chapter 7: the world has left me

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"Your royal-ness, this is my home." Said Axel. "Please come in."

Theon looked at Axel with suspicion in his eyes. "You said you will escort me to my kingdom?"

"I think you should stay here for a while." Axel said. "You need rest. I will call your umm, guards with my telephone and they will bring you to your umm, palace."

Axel ran towards the nearest phone in the kitchen.

Theon was left with Arlene. Theon, as usual was confused. "Tele-what?"
Theon asked Arlene.

Arlene rolled her eyes. She didn't want any part in his pschological fetishes. "Its a magical speech tranferral object, genius." Arlene joked.

Theon was clearly astonished and amazed by this. He has never seen a 'magic speech tansferral device' before. He watched Axel speaking to this so called 'magic device' that lets people talk to one another. His amazement was evident.

"So, this miraculous device transfers your speech to everyone?' Asked Theon with powerful curiosity. "Could i speak to my father then?"

"It depends.. does your father have a telephone in his house?" Said Arlene impatiently.

"I believe, he has lots of magical things in our kingdom which are used as an arsenal to defend our land." Theon continued. "Perhaps he does."

"Great! What's his number then?" Asked Arlene.

"Is that needed?"

Arlene raised her brow... she cant believe how idiotic he is.

"Well" Theon continued. "He was King Solomon the first. Therefore, I conclude his number is one." Theon gave Arlene a smile.

Arlene dismissed his conclusion and merely shouted at Axel.

"Is it done!!? I cant take more of this!"

"Forgive me, but, am at fault at something?" Asked Theon innocently.

"You're just so DAMN stupid!" Shouted Arlene, her demeanor of control completely broken.

Axel looked at Arlene worriedly. "Why don't you believe me, im telling the truth." Said Axel almost in a panic. "There is a coocoo guy in my house, claiming to be a prince, wearing a stupid purple robe, and has an accent, come over."

"NO ITS NOT A PRANK!!" Shouted Axel.

"A p-p-prank?" Asked Theon. "What is that?"

"It means stupid." Said Arlene sarcastically. She was fed up by Theon's childish--no, toddler-ish questions.

"I see.. but, why did you call me prank, a while ago?" Asked Theon.

"I didn't call you prank, you moron!" Said Arlene.

"Pardon me, but i clearly heard you call me 'stupid'." Said Theon

"Yes, i called you stupid but not 'prank'." Arlene looked at Theon with annoyed eyes.

"I'm merely trying to cope with your culture, miss Arlene. I thought that prank means stupid, aren't they identical then?" Asked Theon with sincere curiosity.

Before Arlene could burst into a fit of rage, Axel approached them and told her: "the cops didn't believe a word i said, but they did promise me that they would come and check it out." Axel said. "They think I'm pranking them."

Before Theon could raise another question, Arlene interrupted him.

"What on earth can we do then?" Arlene was getting paranoid. "I'm not a baby-sitter for the stupids"

Arlene gave a dusgusted look at Theon.
"Are your parents home?" Asked Arlene. "They're adults, they could handle this more efficiently than both of us."

"They went on vacation." Axel sighed. "They'll return on monday."

"What on earth are we gonna do with crazy pants, over here."

Theon looked down with humility. He does not know what is happening or why on earth these odd people are calling him 'stupid' and 'crazy'. He would often distract himself with the modern appliances of Axel's house as the two would argue. The walls were painted white and the ceiling was brown. There was a bright odd shape thing found in the kitchen, which Theon has no name for, all he knew it was the light source of the room. There were closets filled with porcelain plates and silverwares. His curiosity was picqued with the huge black cube thingy that has circular adjustments and four weird circles  on top of it. It was an oven, but Theon has never seen one before.
Slowly, Theon's idea of where he is is forming in his mind--actually, it's more on when he is than of where he is...  he continued to stare at the decorums of this odd place. There was circular object with blades inside it and a long line whose end is somehow stuck on the wall.. connecting the circular object and the wall.. again, he had no name for this object. This was one of the most peculiar places Theon has ever been to. Even with the two strangers present with him, he felt as if the world has left him.

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