chapter 24: the devil's bargain

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Theon's face became the symbol of anger. There before him, was the woman who cursed him, the woman who killed his mother and possessed his father. The wretched witch that caused all of his sufferings. The anger he pushed aside for three thousand years remained fresh and ripe in his heart. All Vienna did to him was pain and after all these time, there she is, standing before him, smiling and claiming ownership of him.

Mel shared the same resentment that Theon felt, and she shivered at the mere face of Vienna with an amalgamation of fear and deep hatred.

Arlene was frozen at her spot. Unlike Theon and her grandmother, she knows nothing of the vile woman standing before her but she was wise enough to remain cautious with every movement. She analyzed Vienna's every movements and dared not speak.

Vienna continued her wide grin and moments later she began to chuckle evilly. "My, my... don't tell me you didn't miss me, Prince Theon." Vienna looked at the immortal prince, cockily. She then transferred her gaze at Mel, who cringed with fear at the mere thought of Vienna looking at her.

"And you, i hoped your little husband enjoyed the disease i gave him. Oh and how's your daughter-in-law? Is she still all and well?"

"You, BITCH!" Shouted Mel, how dare you!"

Mel shot another jet of white lightning that Vienna easily deflected. "Sour subject, i see." Vienna gave a fake saddened expression.

"Grandmama, what is she talking about??" Asked Arlene, curious about the mention of her mother, who was Mel's daughter in law.

"And who might you be?!" Screamed Vienna, repositioning her glance at the light brown haired lady. "You certainly have the audacity to mind issues that aren't yours!"

Arlene backed away, nervously. She knew that this old lady in front of her was extremely dangerous as she is powerful.

"are you going to answer me?!" Asked Vienna.

"Vienna!" Said Mel. "This is between you and me."

"Hmm, very well." Sighed Vienna. "She doesn't seem much, i wouldn't care for a useless, wasteful, boring little witch girl." On that note, Vienna redirected her focus at Mel and then at Theon.

"Since we all know each other." Said Vienna, completely disregarding Arlene. "Let us focus at the issue at hand."

"There is nothing to discuss!" Shouted Theon. "You killed my mother! You cursed me to suffer and you stole my ability to die! And, i will kill you for that!"

Vienna rolled her eyes and blinked heavily. "Please, that was like a thousand years ago." Vienna sighed, dismissing Theon's remarks.

When Theon was about to charge against Vienna, in an attempt to exact his vengeance, Mel grabbed Theon's shoulder and shook her head as a warning for Theon. This successfully made Theon reconsider his attack and decided to hear what Vienna has to say.

"Wise choice." Vienna gestured towards Mel.

"What is it you want, Vienna?"
Asked Mel

"I want it all." Replied the wicked witch. "Power and eternal life, and for that i need my precious immortal."

"Why didn't you just made yourself immortal?" Asked Theon. "Why me?"

Vienna chuckled her menacing laugh. "...Because, Theon, I'm a sadistic woman, and how on earth can i make you suffer eternally without making you immortal first?"

"You still didn't answer my question!" Shouted Theon. "Why did you not make yourself immortal?"

Vienna sighed. "The immortality spell can only be created once, not twice not thrice and so forth. Believe me, I tried replicating it several times. I guess, it's within the laws of nature, not to let another being be able to beat death, how boring of nature."

Theon smiled mysteriously. "Well, Im certainly finding comfort that you wasted your chance for immortality on me."

"The castor of immortality will be plagued by old age. If i did cast immortality on myself, i would have lived eternally as an old woman, but of course, i could always transfer bodies which would have wasted the one and only immortality spell. Let us say, this was nature's punishment to those who dared create immortality." Answered Vienna. "Luckily, the victims of the said spell weren't affected by nature's wrath, otherwise, you could be standing as an old man right now, Theon."

"What are you talking about?" Asked Theon, frowning.

"When i casted the first and last perfect immortality spell on you, my real body started aging rapidly, which i have anticipated before i made my move. I fixed this problem by abandoning my original aging body and transferred my soul into
another person." answered Vienna. "And who's body is better to possess than the king of Nether Isles, your father."

"You possessed my father?!" Shouted Theon. "YOU VILE SERPENT OF A WITCH!"

"Yes, and it was easy to take over the kingdom after." Vienna smiled. "Then, for three millenia, ive been a parasite to random people, bewitching their minds and ensnaring them with my soul, and that's how I survived for three thousand years. Living of the bodies of people."

"Let's end the chit chat, Vienna!" Shouted Mel.

"My pleasure." Vienna grinned. "Now that we dispensed of that little curiosity, i have a proposal to make."

"What heavens could that be?" Asked Mel.

"In exchange for your freedom from all of my curses, you shall offer me my immortal." Vienna gestured towards Theon. "And If you will not comply, I will destroy all of you." Vienna smiled evilly. "You have until next week before the allignment of the planets to give me what is rightfully mine."

Arlene's eyes furrowed, she held Theon's hand, reassuringly.

"When the time is right, i shall have all of the ingredients to perform even that spell." Vienna's face went serious. "And i shall kill every last being who dares defy me. Have i made myself CLEAR!?"

Mel, Theon and Arlene felt strong winds emanating from Vienna's direction. They were pushed back a little due to the strength of the breeze.

"..and if ever you have the audacity to keep me away from what i want, you won't even know I'm here and you won't suspect a thing as a make you all bleed from the inside out." Vienna raised both of her arms to her side. "Remember that well!"

A strong force pushed the three into the darkness of the forest. Theon closed his eyes and felt the emptiness of the place, but when he opened them again, he felt cold hands holding his. They were back in Axel's living room. The place, again, was a mess.


Author's note: what could be Vienna's plan for Theon? What were her main objectives?

And i assure you, there is more to the story of what Vienna explained about the side effects of immortality. And did you understand the chapter?? :P

I know this chapter is kind of confusing.. hahaha! Sorry... ill make up for it in the next chapter

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