Thirty Two

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"You're a monstrous person. You abused him!" You couldn't contain your emotions, but you were able to keep your voice steady to not alert the guards.

"It wasn't always like that, there were plenty of moments that I was good to him, nothing is completely one way. When he was having a hard day, I was there for him, when he needed reassurance that he was meant to be a part of BTS, I gave him that. I bought him all the things he couldn't afford himself." You shook your head while she was talking, she didn't do those things for his sake.

"You love bombed him, in his lowest moments you gave him all the attention and love that you should have given him all along. You withheld that from him until it was going to be useful to you." You felt chilled, it made so much sense why Jimin shut down then sprang back with grand gestures of desire and commitment.

Irene shrugged, not denying or confirming your suspicions. This beautiful woman was proof that evil existed in the world, and at the most vulnerable moments when Jimin should have been learning how to trust people and care for others he'd encountered her.

"Want to hear something absolutely hilarious?" Irene twisted a lock around her finger, and you furrowed your brow, none of this was funny at all. You suspected whatever she planned to say next was calculated to be shocking and disgusting.

"Jimin still hasn't told you everything about Jji. Even after everything, such a large piece of the puzzle is missing. Well two very large pieces of the puzzle." Your head was pounding, blood restricted somewhere in your brain from all the tension this narcissistic bitch was creating.

"Are you going to tell me?" You floundered to grab back control, but she was definitely winning in this power struggle.

"You figured out why Jimin always came back, that was very astute of you. Well Jjille was no different, when she returned from college I had huge plans for her. Tiny sweet naive Jjille was going to make the perfect sub, and I was going to get so much attention passing her around." You wanted to gag, tears were creeping beneath your lashes, how much more could she have done?

"You were going to subject your sister to sexual slavery? You already said consent has wiggle room, so I'm guessing you didn't really care what she wanted?" You voice cracked with the first tear rolling down your cheek, monster wasn't even the right word for Irene.

"She had no money, my father's new wife wasn't going to allow him to support her, she didn't have the protection of my father's name. Jji was a social reject, what option did she have but to take her big sister's advice? The issue was Jimin didn't like it at all, he thought I'd gone too far. By that point he knew his power, had the support of BTS and a lot of other allies, my pull with him was weakening, never gone though."

"They fell in love, you told me that already."

"That's cute, but not accurate. They told me they'd fallen in love in the hope that I'd let them be together so he could protect her. Jimin was in love with Tae, but I indulged them. I knew it was just a matter of time before they couldn't keep up the act and I could do what I wanted with her. Unfortunately Jimin has this way with women, and Jji fell in love, deeply. She'd do anything he wanted, was the perfect sub just like I'd predicted. He tried very hard to convince himself the feelings were mutual, but he couldn't stay away from Tae, because that's where his heart resided. Jimin went as far as to agree to marry her to keep me away."

"So that night when he was with Tae you used it as an opportunity to break them apart?" You closed your eyes for a second, Jimin refusing to talk about Jji was because of guilt far beyond her dying. It was that he'd not been able to properly take care of her alive either.

"You said as much at the restaurant that day, of course I denied that I instigated their argument but you really nailed it little mouse." Irene grinned, uncrossing and crossing her legs in the other direction. Even the way she moved her body was robotic, she wasn't a psychopath she was an ice cold sociopath, not a single feeling in her whole body that wasn't for herself.

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