Forty Six ♡

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You swallowed hard, it was like everything else in the room was white noise. You could ignore it but it was still there, surrounding you as you were watching Jimin with Felix. You wondered if that's how Jimin looked when he played with you?

"How many times did you fuck my girl?" Jimin barked the question at Felix so sharply you saw him flinch away.

"Is this an interrogation?" You whispered to Hobi, his fingers curled around your breasts his kisses against your neck.

Speaking to him returned you to your body and you stifled a moan at his touch. You hadn't realized how entranced you'd become watching them, you felt guilty for being so out of touch with Hobi.

"No this is a punishment scene, Jimin isn't trying to trigger any sort of real information. He's gathering facts about the misdeed and using it as fuel to punish Felix." Hobi chuckled as if he knew you'd become distracted his hands lowering to your waist.

"I'm not sure, a lot, Sir." Your cheeks heated at Felix's response, Jimin glanced at you but you couldn't read his reaction.

You watched as he used the paddle several times on Felix's ass, each hit seemed harder than the last, you thought you'd counted ten. Felix's eyes were squeezed shut tightly but something about the slackness of his mouth let you know he was enjoying each delicious strike, no matter how much it hurt.

"He's mad." You pressed the back of your head against Hobi's shoulder, worried suddenly.

"I think he's actually okay, trust him babe." You gasped meeting Jimin's eyes again when Hobi's fingers stroked down your panties.

"I wasn't gone very long, what do you mean a lot?" You watched as Jimin held the paddle at Felix's hip, his tone threatening the idol to clarify and quickly.


Jimin didn't care how many times Felix had slept with you, a wicked smile curled on his lips watching him struggle to count them in his head silently the pain from the last hits radiating. He lowered the paddle from his side to his ass, dragging the loop over the still reddened skin.

"Five? Ten? Fifteen?" He growled the numbers with emphasis like they actually mattered, but really he was searching the crowd, taking inventory of Shinwon's actions.

"Maybe fifteen Sir? A few times a week for over a month?" Felix whimpered when Jimin slapped the paddle against the back of his thigh, it was a warning.

"How many times, pick a number." Jimin struck his thigh again while using his other hand to caress Felix's back, fingers tracking down his spine.

"Eighteen, Sir." Felix squeezed his eyes shut knowing what number he'd actually picked.

Jimin used the paddle on Felix's ass, most of his strength heating each strike, he didn't wait for Felix to count, instead did it himself. Felix's cries dragged the entire room's eyes to the spectacle giving Jimin the chance to memorize the face of Shinwon's nameless sub. He made eye contact with Joon until he nodded slightly, understanding what Jimin wanted.

"That wasn't so hard was it pet?" Jimin dropped the leather paddle to his side Felix a whimpering mess, his legs barely holding him up. For a second Jimin felt sorry for him, but remembered the goal and made sure his face didn't show it.

"No Sir." Felix's miserable response made a grin cross Jimin's face. His hands had already started rubbing the heat from Felix's firm ass, the tension in the muscles relaxing.

"Let's show them the damage." Jimin spun Felix's until he faced the wall, his ass on display for the crowd, pleased smiles crossed the dominant's faces, winces the subs to see the bright red skin, purple bruising at the edges.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now