Thirty Seven

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Everyone was quiet a long time, the gravity of the situation settling into the space was loud enough without conversation. Sujin stood and returned to her seat next to Joon and you held Jimin's hand in your own. You realized you'd never heard anyone mention their names when it came to the BDSM parties. You'd not thought it was odd, lots of names hadn't been mentioned, but now it made sense.

"That would end Black Pink." Kookie said it finally, and heads nodded. "It would destroy their careers and their lives."

"Who's still doing her dirty work for her?" Jin tilted the bottle of wine back and drank straight from it, his face tense.

"I don't know, do you know how many times I've asked myself that?" Jimin dropped his face to his hands and you hugged him against your body again.

"I think we start with assuming it wasn't Irene that's hidden it. She has no friends in the industry and her family suffered too much humiliation to cover for her. I think Taemin asked someone to keep it and they don't even know what it is they have." Joon said it slowly as if the idea was still forming in his head.

"That makes a lot of sense, most people cut him off immediately but there could be a few girls that are fucked enough in the head to do it for him." Sujin's face was full of disgust clearly thinking about how messed up someone would be to support him after everything. "The fact that he's gorgeous will outweigh everything else to someone mentally unstable."

"They don't know they were recorded." Jimin lifted his head and everyone sighed, that changed things.

"I don't think we tell them right now, unless you think Irene is mad enough to do something soon?" Hobi looked worried, his features pinched and brow furrowed.

"I could appease her, but I don't know that I have the strength to do what it will take." Jimin stood, back to the pacing he'd done in your office earlier.

"I don't think he should have to play her game anymore, the things he's already endured from her are enough." You stood and grabbed his hand bringing him back to the couch. "She's more than just a monster and I don't like the idea of him suffering more of her abuse." You said it firmly, glancing at all of them. They could not ask him to be further traumatized by that bitch, you wouldn't allow it.

"I agree with Y/N, it's enough, Jiminie needs to heal from her." Yoongi met your eyes and you knew you found a partner in protecting Jimin.

"Then what do you do next?" Tae leaned against Kookie and everyone was quiet for a while.

"I'll ask Kihyun to go see Taemin. See if he can subtly find out if he knows anything about Irene blackmailing Jiminie. They were almost as close as Irene and Taemin, he was devastated when he found out what happened." Yoongi sighed, he clearly didn't like his plan but no one seemed to have any other.

"Don't you think that could set off the chain reaction and cause Irene to reveal the videos?" Jin set the wine bottle down heavily against the table making everyone jump.

"How's it going to get back to her?" Kookie looked confused but then his face changed. "We don't know he's the detonator."

"I think it's possible he is, Joon's right, Irene was always complaining that no one took her side. That only Taemin stuck by her never once giving her up to save himself." Jimin spoke up quietly.

"Was he ever innocent? Did she force him into this too?" You needed to know, but something told you he wasn't. The ugly way he'd been so excited to end your life, you believed he enjoyed his role.

"I wanted to believe he had good in him, but when I found out he'd taken my car, knowing Irene couldn't have pulled everything off without him, I knew he was never innocent. He would go as far as killing someone for her, and not to protect her, to please her. He's wicked all the way through." Jimin shook his head, probably imagining how he'd not seen it.

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