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When Chan started to respond then shut his mouth suddenly you knew Jimin was standing behind you. You watched his eyes gaze over your shoulder, his brow furrowing. You felt Jimin's hand against your waist and you wanted to pull away.

"Y/N let's talk for a minute?" His voice was even and gentle, his grip less so.

"You won't mind if Aiyun joins us?" Your best friend was already standing, ready to play her part without fail.

"Fine, I'll bring Saeron, it will be a party." His voice full of sarcasm he tugged you gently away from the group, Aiyun and Saeron followed. He stopped when you had entered the quiet hallway.

"Why are you acting like this?" Jimin angled your body away from the two women, pressing against your side.

You didn't answer, the smell of his orange blossom cologne was making you lose concentration. It could have also been his warm hand against the side of your neck, turning your eyes to meet his own.

"You weren't acting like this when we talked the last two days. Why wouldn't you let me kiss you?" His eyes held a hint of desperation, confusion. It was probably fair for him to be confused, your whole demeanor changed the moment you saw her wearing his collar.

"We're friends, and friends don't kiss." You tried to push your hands between your bodies, get distance but he was too close.

"You're never going to only be my friend, I'm trying to take this slow and give you time to adjust but you're tearing me apart Angel. All over again." He stepped back, suddenly giving you more space than you wanted.

"Then run back to your sub."

You couldn't see behind you but you watched Jimin look at someone and shake his head.

"Sae." His voice was crisp and he looked back to you.

"She clearly needs your attention." When you turned he grabbed your wrist, fingers delicate against you as he turned you back.

"I need your attention."


"Please sweetheart, just five minutes, just the two of us, you're breaking my heart." Jimin whispered the last part, pressing your palm to his chest.

You turned to look at Aiyun, she'd shut his request down, this was exactly why you'd brought her along. No private conversations, no being alone with him.

Saeron was kneeling on the floor, eyes lowered, but Aiyun was still standing there, eyes narrowed. Good! She was going to tell him off and you'd both leave.

"I'm going back to the party to talk to Chan, fill me in when you get back." You were stunned, what was she saying?


"Sorry Y/N, I'm taking his side this time, you need to talk this out." You walked over to her dragging her further down the hallway, the voices from the party growing louder.

"I can't be alone with him, you know that! I'll just do whatever he wants."

"Maybe you should, you're safe with him, or I wouldn't leave your side." She patted your head softly and winked then all you saw was her back as she rushed to reclaim her seat next to her bias.

"I'm not going to ravage you in Jin's bedroom, Angel please." Jimin held out his hand and you reluctantly took it, trying not to react to him talking about ravaging you.

"Saeron go back to Tae." He didn't even look at her as he said it, he'd already opened a door with a red X in tape on it and pulled you in behind him.

"I'm pretty sure that means he doesn't want us in here." You mumbled the words, intently focused on his hand in yours.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now