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He sighed breath expelled but still on the edge of slumber when arms tugged you to his chest.

"Hi Angel."

🖤Press Play🖤
"Angel Baby"

Pretty Please

You won't regret it
















"Jimin." You felt choked up, three months of tears wanted to fall but you knew that wasn't fair. You'd ended things, you'd not taken his side when he needed you on it the most.

"Hmm?" He opened one eye leaning his head back enough to look at you.

"Just like that you let me in your bed?" What did you expect to hear? That he wanted you here?

"I didn't let you in, but here you are, should I ask you to leave?" Jimin closed his eye again and rested his chin on your head.

"But you didn't change your codes an-,"

"Angel, not now. You can stay but we can't do this tonight. Go to sleep before I make you pass out from exhaustion." His teeth caught the shell of your ear, a tiny tug poking at feelings that wanted rekindled.

His breathy laugh dropped the thought straight between your legs. But instead of following through with his threat you felt his warm lips press to your forehead so you wrapped an arm around his slim waist. You laid your cheek to his chest and relaxed in embrace.

Just like that.


Morning came more quickly than you could have imagined, the bright light from his huge windows streaming across your eyes until you couldn't ignore it anymore. As you stirred, shifting beneath the covers, Jimin woke as well, his hands and arms still trapping your body. Heat prickled everywhere your bodies touched, his smooth muscles against your soft skin.

"Sweetheart." He raised a brow looking down at you. "I think part of me thought last night was a dream." His palm slid beneath your tank top against the bare skin of your belly, it felt comforting. His fingers swirled a pattern against you making your brain foggy.

"Are you disappointed or glad it wasn't?" That lump in your throat came back, but Jimin dipped his head and caught your lips with his own.

"Shh Angel."

The kiss was slow and sensual, one hand cupping your cheek, his tongue teasing against your bottom lip. The hand that had rested against your belly eased upward, his thumb brushing the curved underside of one breast with the barest touch. You shifted wanting more contact, he gave it to you letting his hand cover you completely.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now