Forty Five ♡

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Hobi pulled you toward a seat that Yoongi had saved for the two of you, his face twitching a bit noticing Yuna on the other side, fingers tipped in bright pink nails clinging to his arm. You traced your finger along his jaw to distract him, but the jealousy he'd accused you of moments ago blossomed on his features, and not the same type as yours.

The room was mostly quiet, a broody classical music playing in the background, subtle and soft. People were intensely watching Jimin and Felix but some conversations were still happening across the wide expanse of rooms, filled with sofas and chairs. Gorgeous people were everywhere it seemed but the music diluted the noise making the rooms feel intimate, despite holding so many. You'd tried to meet Aiyun's eyes but hadn't found her quickly enough, you just hoped she'd be safe.

Hobi sat and you returned to his lap, his hands dragging you closer to his body. There was something comforting about him, but also unpredictable, that made you feel excited. His lips brushed against the nape of your neck, a feathery touch that prickled into your tummy.

Jimin was kissing Felix again too, his full lips teasing against his earlobe. You could tell he whispered something because Felix's whole body stiffened, it looked like anxiety to you.

"Jimin wouldn't go too far would he?" Frissons of apprehension curled into you, replacing the warmth Hobi had induced. You didn't really think in most circumstances Jimin would, but this was supposed to look convincingly like Jimin really was angry with Felix.

"Never." Hobi whispered back. "You've never seen Jimin give a scene, only experienced it. He's very good, why do you think so many people came. He's not done this si-," the barely audible words melted away.


"Yeah but the last person he did this with wasn't her." Hobi squeezed your knee, it was so brotherly it almost felt weird that you were sitting on his lap.

"Who was it?" You watched Jimin's hands against Felix's chest, palms massaging the muscles. From this angle you could see a wide swath of Jimin's chest his black dress shirt mostly unbuttoned.

"Taehyungie. He's never publicly done a scene since, I know you're going to say he did the interrogation but we both know he was just there for support. I controlled that scene." Hobi's body leaned into you, nothing friendly about it, his teeth biting against the curve of your neck.


Jimin turned to face Felix, swallowing down his emotions, his back to the audience to shield himself. He'd just told Felix how badly he wanted to see him fuck you, trying to bait him into agreeing. Did he really want that? Maybe.

The thought of you desperate for him after having sex with Felix was appealing. That's what it always boiled down to, seeing the immense pleasure his friends gave you but knowing all you really wanted was him.

Felix has been so shocked he hadn't fallen into the trap, leaving Jimin a bit disappointed. He slid to the side of his body and wrapped his fingers around Felix's throat jerking him to the side. He was careful to press the base of his hand to Felix's collarbone and not put force on his Adam's apple.

"Look at her, are you jealous Hobi is touching her?" Jimin followed Felix's gaze to where you sat, Hobi's fingers unbuttoning the front of your dress. His tone was loud now, no more whispering, he was initiating the roleplay, the audience privy to the conversation.

"No, Sir." Felix tried to say it with force his deep voice vibrating on the syllables but Jimin's fingers caught his chin and wrenched his face upward.

"Liar." Jimin pressed a soft kiss against the younger's lips, it stirred through him and he pulled back.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now