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"It's just a sexual thing, you don't need to be worried." Jimin sat up and grabbed the blanket, you both shuffled until you were under it.

"You slept with Yoongi?" You still didn't understand, was he implying it was a BDSM scene where he'd allowed his hyung to cut him?

"Do you want me to say yes or no?" Jimin rolled to his side propping his head up palm against his jaw, elbow balanced on a pillow.

"I want the truth, why would you hurt yourself like this?" You snuggled closer, feeling the intimacy from moments ago fading away. You wanted to pull it back, you didn't want to think it had only been sex creating it.

"Why did you let Hobi and I hurt you during the interrogation scene? Did I ask you about who you slept with when we were apart? Just admit that you're jealous I messed around with Yoongi while we weren't together." Jimin dodged the question expertly but you weren't impressed, or distracted from getting the information you wanted.

"It's not the same, you didn't leave any permanent marks on me. When have I ever been jealous of the guys?" You reached out to touch his tattoo again but he stopped your hand, pressing his palm over it on the bed.

"You're jealous of everyone who even looks at me." Was there a bite of acid in his tone? Exasperation?

"That's not fair, and you're avoiding explaining what I really want to know Jagi." You tried sweetness, wrapping his pet name around your tongue, trying to soothe him.

"Just because this type of play is farther than your limits doesn't mean it's wrong. Everyone decides their own, how violent, how long their expectation of marks lasting, if they are willing to accept scars." His tone was patient, like it always was with you when he explained things, but it was also slightly dismissive.

"Cutting is pretty far and you were hiding it which makes it seem alarming. If you're so confident it's no big deal just tell me about it?" You felt yourself escalating, but out of concern for him. Was playing like that not serious?

"Just because you don't know anything about the BDSM community doesn't mean you get to judge people who do." Jimin was defensively shutting down like he used to do, closing a door that you'd never get behind.

He practically shouted that at you, intending to subdue you, make you feel stupid. Men did that all the time at work, when they couldn't win an argument, just say things loud and condescendingly and hope you backed down. But this felt all wrong, arguing about something that made you scared instead of trying to help you understand. You'd just made up, you'd just realized how badly you wanted to be with him, how differently you wanted this to go. You needed to tap the breaks, slow down before things escalated out of control.

"I'm going to shower then let's eat, maybe we both just need a minute." You gently pulled your hand from beneath his then leaned forward kissing his cheek. Slipping from the bed you disappeared into the bathroom.

You took a moment to breathe, Sujin would tell you to discuss things with less emotion. The more you ramped yours up, the more he shut his off. You didn't even want to be arguing, it should be a discussion.

You expected him to join you in the shower, his warm hands to snake around your waist and pull you against his hard body. You tried to not be offended when he didn't, the only warmth from the water spraying downward. You were both taking a second to calm down, it wasn't personal right?

When you returned to your bedroom wrapped in a towel you caught Jimin placing a note on your pillow. He was fully dressed, and immediately blushed picking it back up. You recognized the blue paper curling through his fingers nervously from the notepad on your desk.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now