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You opened the last box, staring at the contents numbly. Each item you'd placed in its new home in your room at Aiyun's left you feeling empty the last week. Probably why it had taken you so long to finish.

Why hadn't he stopped you? Why hadn't you stopped yourself?

You picked up your phone deciding to change the background but stopped and stared at his picture for a long time.

You picked up your phone deciding to change the background but stopped and stared at his picture for a long time

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You could remember the very moment it been captured, as fresh as if it was days not months ago. You'd been sitting on the floor of your closet folding and putting away clothes when he'd slid down the wall across from you. Jimin had made silly faces and aeygo until you finally took his picture and abandoned your task to kiss him.

He was adorable like that so much of the time, normal, sweet. Always wanting your attention, giving you all of his like you were the only girl in the world. Your heart truly ached missing him, and hadn't you'd been so close to getting him back?

Why had you brought up that girl? You unlocked the screen and opened a new message, you'd deleted the old conversation a while ago. It had held the remnants of Irene and it was too upsetting to see.

YN: Jimin?

You honestly didn't know if he'd changed his number or not. You didn't expect an answer so why had you just done that? You didn't even know what you wanted to say. When the screen remained blank you finally stood and got to work on your final box.

You'd brought up the girl because Jimin belonged to her now, you couldn't just pretend it wasn't true.


"Y/N just text me." Jimin held his phone out to Sae, his heart beating so hard in his chest he could barely breathe. They had been watching a movie, a quiet evening at home.

After you'd left a week ago he hadn't had the courage to go back to Joonie and tell him he'd fucked up. Since Saeron had chastised him for how he'd treated you, he'd gone to her. She'd told him how dumb he was, allowing you to walk away. Jimin didn't want to hear it, he let you go because that's what you wanted.

"You're an idiot, she left because you didn't ask her to stay." His heart had ached with how much he wished he could redo those last moments.

The smell of your hair, your skin, he wanted to wrap himself in it, when he'd had to let go and watch you let the movers in it felt like a light went out.

Since then Sae had been less of his submissive and more of a friend. He rarely kept her in submission, only using short time frames to teach her stronger non-sexual behaviors. They had agreed to end the dynamic once he felt she'd improved and he found a safe and suitable dominant for her.

"What do I say? Should I respond at all?" Jimin's hands shook until Sae lifted the phone away glancing at the screen.

"Can I?" She wiggled the cell at him raising a brow.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now