Twenty Three

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🖤Press Play🖤
"Colourway" by Novo Amor







"I'll be locked in your heaven always."

"Oh what a way to be living with all of your pain"







You were sitting on the couch, still in sweats, hair a tousled mess around your head. You'd not gone into the office all week, instead choosing to continue to work from home. Knowing you'd be in so many meetings next week you needed to work on masking your emotions. You'd not made any attempt to get ready for Chan and his friend to arrive even though time was closing quickly.

"You said thirty minutes ago you were getting in the shower!" Aiyun came down the hall her slippers slapping loudly against the floor. You jumped in surprise and dropped your phone into your lap guiltily.

"I'll go now." But when you moved to stand she put a hand on your shoulder, fingers clawing you.

"What were you doing?" She raised a brow and you blushed looking away.

"Just scrolling Insta, why?"

"Bullshit. Show me."

You winced and handed over your phone, she unlocked it to a popular talk show's YouTube video. BTS was being interviewed by the host all seven of the guys smiling and handsome. You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes, deciding to be petulant now that you were caught.

"Why can't you just leave it alone? Why torture yourself staring at him nonstop?" Aiyun rolled her eyes putting the phone back into your palm with a slap that stung. "You finally changed your phone lock screen but this feels like backsliding."

"I just wanted to see how he looked. It's their first interview since he dumped me." You tried to backpedal, justify why you were stalking Jimin.

"Did you think he was going to drop to the floor and wistfully look into the camera while he begs you to forgive him? Sincere tears down his cheeks while he says he made an awful mistake? This isn't a television drama, he's going to look exactly like he always does, and if he hits the floor it's because he doesn't know how to sit in a chair." She threw her hands up exasperated with you. Aiyun seemed to prefer the angry ready for a fling version of you over moping.

Even though that should have made you laugh you didn't. Jimin did look different, but you couldn't tell if it was good or bad. You glanced at the screen, admiring the slice of collarbone the open neck of his shirt showed. You tapped the play button, he was talking so animatedly, he must be feeling confident about his choice.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now