Thirty Eight ♡

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At this apartment Jimin pressed his hand to your waist squeezing gently then pulled away to set the alarm, something you'd never seen him do. He looked back at you, the lustful look from the car gone. You were filled with apprehension and worry, had he come to his senses?

"Can you wait in my bedroom?" He said it quietly in a way that made you hesitant to agree.

"Is Saeron here?"

"No, Angel I just need a minute." His fingers curled around your neck and pulled you in for a kiss.

You felt like you were melting, you'd missed his kisses so much, and in the car you'd had just a brush of your lips. When you felt his tongue tracing your lower lip you knew you were losing all reason. You'd do anything for this man, agree to anything he asked. You were incapable of separating your heart from you head when Jimin was involved.

"Okay, yes, don't be too long." You whispered when he pulled back, your hands lingering at his back. You slipped from your heels then kissed his cheek before turning away. Had he kissed you to distract you?

You made your way down the familiar hall, the decor unchanged, the same artwork gracing the gray paint. You distracted yourself by making a mental list of the things you'd need if you were indeed staying here until the nine of you could unravel Irene's plan. Would Jimin let you go back to Aiyun's or would you have to ask her to send them here?

The door to the playroom was open, you glanced inside and it looked like it always had. You wondered if Saeron had moved on to someone else, nothing inside looked like it belonged to her. You wished you could have apologized for how you'd treated her. She'd come through for you in Jimin's moment of weakness and the thought crossed your mind you'd not been entirely fair to her wanting her to just disappear.

You entered Jimin's bedroom slowly, pushing the door open inch by inch. The smell of his cologne and his essence hit you. The light from the waning sunset was filtering through the towering windows. Would you ever live here for real? Voluntarily because your relationship was in a good place finally? You shook your head, why had you even thought that?

You sat on his bed hands brushing across the cool surface of the cover and glanced at the closet where you knew his safe was under the endless clothes racks. How had she known how to break into it? Surely Jimin wouldn't have kept a code she could guess. But Irene had bugged his apartment, had he told the code to someone else?

You'd thought she was punishing him for what happened to her sister, but it seemed she was just evil. Her actions were just for her own amusement, to control people, and she'd done that to him for ten years.

You shook your head, if sex got his mind off her, you'd have as much sex as he wanted. That thought made you laugh as you started unbuttoning your shirt. As if sex with Park Jimin were taking one for the team, poor you right?

You pulled your shirt off tossing it on a plush velvet chair by his dresser. Your pants joined it before you returned to his bed. You felt lucky you'd matched your lingerie this morning, dark blue silk bra and panties.

You relaxed backward on your elbows, pulling your legs under you deciding if it made you look sexy. It felt awkward so you moved to your belly, ankles lifted and crossed, it pushed your breasts front and center. That didn't feel right either and you rolled to your side, propping your head on your hand, bending one knee forward.

Groaning you flopped to your back, why were you being so weird? You'd never felt the need to pose for him before. Jimin knew exactly what you looked like just like you knew every curve of his body.

"If you're going for exhausted lingerie model, you're really nailing it." Jimin's voice teased from the door, your head snapping in his direction where he leaned against the frame, your cheeks turning pink.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now