Fifty Eight

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"You both need to leave, right now." Eunwoo was standing, no longer pretending to be a gracious host.

The three of you had just sat down in her pristinely clean white living room, nothing out of place except apparently the two of you. You'd just finished explaining what had occurred at the party, but the moment you said Taemin's name to tell her about the jail visit she was done listening.

"Eunwoo, just let us explain." Sujin tried to soothe, joining her on her feet but Eunwoo wasn't having it.

"He's evil, and the fact that I was with him for over two years and never realized it just makes everything that much worse." You could see the humiliation and grief on her face, you'd never seen the good side of him but she had. She'd loved him.

"It's not your fault, narcissistic people are very charming, they fool even people very intimate with them, they've fooled their doctors. You have no reason to take on his shame." Sujin held her hands out, but Eunwoo pushed them away.

"You're not safe. Taemin is helping her because Irene has threatened you." You stood taking her hand and dragging her back to the couch.

"She's in prison Y/N, that's absurd."

"She's in prison and Jimin is unconscious in a hospital bed. Are you next? Do you want to risk it?" You hadn't meant to manipulate her with the drama of the situation but you needed her focused.

"I'll hire security and leave the country." Eunwoo sat at your side but still wasn't listening.

"He's asked that you come see him, then you can choose between his silence that will continue to protect you or you can ask the name of the person who hurt Jimin and he'll tell you." Sujin sat on her other side, hand curled around her arm gently.

"Choose between Jimin and myself? Easy,
I choose myself and I don't need to see Taemin to do it." She shook you both off, her choice exactly as you'd thought.

"It's not that simple. In choosing yourself you're damning Y/N, because it's never been about Jimin at all, he's collateral damage. That champagne was meant for your cousin and Jimin took it. He probably saved her life. When Irene realizes she's broken her favorite toy she's not going to just leave Y/N alone." You almost shivered as Sujin said the words you'd dared not allow yourself to think the last day.

"I'm sorry Y/N-ah but I can't help you. I'm sure you're familiar with the words no means no, and that coercion isn't consent. Both of you need to leave." Eunwoo stood backing away from the couch her arms crossed tightly beneath her chest.

When you tried to meet her eyes she snapped her head away, and even though you wanted to be angry you couldn't. You knew what it felt like to be afraid, to be scared of every shadow, to wake in a cold sweat. You imagined she'd been living in her own hell dealing with the reality that her fiancé not only was a liar but an attempted murderer as well. Could you really expect her to put that fear aside and face him?

You both left quietly, Sujin hugging your side, the elevator ride tense. You had no idea what there was left to do, the police treating the situation like some sesaeng and not anything to do with Irene.

"We'll think of something else, you're right, she was never going to help us. She lives in her colorless palace and has the luxury of pretending she's untouchable. As long as that fantasy is intact she won't do anything outside of her comfort zone." Sujin tugged you into the backseat of the car, quietly directing the driver back to the hospital.

"I don't want any harm to come to her." You mumbled the words, meaning them but not as enthusiastically as you should.

"Taemin, despite his sociopathic tendencies seems to be pretty hell bent on protecting her. At what point he throws her to the wolves I'm not sure but she has that buffer for now."

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