Thirty Four

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"Demons" by Jacob Lee







"I thought my demons were almost defeated but you took their side and you pulled them to freedom"

"Deep in my structure I feel a rupture, from where she used to be"







Jimin had gotten the call a week after he'd returned. Show up tomorrow morning, don't say no. His stomach burned with acid, she was asking too much. The risk was already unreasonable going under normal circumstances, but after the Chloe scandal he could sincerely tank his career. He was risking all of their careers, it would stain their reputations even if he was the only one to leave.

He started to text Joon, but then dropped the phone back to the table. Everything had been nearly perfect the last seven days. You'd shown up without anger and spent an evening together as friends and it hadn't felt forced. You continued to text each other at least twice a day, casually check ins like you were actually friends the whole week.

Forget the fact that every time you breathed that night he wanted to kiss you. Jimin wasn't sure he could be your friend, if he even wanted to be that. He'd noticed you still wore his ring, wondered if you noticed he wore yours. You could fuck Felix and Kookie as much as you liked but you belonged to him.

He stood and paced to the kitchen, he had to stop lying to himself, he couldn't be with you no matter the situation. Why wouldn't you just forget about him? Or maybe he wouldn't let you? The issue was Jimin had no intention of telling you to fuck off again. As soon as the words were out of his mouth suggesting you come back sometime he knew he was falling in deep. He returned to his phone and looked at it before tapping the screen to life.

PJ: I need tomorrow morning off, I know timing is terrible but I need to see the dentist about my invisialign I cracked it in Vegas

KN: Are you really just going to see Y/N?

Joon was close to the truth just picked the wrong girl. It would have been easier to let him think that but Joon would eventually find out he hadn't seen you.

PJ: No and we're not getting back together so tell Kookie not to worry

KN: Kind of fucked up to think he'd try to steal her away

PJ: Bad joke I'm sorry

KN: Even bad jokes come from somewhere, maybe you should ask yourself why you felt the need to say it at all

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now