Forty Nine

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Jimin stood from his seat on the couch and crossed to you, sitting at your side. He brushed your cheek with the back of his fingers and kissed you. For the first second you wanted to pull away, let him go back to kissing Sujin if he liked her so much roaring through your ears, but you got swept up in it anyway.

His hands dropped to your waist, pulling you from Joon's lap and across his thighs. Your hands steadied yourself against his shoulders as his tongue tasted you, a tease along your lip, tracing against your teeth, drawing you in.

You felt drunk, the wine gone to your head, but you knew it wasn't the drink, it was him. Jimin's hand cradled your head, dragged you nearer. You settled against his lap feeling his hips tilt upward, your hands raking into his hair. He made you feel needy and for a second you forgot everything else, all the complicated emotions that had been building up all evening.

"I adore you Angel. I want a whole life with you." He whispered as your lips parted, your eyes barely yet opened again.

"But?" His words brought back why you were sitting in Joon's apartment, made you realize you couldn't escape where this was headed.

"There's no caveat to that statement. The question is only if the timing is right. If you intend to lock me away, not give me the same freedoms you enjoy then it's not." His thumb caught a tear that streaked down your cheek, you'd not even noticed it escape.

"I don't know what to say." You did want to lock him away, keep him for yourself but you didn't want to lose him.

"How did you feel about me when you were playing with Hobi last night?" His fingers curled into your hair, his eyes taking in your reaction.

"I was really turned on by what you and Felix were doing." You could feel your cheeks getting red, this was a conversation you wanted to have alone, not on display.

"Sure, but I mean when Hobi was touching you, were you thinking about being with him? Did you forget your feelings for me?"

You knew where he was taking this, the path he was drawing you down and you wanted to dig in your heels and not follow. He must have sensed your stubbornness because he kissed the corner of your mouth before smirking.

"Say out loud Y/N why what he's paralleling is not the same." This from Sujin, her tone sounding perfectly reasonable like she knew what you were thinking.

"I know that sex with Hobi or anyone else doesn't change how I feel about you. I am in control of my own feelings." You said it slowly, leaving the second half of your thoughts silent.

"But you can't control Jimin's feelings and if he sleeps with someone else he might catch feelings." To your surprise Joon finished it for you, not Sujin who you would have expected.

"Possession isn't love." Jimin stroked a thumb against the side of your neck. "Having me all to yourself doesn't equal a successful relationship. Basing how well we're doing on that alone is an empty metric."

"What if you're playing with Hobi's new girlfriend and you fall for her?" You tossed out the scenario cheekily, remembering how he'd not attended the parties when Hobi had dated that girl Kai introduced him to last year.

"What if I'm faithful to you and see a gorgeous guy while I'm getting coffee and fall in love with him? Why does falling for someone or falling out of love with someone have to be tied to sex?" Jimin raised a brow and you realized anyone could try to take him away. You'd discounted all his interactions with men and maybe you shouldn't.

"Did I fall in love with you when we had sex at your apartment? Did Yoongi? Tae? Anyone?" Joon's hand pressed against your back again.

"No, I don't think so." You glanced at his face, his immediate smile, dimples and all made you want to bury your face against his shoulder.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now