a vampire at once. The witch recognize the gigantic vampire to be clodoveo, who was nicknamed 'chuck' by his vampire peers.

She smiled at his direction as she gestured gracefully at his path. "Niveu" she said authoratively.

With that said, Chuck's neck turned 180 degrees, snapping his bones with such ferocity that the air around him pressurize to a transparent wave of energy. The large vampire fell down, incapacitated.

The werewolves made sure of his defeat as they tore him to pieces, destroying his muscular body. Chuck was dead and in pieces.

Vienna noticed a formidable blue energy coming towards her. She brandished her wand just in time to increase the hold of her barrier spell. The curse that attacked her was strong, surely the source was an above average witch and she was right.

Holding a wand in each of his hands, Adrian stood feet away from the dark witch.

He let out another beam of light, only to be intercepted by a werewolf that took the blast for its master. The beast absorbed the spell with little injury. It growled in response to the threat in front of it.

Adrian was unsure how to proceed. If the werewolf in front of him was old and strong enough, it could resist his magic.

Meanwhile, Vienna continued her advance towards the large white door in the middle of the room. As she tredged closer to the threshold of the dome, a strong and powerful jab was applied to her erected barrier. Though, it was an impressive protective spell, the barrier gave way to the vampire in collision with her fist. It was Diana.

"greetings Vienna. I heard you were a bad lady?" Diana teased.

Vienna positioned her entire body at her foe's direction, considering her as a real threat. Alas, her expression remained calm and taciturn.

"I am the worse possible enemy for you, witch. Magic does not work on me." The vampire said confidently.

Vienna pointed her wand at her to test her statement. She inflicted the same spell she used on Joaquin earlier.

Veins bulged from Diana's temples. She cringed with telorable pain but she managed to compose herself and to endure the agony. It was as if, it did not affect her.

"I trained for centuries to resist magic, you have to pour in more juice than this if you want to kill me!" She smiled boastfully.

After which, she did felt more pressure applied to her. She knew that Vienna would breach through her magical defenses if this goes on. With the use of her swift movements, she rushed in for the kill.

Unknowingly charging to a dangerous path, Diana was captured by her throat and arms by five handful of other bigger vampires.

The strongest female vampire was no pushover, she singlehandedly wrestled the five on almost equal terms. Vienna, however, proceeded to her destination.

She continued to kill on her way to the white door. Witches and vampires alike continued to fall as she passes.

When she arrived at the white door, 15 male witch-soldiers under Adrian's command were assmbled to protect Theon. Vienna smiled at the challenged and brandished two wands with her hands and battled the brave witches singlehandedly.



"The fight has begun." announced Theon, hearing every blood-curdling scream from outside.

Arlene and Miku gave a weary expression as they knew that Vienna was just on the other side. How long would it take before she finds them? How long would they have before she tears them apart?

"They need every ounce of power to defeat her. Perhaps, even my strength and immortality."

"Theon, no!" Arlene protested. "Once you step foot in the battle field, Vienna would-"

"That idea has already occured to me, but i will not allow them to die while I stay concealed in the room of my brethren, as a coward." Theon responded. "James prophecied that this war would end in Vienna's favour and I, captured. Why prolong the inevitable?"

"Jaime and James' visions are subjective, they aren't absolute." Arlene reasoned.

"It matters not."

"Theon!" Miku shouted. "Don't leave!"

"I can hear their screams of despair, their beating hearts that would stop seconds later. They are dying, Arlene." Theon continued. "She would not rest until I am within her grasp."

To their utter dismay, they saw that the white door before them had darkened. Dark green vines started growing from the base, embracing the door with tightening focus.

"She knows I'm here." said Theon callously.

"Indeed." said a mysterious male voice behind them.

Instinctively they turned their directions to where the sound came from. They were astounded and speechless that there was a dark figure in the corner of the room.

It started to move, nearing them with graceful patterns, almost as if he was levitating.

They could not see his face for most of his skin was covered with his cloak.

Theon recognized the attire seconds later and so did Arlene.

Arlene felt her own heart pounce with such tremendous fear and profound uncertaintly regarding the mysterious figure's allegiance. She brought herself to murmur. "Organization Excalibur?"

"yes." answered the cloaked figure. "I am Cadmus, superior to all other warlocks, leader of the organization."

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