Fifty Three ♡

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"I didn't expect you back today." Hobi leaned across his kitchen table and handed you the glass of wine he'd poured, it's red liquid catching the light.

"Why?" You'd started unboxing the food you'd picked up, setting them between you. "Are you trying to kick me out?"

He laughed shaking his head and spooned rice into bowls for you both. While you'd not had many dinners together since you moved in, Jimin stealing you away most nights, long meaningful conversations were typical of your interaction.

Living with Hobi was easy, he was always making sure you were comfortable, stocking your favorite drinks and snacks in his kitchen. Your bedroom was comfortable, and his apartment always tidy. You never felt awkward or like you didn't belong in his space.

"The two of you got back together last night. You're not celebrating tonight?" Hobi's intelligent eyes caught yours, what was he looking for?

"We did, but we don't want into rush things. He had plans with Yoongi already and I wouldn't let him cancel." You smiled, hoping Hobi wouldn't grill you further.

"Plans like 'plans' or plans like 'plans'?" He drew out the sound of the syllables on the final word, wiggling his brows suggestively.

"I didn't ask."

"And if it's those kind of plans?"

"Then he's entitled to fuck anyone in BTS he wants, it's the agreement. Just like I can and have in the past." You flushed immediately saying the last sentence, remembering Hobi was in BTS. If he thought something about that statement he didn't react.

"And the thought of the two of them in bed together doesn't make you jealous?" He watched you while he blew on the steaming noodles he'd lifted to his mouth.

"Jealous I'm not there, but not angry I'm not there, I would give anything to see him actually mess around with one of you." You tried to act casually, poking your chopsticks into the container of squid.

"If Hanuel was joining?" You caught his eye, a ripple of something making you jealous in a different way but you knew it was normal. You just needed to process the feeling, not let it control you.

"Then I hope they have fun and he tells me about it when he gets home. BTS partners are on the table." Saying the words actually did a lot to calm you, remind you of the safety of your commitment and newly established boundaries.

"I doubt she's there, I even doubt they're messing around. I'm pretty sure they're working on a song." Hobi finally let you off the hook with a smile.

"Testing me?"

"A little," Hobi shrugged, "I'm not sure the two of you could survive another big argument, and I say that as someone who cares about you both a great deal. Keep moving forward, you've both faced a lot and have made progress."

You wanted to return the favor and ask him all your questions on the SOPE situation, but found you couldn't. While Hobi had the warmth of a teddy bear, you also knew he could turn that off easily.

"Can I give you just a little more advice?" He slid the carton of chicken to you that you'd been reaching toward. You nodded pulling a piece onto your plate.

"Yeah." You smiled, and he leaned forward squeezing your wrist looking serious.

"You have to love Jimin a little harder than you think. He needs you to give him more patience, have more faith in him, and stop leading with anger. If you can't be the one to do that let him go. He got enough conditional love from Irene and Jji. I'm not saying you have to accept bad behavior but you need to really think about what is bad behavior and what is you being defensive."

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