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You saw Jimin's text come in and you rolled your eyes. It had been eleven days and he still hadn't gotten Saeron out of his apartment. You wanted to be patient and understanding with him, but you couldn't. His inability to cut things off with Tae had ruined his relationship with Jjille, and he was repeating the same behavior now.

Why did she bother you so much? You trusted that he wouldn't sleep with her. If you didn't then you wouldn't be waiting around for him to conclude their dynamic. If you thought they were sleeping together you would have blocked him. You needed to clear your head, get an outside opinion.

You opened the door to the beautiful building and entered the lobby. You quickly found the office you were looking for on a board and made your way there a little nervously. When you entered lush green plants were in every corner, and it reminded you of Namjoon's apartment.

"I have a three o'clock appointment with Jung Sujin." You told the receptionist, an older woman with kind eyes. She got you checked in, and before you could even sit the door opened and Sujin waved.

"Come in! I'd been hoping for months you would reach out." She hugged you warmly and you entered her office.

It was sparsely but fashionably decorated with taupe and oatmeal upholstered plush furniture. The plants from the reception area carried into the space, long climbing plants weaving down book shelves and stout potted flowering cactuses along a wall. She motioned to a couch and sat as she arranged herself in a chair across from you. Her long bare legs crossed at the knee, her pale blue skirt high up thighs. Why had you noticed that?

"How have you been?" Sujin's face was serious, and you knew she didn't mean recently. It snapped you out of staring at the gorgeous woman.

"Getting better but it's not easy to just forget what happened. I see a therapist for that, but I don't think I can share everything else with them." She nodded sympathetically.

"There could be some overlap, are you okay if I need to ask questions about what happened that day or leading up to it?" You nodded in response, you almost expected her to ask you to verbalize.

"I came here because I need to understand more about the lifestyle."

"Why don't you catch me up?" Sujin tilted her head, and although you had the sense she probably already knew a lot of it you told her about everything from crawling into Jimin's bed to your current situation.

"That's a lot Y/N. Can I ask what you'd hoped to accomplish reconnecting with Jimin?" Her tone was pointed, and you didn't want to give her a trite or bullshit answer. You swallowed hard and tried to form your feelings into words.

"I wanted to see him, he's never left my mind. I broke up with him because I blamed the lifestyle on almost killing me." Your throat felt thick as if you would cry but you held them back.

"But you do understand that Irene and Taemin were to blame? Not a whole community of people who have differing understandings of what fidelity and sexuality mean?" Straight to the point again, your weekly therapist never did that. She always coddled you into finding the truth.

"In my head I get that, but irrationally I'm not sure I believe it." Your heart pounded, what if Saeron was capable of violence like Irene?

"Are you saying if Irene had been an ex girlfriend and not an ex dominant she wouldn't have done those things?" Sujin raised a brow and held your eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Could she only be evil because she was into BDSM? She would have been sane if she wasn't? Do you believe that?" Sujin frowned and leaned forward in her seat watching you.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now